This is the product of my fertile thoughts. I am recreating them here and am sharing them with you, dear bloggers, for whatever benefits, if any, you could derive from them. I wish you could be more open and share with me your comments and suggestions so that I can improve on my blog. Thank you, God bless and have a nice day. Mel Avila Alarilla
Have you stand in a bowling alley, holding a bowling bowl in your hand and the thought raced across your mind that, "what if my ball goes to the gutter?" I tell you, 9 out of 10, it surely will. Why? Because negative thoughts of doubt and fear are a powerful mindset that throws our natural abilities to disarray. Or when you are having a game of table tennis with a friend and you suddenly realized that your opponent was better than you and that you have never beaten him before. Chances are, you will lose that game as you always did before.
Doubt and fear are the twin nemesis of faith and belief in one's ability to triumph. Many a battle were won not by superior military strength but by the sheer genius and persistence of the commander of the victorious army. Many a forlorn and lovesick bachelors could have won the hearts of their fair maidens if only they had the guts to tell what were in their hearts. Alas, doubt and fear got the better of them and they lost even before the real battle began. Many languishing souls at the bottom of the career ladder of success were there not because they were incompetent or lacking in innate abilities but because they were lacking in guts and self confidence. Look at the movie stars and the sports heroes. They gleam with extreme self confidence and they communicate this to their adoring fans and audiences. Next time that you stand in the bowling alley with a bowling ball in your hand, close your eyes, then visualize in your mind's eyes that you have a strike. Then open your eyes and focus on the kingpin, take a deep breath, then release the ball. Chances are, you will get your strike. Life is like that. The world applauds the winner and ignores the loser.
Tags: Doubt and fear, Nemesis of Success, Self Confidence, Belief in Oneself
Are you moody? If you are, you must do something about it. The hardest person to deal with is a moody person, especially one who has violent mood swings. It is hard to be with a person who is happy one minute and in the next moment would be as grumpy as a mean bear roused from its slumber. Bad moods are triggered by hormonal imbalances in one's body, especially with women. Or it can be an accumulation of stresses that continue to build up in one's system. Whatever the cause is, it can be remedied before we lose all our friends and even our loved ones.
Here are some tips to overcome bad moods:
1. Understand the language of your body. If you are a woman, you may be having a severe PMS or premenstrual syndrome. Avoid people contact during this period and explain to people why you are in such a mood. You can seek professional help from a reputable gynecologist.
2. Think happy thoughts. Listen to your favorite music. Indulge in your favorite pastime or hobby .
3. Take a nature trip or see the blockbuster movie at the theater with your beloved. Not only will you correct your bad mood, you will also have an intimate bonding with your beloved.
4. Play with your kids. When was the last time you did that? Did it not leave you happy and refreshed?
5. And most importantly, meditate on the word of God and focus on God's unfathomable love for you. His goodness and peace will rub on you. Remain in God's peace always and kick that bad mood away. Anybody?
Tags: Bad Mood, PMS (premenstrual period), Moody, Hormonal Imbalance, Happy Thoughts, Bonding, Word of God, Peace of God
"Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts" (Hebrews 4:7b)