This is the product of my fertile thoughts. I am recreating them here and am sharing them with you, dear bloggers, for whatever benefits, if any, you could derive from them. I wish you could be more open and share with me your comments and suggestions so that I can improve on my blog. Thank you, God bless and have a nice day. Mel Avila Alarilla
LET'S LAUGH OUR WAY TO GOOD HEALTH They say that laughter is the best medicine. And it can never be truer than that. Have we not enjoy the company of people with a good sense of humor? And haven't we felt so good after a good laugh? Laughter secretes a hormone that makes us feel good and euphoric. This hormone can also deaden the pain in our body.
But how can we evoke laughter if our situation is less than pleasant? We cannot laugh at the expense of others. Those who do that makes a good laugh at a gathering but loses the friendship of the butt of his joke. If we ever have to make fun at somebody's expense, see to it that we make fun at our own expense rather than on others. People love to laugh at jokes cracked on others rather than on themselves. That's why a good stand up comedian always cracks joke at himself rather than on his audience.
But if we are not a professional comedian, how can we evoke laughter in ourselves? Laughter comes from a healthy spirit. We laugh because we feel good inside. We laugh because we are at peace with ourselves, with our neighbors and with the world. But most of all, we laugh because we are at peace with God and we are so in love with our present life.
To evoke laughter, one must be very observant. Look at babies and small kids. They are so laughable in their own ways because they are so satisfied with themselves. Look at a cute pup or kitten or any baby animal and you can feel the joy and laughter bursting inside them. Hear the singing of the birds, the swaying of the leaves as the wind passes by. They bring the melody of joy and laughter to the world.
If our inner being is joyful, then we can laugh to our heart's content and the whole world will laugh with us. Ha, ha, ha, ha, *lol*
ENCOUNTER WITH GOD Why was Paul so fanatical in spreading the Gospel to the point that he gave his own life for it? Was not Paul the same person who persecuted the church and was the cause of death of so many early Christians? Was he not on his way to Damascus bearing with him a letter from the high priest to conduct a hunt for Christians there?
The answer is simple. He had an encounter with the very person he was persecuting. He was struck blind on the road to Damascus and Jesus showed Himself to him. From then on, he lived a life dedicated solely to the spread of the Gospel until he was arrested and executed in Rome.
We need that same encounter with God to fire us in our efforts to preach the Gospel of salvation to the entire world. We just have to hold on to His promise and must desire the encounter with all our heart.
Of all the people who went to the graveyard of Jesus, only one actually saw Him first. She was Mary Magdalene. She refused to leave the grave site until she saw her master and she was rewarded for her persistence. Jesus showed Himself to her.
God promised in Jeremiah 29: 13-14 that we can see Him if we seek Him with all our heart. Jeremiah 29: 13-14 says, You will seek Me and find Me if you seek Me with all of your heart, I will be found by you, declares the Lord." God never lies. He is always true to His words. Shall we start seeking God?
"Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts" (Hebrews 4:7b)