Man strives for that one shinning moment in his life, that one in a million, chance of a lifetime when he can etch his name in immortality and fame. He marvels at the pantheon of the immortal greats of history- Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte, and others. He marvels at the great minds that shaped the philosophical and intellectual world of mankind- Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, Freud, Emmanuel Kant, Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, Albert Einstein, to name a few. He spends a lifetime of planning and plotting to achieve that one in a million, chance of a lifetime shot at fame, glory and fortune and a place among the immortal greats. It does not matter whether he risks his life in order to attain that one in a million, chance of a lifetime ticket to fame, fortune and immortality.
Many have perished because of these quixotic quests. Many have fallen by the wayside in their attempt to achieve worldwide recognition. And they died disillusioned, broken and in anguish. Man has time and again, became victim of the illusionary goals of this world. They swam with the collective mindset of the world, established by that great enemy of man- Satan. Like the rats of old, they march to the hypnotic tune of the Pied Piper of Hammelin to the edge of the cliff and to their eventual doom. They strive for greatness only to end up in disaster and doom.
Why? Because God never gave us the one in a million, chance of a lifetime to be great. Instead He gives us little stones scattered all over our lives, to pick up each day until our lives become clean and wonderful, devoid of any litter and trash of this world. We then become a shinning testimony of God's greatness in our lives as we reflect His wondrous glory. Then we become a light of the world and a salt of the earth, reflecting and magnifying God's glory to the world.
One In A Million - Hannah Montana
Posted by Mel Avila Alarilla