There is power in the spoken words. When God created the universe, He used two processes. One is ideation or fixing in His mind the exact thing that He wanted to create and secondly, is the power of the spoken words. He said, "let there be light," and there was light. When Jesus ordered the storm to subside, it obliged Him. And when He commanded Lazarus to rise up and live, Lazarus did just that.
But you may say, He is God that is why He could do that. What about me, I am just a mere mortal? Ah, ah, ah! Do not forget that man was originally created by God in His own image and likeness and was given dominion over all creatures of the earth.
But man lost that likeness of God when he sinned at Eden. And the race of man was born under a curse. He became depraved and brutish by nature. But God remedied that. He sent His only begotten Son to save us from our own fallen nature and the curses chained in us by Satan. Only by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and savior and become born again can the Holy Spirit revive our dead spirit and bring us back into our original blueprint in life.
So if you are born again, you are privileged to become a child of God and co-heir with Christ in all the rights and privileges of heaven, including the power of the spoken words. We can decree a thing and in the name of Jesus Christ, it shall come to pass. So we must be careful in what we decree, for our tongues have gained a tremendous power incomprehensible to man. We can decree blessings or curses, but whatever it is, it will surely return to us as blessings or curses too.
Tags: Spoken Words, Power, Jesus Christ, God, Man, Depravity, Blessings, Curses, Decree