When was the last time we worry about so many things and found out later that all our worse fears came true? When was the last time we berated our kids about their faults and told them they will grow up someday to become good for nothing? And when was the last time we nag our spouse on his/her obvious faults? Beware, all that we profess with our mouths may become self fulfilling prophecies. Remember, we have the power to bless or curse anybody by the power of the spoken words. And more often than not, negative pronouncements carry with them intense emotional undertones that are more liable to become true.
Kids believe whatever their parents say to them. Parental pronouncements are imbedded deep in their subconscious minds and they are liable to act out the roles delineated to them by their parents. So we must be very careful what we say to our kids, to our spouses and even to ourselves in moments of anger and emotional outbursts. We do not want the things that we say to them or to ourselves to find realization, do we not?
Better to give positive love affirmations and encouragements to our kids, our spouses and even to ourselves. They will even reinforce the good traits imbedded in their characters. Careful, careful!
Tags: Self Fulfilling Prophecies, Traits, Positive Affirmations, Negative Pronouncements, The Power of the Spoken Words
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla