Do we remember how we were when we were not yet rescued by Jesus Christ from our decadent and evil filled lifestyles? How we sinned on the inside while professing piety and righteousness on the outside? How we enjoyed the orgies of sin in our minds through our fertile imagination? How we indulged in the revelry of sensual pleasures and the pursuit of happiness? How cruel we were to our loved ones, loving only ourselves? But all of that changed when we came to know Jesus Christ and have surrendered our lives to Him. Our dead spirit, steeped in endless sins, was reborn by the power of the Holy Spirit, and we became a new creation in Christ. The battle had only begun then. There were constant struggles as our former selves, steeped in evil habits, tried to reassert itself over our reformed selves. And by the amazing grace of God, we have survived one onslaught after another by the evil one.
How we struggled to keep in step with fellow believers and how we persisted each time we fall to sin, as we were strenthened by the Holy Spirit to keep on going no matter how many times we stumbled. It is not a matter of how many times we fall and get back to our feet again, but it is a matter of finishing the race at all costs. The victor's prize is not crowned on those who started fast on the starting line or on the bend, but on those who finally finished the race however bruised and battered they may be. We must not worry because God is so patient and loving and have given us all the incentives and strength to finish our own individual races. Are we not all WORK IN PROGRESS by the Lord?
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Work In Progress, Decadent And Evil Filled Lifestyle, Piety, Righteousness, Orgies of Sin, Fertile Imagination, Sensual Pleasure, Pursuit of Happiness, Reborn, Power of The Holy Spirit, Constant Struggles, Stumble, Finishing The Race, Victor's Prize, Eternal Life, Love, Joy, Peace, Kingdom of God, Word of God, Bible
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla