This is the product of my fertile thoughts. I am recreating them here and am sharing them with you, dear bloggers, for whatever benefits, if any, you could derive from them. I wish you could be more open and share with me your comments and suggestions so that I can improve on my blog. Thank you, God bless and have a nice day. Mel Avila Alarilla
A friend is a person that you can trust with your very life. A friend is a person who is always there for you through thick and thin And who is not afraid to tell you the real score about you. A friend is a person who has a ready shoulder to cry on. A friend knows when to shut up when you just need a listening ear to hear your frustrations and woes in life And the wisdom to speak when you are desperate for guidance and light. A friend is a person who will give you his undivided time and attention when others have no time for you at all. A friend is a person who shares in your laughter and joy and commiserate with your sorrows and pains. A true friend is harder to find than a needle in a haystack. So when you find one, treasure him like a rare diamond in a jewel box.
Tolerance means patience and understanding, and knowing that people have individual differences. Tolerance is putting ourselves in the shoes of the other person and always giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Tolerance has many enemies- impatience, bitterness, egoism, hatred, bigotry, antagonism, cynicism and many more. It has few friends. Among them are: love, patience and perseverance.
Whenever you feel that you cannot tolerate a person or a group of persons, reverse your thinking processes. Did it ever occur to you that, that person or group of persons, cannot also tolerate you? Maybe the problem is with you and not with them. We cannot change other people, but we can always change ourselves.
Next time that you feel that you cannot tolerate a person or a situation, try to redirect your focus on your own thoughts and emotions. You may just be mad at yourself for your failures in life, and may just be seeing a reflection of yourself in them. Let us rid ourselves of our own blind spots. Then we will see ourselves as others see us.
Martin Luther King - Free At Last
Posted by Mel Avila Alarilla Philippines Reflections/Inspirational
The biggest issue confronting the safety and continued existence of our planet as we know it today, is the escalating danger of global warming. Even world leaders are now locked in continuous conferences and brainstormings to find solutions to arrest this impending global catastrophe. It is the result of man's insatiable greed for wealth, comfort of living and the rapacious and over exploitation of the world's natural resources. The once wide ranging and verdant rain forests that have served as Earth's natural filter and converter of noxious and poisonous gas emissions have dwindled to alarming proportions due to the so called march to progress and development initiated by greedy individuals, corporations and even nations.
The intransigent refusal of many companies and nations to totally ban products that emit harmful greenhouse gas emissions to the air have punched a sizeable hole in the earth's ozone layer. This resulted in the exposure of large areas of our planet to the harmful effects of ultra violet rays and other deadly radiations from the sun.
Thus we are now witnessing the modern phenomena known as global warming. The results of this calamitous occurrence is the rapid melting of the polar snow caps that have raised the sea levels of the world and have threatened to inundate or blot out of existence islands and nations that lie below sea levels; the sudden changes of the world climate, bringing in stronger typhoons, hurricanes and cyclones; massive earthquakes and tidal waves (or tsunamis); and extreme hot and cold temperatures in different parts of the world. This resulted in terrible loss of lives and the destruction of properties, infrastructures and crops.
Is there no more hope for our world? Would our existence as a planet be extinguished as a result of man's inhumanity to his fellow humans and his unbridled greed for material prosperity, progress and power?
Surely, there is still hope if we all work together as one. Let us disregard our differences as nations and peoples, and work hand in hand to rebuild and save this wonderful planet. And let us all pray together as one, that the Supreme Creator (irregardless of whatever religion or beliefs you profess) bless us with one more chance to redeem ourselves and our planet. Please don't give up on us.
Don't Give Up On Us - David Soul
Posted by Mel Avila Alarilla Philippines Inspirational/Current Issues
"Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts" (Hebrews 4:7b)