
In a few days from now, three Pinoys convicted of carrying illegal drugs to China will be executed with lethal injections. No amount of cries for mercy from the whole Filipino nation represented by our government could move the Chinese government to stay the execution and commute their sentences to life imprisonment. They mouth about justice for the poor people of China victimized by drugs brought by these drug couriers. They did not even consider that these drug mules were just victims of international drug syndicates who lured them with drug money. Now they preach us about victims of drugs. But their nationals who operate multi billion shabu laboratories and who run most of the drug syndicates in our country are summarily deported after being caught. They do not even serve prison terms and if they do, they easily escape because of the corruption of our jail officials. How about their fishermen who poach in our territorial waters for endangered species and when caught were just deported to China. The big bully on the block is flexing its muscles and we, small fries as we are, shiver in fear and shame. Shame on us as we are bullied by the big boys on the block. These are bullies Taiwan, Hongkong, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and others who always knock us down whenever they see us walking in the block. Even the biggest bully of them all, the US, treat us with contempt giving us outmoded war materials and hand me downs while they pour billions of dollars to their favorite proteges.
When will we learn to stand on our own two feet and defend our inalienable rights as equal citizens of this world. People of the Philippines unite before it is too late.