This is the product of my fertile thoughts. I am recreating them here and am sharing them with you, dear bloggers, for whatever benefits, if any, you could derive from them. I wish you could be more open and share with me your comments and suggestions so that I can improve on my blog. Thank you, God bless and have a nice day. Mel Avila Alarilla
I could never understand then why the Lord took me out from a flourishing ministry of teaching salvation seminar, part of our Divided Bible Seminars, at a local church of the biggest Christian church in our country. I also handled Bible Studies at the houses of cell groups. But the Lord took me out from all these and placed me in a ministry involving the internet. I started then groping for light in the darkness of the cyber world. I felt then that the entire system was evil, full of sin and self exaltation, ranging from outright pornography to vain people whose only concern were to strut their own greatness in the internet. I turned to counseling to the sector which I felt needed them most- the sicked people of the cyber world. And I got nothing but tongue lashing and ridicule from most of them. I continued to persevere even when it seemed that my whole efforts were going down the drain. It was really a thankless job. And slowly but surely, I found a niche in the blog world.
KNOW YOUR ENEMY As we go through this battlefield of life, we must know our adversary- our enemy. He is our accuser, the deceiver, the tempter, the beguiler, the father of all lies and he masquerades as an angel of light. He was once an angel, the highest ever created by God in the highest rank and order of seraphim. He was the most beautiful creation of God, exuding beauty and intelligence far beyond those achieved by any creature of God. In fact, he was the contemporary and intimate friend of Jesus Christ. But he was deceived by his own beauty and intelligence. He loved himself so much that he began to adore himself. He began to hate God and rebel against God to become God himself. He was able to deceive 1/3 of the angelic host and they battled against the remaining faithful angels of God. God's faithful angels were led by a lowly archangel by the name of Michael. Archangels and angels are among the lowest ranked angels among God's angelic host. And to show the awesome power of God against the rebellious group, Michael and his faithful angels defeated them. They were cast off from heaven and were thrown down to the earth and the seas. They were frothing and seething with anger and revenge by seeking to enslave mankind whom they envied because mankind still had the chance for redemption if they are washed by the blood of the Lamb. They enslaved the elementals of the earth, the seas and underneath the earth to do their biddings and to oppress mankind. They have manipulated the minds of men so that men will set themselves up against God just like what they did before in heaven. They became the beguiling pied pipers of this world, enticing men to follow their hypnotic tune down the road to destruction and doom. His name? Satan. "All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved."
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Enemy, Accuser, Deceiver, Tempter, Beguiler, Father of All Lies, Masquerades As Angel of Light, Seraphim, Highest Order of Angels, Most Beautiful Creation of God, Most Intelligent Creature, Self Adoration, Rebel Against God, Deceived 1/3 of Angelic Host, Archangel, Michael, Cast Off From Heaven, Thrown Down To Earth, Anger, Revenge, Envied Mankind, Save By The Blood of The Lamb, Elementals, Pied Pipers, Hypnotic Tune, Road To Destruction and Doom, Salvation By Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, Eternal Life, Word of God, Holy Bible
"Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts" (Hebrews 4:7b)