How pleasant are childhood memories, where we chased butterflies among the meadows; where we go fishing on the river banks; where we fly our kites in the open fields impervious of what's going on around; where we strolled to the ice cream parlor to indulge in our favorite ice cream sticks; where we played games of hide and seek with our favorite playmates; and where we told and retold tales of adventures and pranks to our amused gang mates.
Who could ever forget our first love, our first date, our first kiss, when we looked at our world through a rose colored glass; when everything around us was truly magical and enchanting; where we never got tired of composing endless love letters; where we indulged in hours and hours of silly love chatters to the disgust of our fellow house mates; where we exchange countless souvenirs and tokens of undying love to our beloved; where we first experienced a broken heart.
Who could ever forget those wonderful episodes in our lives. But we must face our present world once more fully satisfied that we lived a wonderful life as we face the future with a wide smile, knowing that the Lord will take us to a far better and wonderful world.
hi mel, it's something that you'd write about this because just last nite when my mind was trying to take me back to reminiscing, but to the point of regrets, i had to cut off the thoughts and tell myself that was then, this is now, and i can't go back and change things. however, i can go forth, being wiser from my past experiences. i'm facing my present and future with a positive attitude, knowing that the God i serve is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that i could ever ask or think.
hi mel, thank you for being my first guest on my blog.
i saw your pictures here and you got a great family.
i already link you to my blog. thank you if you'll link me too.
hi Bro.Mel,
There are times that I want to avoid "reminiscing" no, don't get me wrong I've got a lot of wonderful memories especially as a child but the nostalgia of it also reminds me of a great pain but yes, its nice sometimes to think on these things and it is true that it never fails to make us happy and smile.
if only i could tell my brains not to reminise my past i would....its not that i'm not happy about my past..but, there are things in my past i would rather forget and just leave it that way and be a lesson to me...although reminising is always part of our life, i can't do anything but just to accept it with open hearts and pray for continuous guidance.:) tnx so much mel!
Dear Heiresschild,
Probably I was caught up in the swirling waves of reminiscing because of the many heavy burdens I am facing right now. Don't get me wrong. I entrust my future to the Lord and not an iota of doubt or hurt feelings for the Lord had ever entered my mind. I always bow down to His sublime designs for my life, whatever situations I may be facing. But there are also times of physical, emotional and mental tiredness that creep in and I muse on those happier memories of my childhood days. May it be an intimation of my waning days on earth? I don't know. Reminiscing is also some sort of reflection where we review our lives and see where we went wrong. As they say, he who does not look back at the past is condemned to repeat his mistakes in the future.
But I will not argue with you my fine lady. I don't want to cross path with a crusading moralist of beauty contests, he, he, he, *lol*
I may get flattened along the way. Joke only. Anyway, thanks again for your usual witty comments and God bless you and your loved ones with all the blessings, love, warmth and
joy of life.
Dear Bb. Kalabasa,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for linking me in yours. Thanks too for the generous comments. I really appreciate that. I already linked up with your blog and I intend to visit it as often as I could as I find your articles so amusing and entertaining. Thanks again and God bless you with long years of fine writing, abundant and prosperous life, and the realization of all your secret dreams in life.
Dear sis Emmyrose,
You find reminiscing painful because you are still focussed on your failed relationship. You got to move on my friend. The more you cling on to memories of him, the more you'll get hurt. Just release him to his highest spiritual growth and move on with your life. He's not the only man in the world. As I've said ad infinitum, the Lord has ordained the perfect match for you. Just trust the Lord and wait for Mr. Right. He may have just been lost in the traffic jungle of Metro Manila or he may have gotten his ride on the wrong bus. He, he, he, *lol* Joke only. In the name of Jesus, I speak blessings for you my friend and your dream boy for life.
And I thank God and declare this in the high heavens that this has come to pass. In the name of Jesus. Amen. May the bountiful blessings of the Lord rain down on you like spring showers.
Dear miss kurdapya,
Aha, you too. You're also afraid to reminisce because of the painful memories of the past. Well just slay the ghost of your painful past and just move on. There's so many things to look forward to in the future. Have you already forgiven the one who hurt you? Unforgiveness may cause the spirit of bitterness to set in our hearts and this will act like acid and will tear a big hole in our soul. Try to forgive and forget and just move on with your life. You win some, you lose some. That's life. It's just like a movie. There are lots of conflicts and painful scenes but in the end it always end up in a happy ending.
I pray that the Lord will bless you with a lasting relationship with the man of your dreams. Just trust the Lord that He will guide you in the right path and that you don't stumble along the way. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths." (Proverbs 3:4-5)
Thanks again for visiting my blog and God bless you with the love, joy, peace and happiness that He has ordained for you.
Hi Mel..
As I said in WUB on this posting, I do believe that it's nice to reminisce sometimes especially if it could open our eyes for the good one's..
Your blog is so inspiring too...will keep coming!
Have a good week ahead and may god bless us always.
Greetings from UK.
Dear Noushy,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your very inspiring comments. Thanks too for your valuable assistance at the World United Bloggers. I truly appreciate that. God bless you too and greetings from the Philippines.
What a beautiful blog you have created. Look forward to coming back for further inspiration.
hi mel, in reading your comments to some of us, it's easier said than done to just move ahead sometimes from things that have pained us. there's a different time frame for everyone, depending on the nature of the situation.
some things we can move on from quite quickly, but others take time for the deep inner healing to come thru. when a person's heart is involved with another person, and the relationship fails, the heart feels broken, and God has to do an inner healing. in our minds, we say we're moving on, but our emotions sometimes take a while to heal.
you have very good childhood memories with your parents i see. i didn't. i mentioned regrets in my comments because that was the devil at that particular time trying to make me feel condemned for things i did wrong or things i didn't do that i should have done in my earlier years. those things i can't go back and change, so i prefer to look to now and the future. i'm trying to make things a little clearer here for you.
i understand exactly what you're saying too. it's always good to reminisce about good things when we're having a low day. you can always feel free to say to me whatever's on your heart. we're moving in the spirit here, so i have an open ear and open heart to hear and receive.
Dear Green earth,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for the very generous comments you left behind. I really appreciate that. I admire your posts at WUB. They have a world wide message of hope and preservation for Mother Earth. God bless you for your noteworthy efforts.
Dear Heiresschild,
Thanks for your very profound comments. As always you have words of wisdom in your comments. And you comment to heal and not to provoke or hurt. I really appreciate that. We all look at things differently. My philosophy in life is that what was done can no longer be undone so I always move on no matter what the experiences in life I passed through. I just make it a point not to commit the same mistakes I committed before. It's just like watching a movie rerun. Memories do not hurt me anymore. I just watch them with detached feelings knowing that they can no longer affect my life. But as I said, that's my philosophy in life and I never wanted to influence others to embrace them also. As they say, different strokes for different folks.
Thanks for the wonderful commentaries. I always profit from them. God bless you more with all the wit and wisdom of the world.
hello sir how r u and thanx alot for all your comments.
Dear Oomi,
I'm fine, thank you. Thanks also for visiting my blog and for your very respectful comments. God bless.
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