Do sour trees bear sweet fruits? Or sweet trees bear sour fruits? No, sweet trees bear sweet fruits, and sour trees bear sour fruits. So it is true that by the fruits you will know the tree.
This is also true with humans. We know who the person really is by his fruits- how he interacts with other people. A person can say all he wants to say, but people will only see the very examples that he does, especially in interacting with other people.
So you want to know how a particular person interacts with others? Ask his immediate family. Ask his house helps and subordinates if he is the superior of other employees. Ask his neighbors and friends. Ask his church mates.
The very persons who really know him is his spouse and his parents. Ask them who he really is. You may be surprised by their candid answers.
We may not leave any monuments or lasting memories behind when we are gone from this world, but God will never forget the little things that we have done each day to give a little ray of sunshine to a gloomy neighborhood; that sweet smile that transformed the dreary day of the people we chance to encounter everyday; the kind words of love and comfort that we generously gave to those in need of them; the extra mile we went through with a friend just to help him get by with his problem; the glass of cold water we handed down to a thirsty stranger or the piece of bread to a hungry beggar; the selfless acts we do when we give way to others even if it is already our turn at the gate.
These, and every little selfless acts of kindness we do everyday to all people, will reflect the glory of God in our lives and will serve as tiny seeds of righteousness planted in different souls. In due time and with the right conditions, these tiny seeds will sprout, grow and mature into fruit bearing trees that will also produce the sweetest fruits that will reflect and magnify the glory of God in this world.
You Are The Sunshine of My Life - Stevie Wonder (1970s) USA
by Mel Avila Alarilla
instead of teaching "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" we should also teach "a good deed a day keeps evil spirits at bay" - thank you but dont you think the sour and the sweet people together make this world an exciting place to live in.....just my thoughts :)
Hi Ceedy,
Thank you very much for visiting my blog and for your usual profound comments. Yes, I agree with you that the sour apples make the sweet apple tastier. And yes, I agree with you that it can't be helped that there are bad apples as there are good ones. It's for us to decide what kind we want to be. As for making our existence more exciting, it depends on one's perspective in life. Excitement has so many nuances and it differs from person to person. Thanks again to your very intelligent comments. Enjoy the best of the holiday season.
Hi Mel,
Apple doesn't fall far from the tree...our values,attitudes and perceptions are often influenced by our own upbringing, every good tree bears good fruit, a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown...
When we make mistakes in life, there is a lesson for us to learn,which offer opportunity for us to explore the area of deficiency, need additional knowledge, or need to reevaluate our approach so that this same mistake does not recur..it goes the same for the good deeds!
How's your x-mas preparation Mel? HOpe things are under control yea..
Have a gr8 day my dear,take care.
Calling over to wish you and your family a wonderful and joyful Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you too Bro.Mel! Hope you will have a splendid celebration with your family and wishing you great health too.
God bless!
hi Kuya Mel,alam mo gusto ko yong mga comments mo encouraging kasi.salamat pow talaga as always sa palagian mong pagbisita.
sensya na kung hindi kita madalaw at makumusta everyday kasi busy sa shooting.
Happy Holidays to u at saka sa kids and wife mo...take care dyan.
Hi Noushy,
Thanks for your visit my friend and for your usual generous comments. Yes, we make mistakes in life, but what's important is that we learn from those mistakes and resolve to do better next time. Our Christmas celebration will be one of simplicity and solemnity. I am alright now, as far as my health is concerned, thanks be to God. Our celebration will be centered more with the kids and their needs. Christmas celebration in the Philippines is a joyous occasion and an extended one at that. Thanks for your visit. Have a wonderful and pleasant holiday season in London.
Hi Greenearth,
Thanks for your visit and for your greetings. Merry Christmas and a Happy Year to you and your family. May you enjoy the best of the holiday season in Australia.
Hi sis Emmyrose,
Thanks for your visit and for your greetings too. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. May you also enjoy the best of the holiday season with your friends and loved ones. God bless.
Hi Byotipol,
Thanks for your visit too and for your wonderful comments. That's okay with me if you can't visit me everyday. I know how busy you are nowadays. Just take care of yourself and your baby-Jadyn and your husband too. Just don't let your changed lifestyle in the US compromised whatever positive values you derived from your parents. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family. God bless.
Hmm,I always have believed in that saying.One's character and nature are moulded from their upbringing and it does reflect in a person,no matter how old they might be.
Lifestyle these days has made a lot of difference in the way the young are raised and cultured and might be kind of hard to digest.Yet,those who know which path to follow wil surely never go astray.
Take care my friend.God Bless.
Hi Sameera,
Thanks for your visit and for the usual inspiring comments. When I made this post, I was referring to the Biblical verse, "by the fruit, you will know the tree." That means we are recognized by what we do and not what we say. The post has no bearing whatsoever with our pedigree or our parental lineage. It's more of the character that is lodged in our hearts due to what we continually think about. Thanks again for your visit. I loved your latest short story. It's a masterpiece. Have a wonderful and pleasant day.
this is such a GREAT post Mel! I believe in that too...that an apple resembles the 'health' of it's mother...the tree. Just like how a child resembles the goodness of their mother/father...
Hi Kuya Mel,
Thank you for dropping by in blog, you have a great blog. Very inspirational just keep doing what the Lord ask you to do by sharing his words through your blog. Your blog serve an inspiration to others.
A merry christmas n happy new year to u too.. may all the blessings be showered on u and ur family.. :)
beautiful post Mel. i'm glad i'm sweet grapes (belonging to the Vine). LOL that's just a little joke. that's one of my favorite sayings, "you'll know a tree by the fruit it bears." that's why it's better to walk the walk, and not just talk the talk. talk is cheap, but can we put actions where our mouth is? good points Mel. i hope all is well with you and your family.
I am just discovering this blog. I LOVED this post. It is so true. This post reminds me of that movie "Pay It Forward." I think your message in this blog sums that movie up. We have to live self-less lives. It's not all about us. I have learned that when I take the focus off me and am sensitive to others needs. I will see that my needs weren't as bad as the next persons. That is why, when I am having my time with God everyday. I make it a habit to pray for others first and myself last. I want to bear good fruit everyday.
GREAT POST! I am just discovering this blog and I love it!
All that you say is so true, but then we must remember one thing.. there are times a person undergoes profound change and turns sour... and all that is because of the cards dealt to him by fate.. he has otherwise led a good life, helping others.. ebing the good samaritan.. yet something snaps!!
as Capt. Jack Sparrow said: "That bad uns u can always predict, it's the good ones you've to watch out for!!"
Cheers.. very nice and should I say honest blog you have here!! :)
Well said.
for this great post and for remind this wonderful song!
A Marry Christmas to You,
Your Love one,
Your Family!
Hi Keshi,
This post was written out of the Biblical verse, "by the fruit you will know the tree." It is an adjunct to John 15:5, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing." It has nothing to do with family lineage. A godly parent can sire an evil offspring and an ungodly parent can sire a righteous one. Only attachment to God can assure us of consistent "sweet fruits" in our lives for we are then reflecting God's righteousness and glory. Thanks for your visit and for the profound comments. May you and your loved ones enjoy the best of the holiday season. Have a warm an peaceful day in Australia.
Hi Sarah,
I love your blog too and I simply love your post on your baby- Caleb, dancing in his crib. How adorable and cute is your little bundle of joy. I believe you are blessed by the Lord in the US. Keep on walking in His will and He will surely grant you the desires of your heart. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. May the Lord bless you and your loved ones with the best things in this world. Enjoy the best of the holiday season.
Hi S.h.a.s.h.i,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for the greetings too. I hope you will be resuming your postings in your blog after your long deserved hibernation.
We all go through the same period of blogging fatigue but after a refreshing break we can always resume our blogging activities. May you and your loved ones enjoy the best of the holiday season.
Hi Heiresschild,
It's always a joyous occasion for me whenever you visit my blog. You've always been faithful to this blog ever since I can remember. Thanks for being always there for me through thick and thin. May the Lord bless you more for your faithfulness. I always know you are the sweetest grapes there can be in the Lord's vineyard as you reflect the Lord's glory in your writings. As the Lord's servants we can only say, TO GOD BE THE GLORY. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year my friend, to you and your loved ones. May you all enjoy the very best of the holiday season. God bless and have a warm and blessed day in the US always.
Hi KimPossible,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for the very generous comments you left behind, but to God be the glory. I am glad that you are being used by the Lord to minister to the needs of others. I'm also glad that you are following the footsteps of our great Lord and Master Jesus Christ who came to serve and wait upon. Selflessness and servitude are indeed rare traits that can only be inspired by the Holy Spirit. Keep up with your good works, my sister in Christ, and the Lord bless you more for your endeavors to reach out to those with spiritual needs. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. May you all enjoy the best of the holiday season.
Hi Sam,
Thanks for your visit and for the profound comments you left behind. I think it depends on one's perspective in life and also in one's belief system. I believe in the inherent goodness of God and this has been ingrained in the hearts and minds of those who follow Him. Biblical characters who followed God were not dealt with favorable circumstances. Most of them were even persecuted because of their beliefs. But they held on to their faith and were rewarded by God in the end. It's the same thing with people who do good expecting to receive something good in return. Sometimes they become disillusioned because of unmet expectations. They must reexamine their belief system and perspective in life. We do good in order to please God and obey His command to follow Him. Thanks again for visiting my blog. Have a nice and pleasant day.
Hi Dreamwriter,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your comments. I'm hoping that you are doing well in your studies and have overcome all your problems in life. I will be visiting your blog again. Thanks again for your visit. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. May you all enjoy the best of the holiday season. God bless and have a warm and pleasant day in the US.
Hi Krystyna,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your warm greetings. I hope you will resume writing again as I miss your wonderful posts. There must be something wrong with the url you gave me regarding your new website. I cannot access it. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family. May you all enjoy the best of the holiday season. God bless and have a warm and blessed day always in the US.
Hi mEL..wish you and family a wonderful and joyful Christmas.
Take care yea.
hi Mel, i love reading your comments to your readers and your prayers for them. very inspiring to me. you're in my thoughts and prayers. may God continue to bless you with all that you stand in need of and more.
Hi Noushy,
Thanks for visiting my blog again and for your warm greetings. You always make my day my friend. My friends are some of the valuable treasures I keep deep in my heart and I'm so blessed to have friends like you. It makes blogging so rewarding and soul inspiring. Thanks for the holiday greetings. Merry Christmas too and a Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. My only gifts to you this Christmas, New Year and your birthday on New Year's eve are my prayers for God's immeasurable blessings and graces to you and your loved ones. May He grant you all the secret desires in your heart and may He give you a long and fruitful life filled with so much love and caring for others.
May you all enjoy the best of the holiday season. Have a warm and cozy day in foggy London.
Hi Heiresschild,
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your loved ones, my soul sister in Christ. Thanks for the nicest and kindest words you left behind, but as always, TO GOD BE THE GLORY. I'm so privileged to have you as my Christian blog mate. I have been so blessed in our mutual correspondences and I think we both grew more with our Christian blogging and our testimonies for the Lord. God bless your ministries. God bless you and your loved ones with all the wonderful things that God has prepared especially for you in His great storehouse of blessings. Have a warm and peaceful day in the US.
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