A heart that is full of gratitude and thanksgiving to God for what He has done to our lives is a heart that is beating with love and compassion for his fellowmen.
There are so many things we ought to be thankful for to God in our lives. Though we may not be in the best situation in this world, we are not in the worst either.
If we can put the lives of all the people in this world in a vertical line until it reaches up to heaven, we will see that we are not badly situated as we think we are. True, we are not in the topmost portion of the line, but neither are we in the bottom most portion.
Do you not know that we are perfectly what God intended us to be? And we are exactly where God intended us to be, no more no less. Or do you think God is capable of committing a mistake?
Instead of brooding over our fate and asking God why we were made this way, are we not supposed to thank Him for making us the marvelous creation that we really are? The Book of Psalms says, we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God.
And that is not an overstatement.
Science has discovered the fact that man, especially the human brain, is the most complex and fantastic creation in all the universe. No machine that can be invented by man can ever duplicate the wonderful creation that man is.
Man is like a miniature universe that functions in clockwise precision and beauty that it can never be simulated by science. The capacity and latent ability of the mind of man is mind boggling.
Scientists say that an average man is using only less than 10% of the capacity of his mind. With this less than 10% usage of man's capability, we are already astounded by the fantastic feats of the human mind. Just imagine what man can achieve if he can learn to harness and tap the other latent 90% capability of his mind.
We were created by God in His own image and likeness and was given the authority to subjugate the world. We can be the near perfect overseer of this world as God has originally intended us to be. We just have to learn to be totally obedient and subservient to His divine will and not intransigently impose our own puny and imperfect will.
Have we not learned from the mistake of our first parents? Instead of trusting God's words and obeying His commands, they chose to listen to the beguiling lies of the serpent (Satan) and aspired to be like God.
We are falling into the same trap just like our first parents. Instead of trusting God and obeying His divine will in our lives, we choose to follow the path of our own greatness and glory, and as all those who have trodden the same beaten path before, we are doomed to failure and destruction.
Let us learn to trust God once more and cultivate the culture of gratitude and thanksgiving in our hearts. Let us learn to obey His commands and follow His divine will in our lives. Then we can see the realization of all His wonderful promises in our lives.
Posted by Mel Avila Alarilla
good one as usual! :)
btw Mel plz come and read my reply to u in my cuirrent post. I asked u some qns from u..I want answers.
I love this post Bro.Mel, it's very insightful and it really spoke to my heart.
God bless!
Hi Keshi,
We're having problems with our internet connections so I have very limited time blogging. I will go to your blog as soon as I finish answering the comments here. Thanks for your visit and for your comments. God bless.
Hi sis Emmyrose,
Thanks for your visit and for your generous comments but as always, TO GOD BE THE GLORY. I hope you are alright now and are doing well in your work. God bless you and your family always.
Mel, believe me, I am amazed to see such a soft person with complete religious attitude. I am glad to meet you virtually. I really respect your good thoughts since I am also good believer in god. we should do our best, later he will take care. Have a good day ahead.
Thanks mel for your wonderful post, you know, I just posted about giving thanks to God for allowing me to see my sweet beloved Grandma in my Dreams.
I always give thanks to God for everything and everyone I have.
Big greetings and big hugs
Sweet Dreams, from the bottom of my Heart:
Hi Mel, I always give thanks to God 'cause I have my whole family, and I have Arthur and his family, who often visit me and my family.
We're kind of two families in one.
Greetings and hugs
Nice Day, with my whole soul:
Hi Jaggu,
Thanks for your visit and your generous comments but as always, TO GOD BE THE GLORY. I write through inspiration and I have no personal agenda in writing. I write to please God and give glory to His name. I really appreciate your comments. God bless you and your family always.
Hi Arthur,
You seem to be blessed by the Lord with your meaningful dreams. You are like Joseph in the Bible who have meaningful dreams and can also interpret them. Thanks for your visit my young friend and for your generous comments. God bless you and your family always.
Hi Gusthav,
It is a wonderful attitude to always be grateful to God for everything He does for our lives. Those who thank Him always can be assured of His continuous blessings. Thanks for your visit and your wonderful comments my young friend. God bless you and your family always.
Very well put Mel.It is a pity that so many crib and brood about their life and do not realize just how rich they are and just how much they have,which in the eyes of another is so much.Gratitude is something so rare these days,both to God and to fellow humans.
Nice to see such posts from you.They shine out in the dark and makes one think.
Take care my friend.God Bless You
Such deep thoughts would come out from a person like you only. I agee with u friend...each and everybody's life is beautiful. it's just that we have to acknowledge this fact. God loves us and so do we all need to.
Your posts makes ones' life bright. Thanks for such posts. God bless you my dear friend.
Take Care.
Hi Sameera,
Thanks for your visit and for your generous comments, but as always, TO GOD BE THE GLORY. I pray that you will see the light of God in your heart and that you will become more prayerful. Deep inside, you have a soft heart beating with love for God and for your fellowmen. I pray that God will cultivate this more and we will see the eventual growth of a robust tree that will give shade to weary travelers and bear sweet fruits in its season. Take good care of yourself my dear friend. God bless you and your family always. Have a pleasant and peaceful day in Dubai always.
Hi Preetilata,
Thanks for your visit and for your very generous comments but also, TO GOD BE THE GLORY. Thanks for the wonderful words you left behind. They are indeed nourishment for the soul. I really appreciate them my friend. You are a wonderful writer yourself and I have been so refreshed by your extraordinary articles especially your meaningful poems. Do write more so that your innate ability will shine on. God bless you and your family always.
it's so easy to complain, but there's always something to be thankful for. that's what we have to focus on--our blessings, regardless of how minute they may seem to be. God loves when we're thankful over the "little" things, and we really don't have to look far to see how blessed we are.
Thank you Mel ,for your thoughts and prayers.. and thank you for your inspirational posts.I hope you had a blessed Ash Wednesday..
Hi Heiresschild,
Thanks for your visit and for your generous comments. People are by nature cry babies. We always complain of the things we don't have unmindful of the tremendous blessings that we are receiving. We take everything for granted and only realize their true values when we lose them. Millions of people will readily and happily trade places with us, that's how blessed we really are. We just have to focus on the blessings and not on the lack of it. And if we lack anything, did not the Lord admonish us to ask, seek and knock at the door of heaven and we will receive what we asked for if it is the will of God and if we ask it in the name of Jesus? Thanks again for your visit and insightful comments. God bless you and your family always.
Hi Mississippi Songbird,
Thanks too for your visit and your wonderful comments. It's so nice to see you around. Take good care of your family and be very careful about the extreme weather conditions in your place. I've read that there were many casualties in the tornado that hit four states in the US including Mississippi. I pray to the Lord for all the survivors of that calamity. God bless them all. Thanks again for your visit and comments. God bless you and your family always.
Desde mi blog: Reflexiones al desnudo
Esta entrada me da a conocer el ser noble que hay en tí.
Te dejo besos amistosos desde Colombia!!
Kiss frendly from Colombia!
Hi Mel..
TGIF!..hope you are fine and may God Bless you and family always.
This inspirational posting really touched my heart and many more out there.Really appreciate it.
I do believe we are in no way to question HIM as God made us perfect and not mistakes...perfect in a sense of having the most genius brain in comparison with other creatures...for a reason,to differentiate which right or wrong and to follow the right path accordingly,whether we want to be in heaven or hell in hereafter!
We just have to acknowledge the fact that God is always there,watching us..
Hope you have a nice w/end.
Hi Lully,
Thanks for your visit and for your comments. I will be visiting your blog very soon. God bless you and your family always.
Hi Noushy,
Thanks for your visit and for your wonderful comments. Yes, we should always be thankful for all the blessings we receive from God and not focus on what is lacking. We should trust God that He will give us what we need and not we want in life. Thanks again for your visit. God bless you and your family always.
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