When the nights are cold and my heart is lonely,
How I miss you.
When my body aches with pains
And I'm beset with so many problems,
How I miss you.
Life would be more tolerable
And problems would be more bearable
If we are two to share the burden
Instead of me alone.
I must admit, I weaken when you are
not by my side.
Oh how terribly do I miss you.
I miss the sweet little things that you do.
Your tenderness and the warmth of your caress,
I miss them so.
When the kids are sick and they silently
moan for you,
How terribly do we miss you.
Yes, you are the light that brightens our day.
Yes, yours is the smile that chased all
our troubles away.
Life is meaningless without you by
our side.
Oh how terribly do we miss you.
April Love - Pat Boone
Posted by Mel Avila Alarilla
happy valentines day....mel
real heartwarming poem.....hope you and your family have a wonderful day
Hi Ceedy,
Thanks for your greetings. Happy Valentines Day to you too. My wife is in the US that is why we miss her so.
God bless you and your family always.
Happy Valentines Day :)
i don't know what's going on with your relationship with your wife now but i am sure you really MISS HER A LOT!!! hope she will be back soon :)
God bless you my friend :)
WOWWWWW Mel.. the poem is absolutely beautiful...so much pure, deep, innocent and emotional... really this post made my day. thnx Mel for sharing it with us.
:) :) :)
Awww, That is such a sweet poem written for your Wife, who is so sweet herself!
Happy Valentine's day to you & your's
Mel, have a wonderful valentines day. God bless you.
Happy Valentines Day to you and your Family as well Mel. Pasensiya ka na, I've been busy lately kaya di ako masyado makapasyal dito.
I like the poem.. Very sweet mo naman
Yes these distances make life a little tough....my family is also on the other side in india....
thanks for the wishes
Hi Mel!
Reading your amazing post my heart was broken, I understand you.
And my heart was happy too that you and your great wife are far, but really very close.
True love have not borders.
I'd like to dedicate for your wife this words from Bible:
"Who can find a noble wife? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband trusts her completely. She gives him all the important things he needs...
Many women do noble things. But she is better than all the others....
Let everything she has done bring praise to her at the city gate".
Proverbs 31.
You are the beautiful couple, thanks for sharing this photo.
Have a good, happy and healthy day!
God bless you and your family!
hi bro. mel,
i may be on hiatus until now, but i wouldn't let this day pass without greeting you a happy valentine's day. thank u for visiting my blog often and for leaving inspiring comments. here's wishing you and your family more love, peace, and happiness...
God bless always!
Hi Elween,
No there's nothing wrong with our relationship. She just have to work in the US for our family. She's been there for one and a half years now doing odd jobs for us because her papers are not yet in order. On occasions such as Valentines, Christmas and New Year, we miss her so much because we are a very closely knit family. But all of us have to sacrifice for the sake of our family . Time will come when we will all be reunited by the grace of God. Thanks for your visit and comments. Happy Valentines Day to you too and God bless you and your family.
Hi Preetilata,
You make such lovely poems too that mine looks very simple. Thanks for your very inspiring comments. I hope and pray that you will achieve all your secret dreams in life. You have a whole lifetime ahead of you my friend. Thanks again for your visit. Happy Valentines Day to you and God bless you and your family always.
Hi Mona,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your sweet comments. I have already linked you with my blog and I hope you do the same with mine. I have long wanted to link with you but I lost your url and I could no longer locate your blog. Thanks God you found mine. I was really affected by your article on organs for sale and the investigation going on in India for those who engaged in this nefarious activities. Thanks again. God bless you and your family always.
Hi Jaggu,
Happy Valentines Day to you too. Thanks for your visit and your comments. God bless you and your family always.
Hi Tey,
It's okay. I always understand that you are busy. Happy Valentines Day to you again and may you succeed in everything you do. God bless you and your family my friend.
Hi Ceedy,
We are opposites, he, he, he, *lol* You are working in the States and your family is in India while I am in the Philippines and my wife is working in the States. Well, that's life. We have to make our own sacrifices for our family. Thanks again for your visit and meaningful comments. God bless you and your family always.
Hi Krystyna,
Oh you made my heart leap with joy by your comments. Your Bible verse are so apt for her. She's truly a gem of a wife. I could probably search the whole world and not find another wife like her. We complement each other perfectly and we never consider what role we play in our family life so long as we survive and give our children the best we could for them. Thanks for your very inspiring comments my dear friend. I know you are also doing well yourself in the US. God bless you and your family always.
Hi Fingertalk,
Thanks for your visit and for your very kind words. I hope you are fine and in the best of health. I pray to the Lord that you will overcome all your trials in life. God bless you and your family always.
happy valentines to you and your family, mel. god bless!
Happy V-day Mel!
Oh, Mel.. I know you miss your wife. I can tell so much by this post. God Bless you and I hope that you will be together again soon.. Bunches of hugs for you and your sweet family. God Be with all of you. Happy Valentines Day!
That was such a lovely and heartrending poem Mel!
May God Bless You and your dear wife always,not to mention your sweet children.
Belated Happy Valentine's my friend.
Take care.Have a great weekend.
Hi Lizeth,
Happy Valentines Day to you too. Thanks for dropping by and for your greetings. God bless you and your family always.
Hi Keshi,
Happy Valentines Day to you too Keshi. Thanks for your visit and greetings. God bless you and your family always.
Hi Mississippi Songbird,
Happy Valentines Day to you too my friend. Yes, I really miss her so but she has to stay in the US to do odd jobs because her papers are not yet in order. Probably, it will take quite a long time before we will all be reunited again as one family. Thanks for your visit and your inspiring comments. God bless you and your family always.
Hi Sameera,
Thanks for your visit and for your encouraging comments my dear friend.
Before the month ends, I will be coming out with my second short story. This is vastly different from the first and maybe similar to your style of writing. Thanks again for your inspiring words. God bless you and your family always.
That is a very beautiful poem for your wife Mel. May God always be with you and your family.
Happy weekend...
Great work, Mel Avila Alarilla!
Excllent poem and excellent music.
That poem is beautifully written, deep from your heart for you wife.
It definitely the best present you could offer to her as it's straight from your heart.I'm sure she miss you and the kids as much as you do.God willing you and family will be re-united again and I'm wishing you for all the best and may God bless you/family always.
Take care Mel.Have a gr8 w/end.
Hi Shielalu,
Thank you for your visit and your comments. I will be visiting your blog too. God bless.
Hi David,
Thank you very much. You are so kind with your comments. God bless you and your family too.
Hi Noushy,
Thank you so much for your visit and for your heartfelt messages. I will always treasure your kind words my dear friend and I also wish the best for you and your beloved. God bless you all.
Did you made this poem? Wow this wonderful! May God Bless you and your family!
Wish the best for you and your wife on the hearts day!
what a beautiful couple you and your wife are Mel! and what a beautiful Valentine tribute to her. may the time be shortened until the family can all be together again.
Hi Christina,
Yes, I made the poem. My wife is already one year and six months in the US doing odd jobs because her papers are not yet in order. That's the reason why we really miss her so. Our family is really closely knit but she has to go to the US to work and we all make sacrifices for that. But someday, by the grace of God, we will all be reunited again. Until then, we just rely on the grace of God to pull us through all kinds of trials. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all.
Hi Heiresschild,
Thank you very much. That's the least I could do for her for all the sacrifices she's undergoing in the US doing odd jobs for our family. Someday, her papers will be alright and she can work regularly and then petition our older son. Thanks for your visit and generous comments. God bless you and your family always.
I am relieved to know your wife is away and hasn't gone to be with the Lord. I thought (as I have just started reading your blog) that maybe you lost her recently.
I am sorry that you are apart, may God strengthen both of your hearts and deepen your love for each other. May God's mighty hand draw you deeper in love with each other and with Him.
blessings to you;
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
ps- you have a beautiful family!
Hi Kimmie,
Thank you so much for your visit and for your very kind comments. I really appreciate your very kind words. God bless you more for that. I sure admire your lovely family. You are a closely knit one. God bless you and your family always.
Hi Sir Mel,
I love that poem!It is coming from the bottom of your heart and we,your readers had feel that. Though for Valentine's Day but i can feel you do miss your wife everyday.Cheers to you! Thanks for dropping at my page.Maybe we can exchange link?
Hi Prily,
Thanks for dropping by and for the inspiring comments you left behind. I really appreciate that. I love to exchange links with you but I have to fix first the problem in my edit page since I cannot access my blog roll there for editing. I already contacted the help group of this web site for help and i will definitely link with you as soon as it is fixed. Thanks again. God bless you and your family always.
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