There is now a feeling of widespread despair and discontent in the world. Somehow, things are not the same. Extremes prevail. It's either too hot or too cold. Even in the temperaments of people, extremes are evident. People have either gone too evil or too righteous. People are bewildered. They could not ascertain their true feelings. Somehow, they feel a hollowness deep inside, a sort of a personal discontent. What's happening to the world?
We are now witnessing the onset of the PreTribulation period of the world. No! This is not yet the Tribulation proper. The Tribulation proper will usher in so much suffering and pain that people will wish they were dead instead of living a hellish existence. Just like in the days of Noah before the deluge, people were enjoying themselves and giving themselves wholly to sinful living.
God is shaking the world to see who are His and who are of this world. There will be no fence sitters nor neutral watchers. Either you are for God or you are with the evil one. People are now afforded their last chance to turn a new leaf on their lives. The message of Calvary rings loud and clear for the whole world to hear. Will you accept the offer of salvation or will you be condemned together with the enemies of the cross?
The grace of salvation and eternal life are offered to us to accept or reject. Those who will not accept it will be condemned together with the lord of this world and his cohorts. The choice is ours. If the situation now is too heavy and burdensome, think of what will happen when the Tribulation proper comes. We can only weep until all tears are gone.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)
Thanks for this entry.Happy Easter to you,my friend!It's really a nice feeling to read something uplifting us this(not to mention the imagination i have in mind when u say about "tribulation period".)I can only imagine how life will be on that period?Will u can't buy goods if u don't have the evil sign?where shall the people of God hide?I'll gonna be scared living in that era!But it's a decision to make and too many people had died to chose God or to chose them.This Easter,we'll pray for Peace & Goodwill among nations and the moral recovery of each person.We all have sinned and come forth to the glory of God,according to Romans.Again,have a blessed Easter to you and your family!Please send my regards to them,if u don't mind?Thanks.
hi bro. mel,
happy easter to you and to your family.
thank you for this enlightening post. i hope that people from all walks of life would change for the better and allow God to be the center of our/their lives. it's not yet late to start anew...God is waiting for any repentant heart.
have a nice day..take care.
Hi Prily,
The Tribulation period will come. What we are experiencing right now is just the PreTribulaion period. But according to the Bible, the true church of God, represented by the five wise virgins in the Parable of the Virgins, will be raptured by Christ before the Great Tribulation comes. The marks of that church (which is not a physical church but a representative of the true believers of Christ) are: without stains or blemish and is wrinkle free. Those who will be left behind will suffer such intolerable burdens that they would wish they were dead but they will not die until the full brunt of the Great Tribulation period shall have come. Thanks for your visit and insightful comments. God bless you and your family.
Hi Fingertalks,
It is a lot better if people will seek the meanings of this period in the Bible. It is mentioned in the four Gospels, Thessalonians and Corinthians, Revelation, Daniel and other books. Thanks for your visit and meaningful comments. God bless you and your loved ones my friend.
thanks for such an insightful post.
wishing you and your family A HAPPY EASTER Mel.
Hi Heiresschild,
Thanks for your visit and your inspiring comments. Happy Easter to you and your family too. God bless you all.
hi Mel, blessed Easter to you, hope your family and you have a wonderful time together remembering the Love of Christ shown on the cross for us, as we spread our love to the love ones and even the unloved ones :)
Happy Easter my friend - passing by to say hello.
My wishes to you and your family.
Have a gr8 Easter Day to you and family.
This insightful post definitely has lessons to learn.If we be good to others, no hatred feelings towards one another and do good deeds,apart from prayers and remembering HIM always, I think we are in the right path...
May Gob Bless You always.Take care my friend.
Hey Mel, Happy easter to you and your family. May god bless you always. Just passed by to wish you and say hi..
hi bro. mel,
thanks for mentioning the four Gospels. i'd surely revisit them. thank you for always reminding me of God's words and God's love.
thanks for visiting and reading my blog..
it really looks great...
have a nice day ahead to you
Hi Elween,
Thanks my young friend. Happy Easter to you and your family too. I hope you are spreading the message and joy of the Gospel in your place of work. God bless you and your family always.
Hi Ceedy,
Happy Easter too my friend. I hope you are enjoying your Easter break in the US. God bless.
Hi Noushy,
Happy Easter to you and your loved ones. I know you are a good person inside out my dear beautiful friend. That is the reason why you are so blessed. May I refer my good friend to you Bluebirdy with url- She was asking me how she can write for WUB. I told her to contact you so she can apply by email. Please extend to her your utmost attention. And please also pray for her healing and blessings. Thanks my dear beautiful friend and God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Jaggu,
Thanks for your visit and for your greetings. I really appreciate that.
I will be visiting your blog very soon since you have now resumed your blogging. Thanks again and God bless.
Hi Fingertalks,
Thanks for your visit and for your wonderful comments. I mentioned the four Gospels because that's where you will find your inspirations. If no priest is available, you can always confess your sins to God and you don't have to enumerate each and every piece of sin. God knows them all already except when the Holy Spirit will highlight a particular sin for you to confess. Have your sins be washed clean by the blood of Jesus. Then you will have genuine peace of mind and joy in your heart. Happy Easter again to you all. God bless.
Hi Darlyn,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your generous comments. I've been to your blogs and I liked what I saw. I will be linking you in my blog roll and I hope you do the same with my blogs. Thanks again and God bless.
Oh Mel, perhaps I aint supposed to be a reader for a post as this !
This post is for someone who believes in God and that He is all powerful...
**God is shaking the world to see who are His and who are of this world. There will be no fence sitters nor neutral watchers..**
I couldnt disagree more, I apologise. i dont really like God that much, and I totally dont believe in the above theory but I do respect what others feel about him, and so thats ok...
Nice to know your opinion though.
Hi Cinderella,
Thanks for your visit and your contrary opinion to the post. I respect your opinion. We have our own viewpoints about everything in life. What I wrote was not my own personal opinion although I do subscribe to it. It is all contained in the Bible.
Anyway, to each his own way and different strokes for different folks. Thanks though for your honest opinion. God bless you always.
I've visited her and surely support her with my endless prayers for her well being and comfort and would invite her to be in WUB soon.
Thanks my friend.God bless you.
Hi Noushy,
Thanks for visiting Shiela and for giving her words of comfort and for inviting her to join World United Bloggers. Blogging probably gives her the needed outlet to forget her constant pains. Thanks for your visit and comments my dear beautiful friend. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Just dropping by to say hello Mel. Happy Easter to you...
The world is really different now. I noticed our climate it's too hot already. I cant seem to stand the heat. Despite the heat during the day, in the later afternoon it would rain. There's a lot of evil things happening too in our community. I dont feel safe anymore when I walk around in the city. How I wish we could turn back the time...
Hi Shielalu,
No, we can not turn back the hands of time, but we can prepare for the future. We just have to be in the care of the Lord for whatever may happen to our present world. Thanks for your visit. God bless you and your loved ones always my friend.
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