These are the 10 reasons why I blog:
1. I love to write and blogging affords me the perfect venue to showcase my writing skills.
2. I meet new friends among fellow bloggers and this widens my perspective in life.
3. It is therapeutic. Blogging keeps me busy and occupied and I forget the pains in my body and the troubles in my mind.
4. I love to read the thoughts and feelings of other people as they post in their own blogs.
5. I feel that I can reach out to everybody, even to the farthest corners of the world.
6. I can witness effectively for the Lord. I know of no other venue that I can reach out to as many people as I can and to as wider areas that I can cover.
7. Blogging enables me to keep my mind sharper and working productively because I have to do regular postings on 4 blogs with 4 different topics and genre.
8. I can reach and have access to as many countries and places that I can never ever reach personally.
9. I increase my knowledge of the customs, government, traditions and cultures of other peoples and countries.
10. I learn to commiserate with the struggles of other peoples, knowing their pains and heartaches and praying for them. Blogging became an effective ministry for me to reach out to people who needs comfort, counseling, prayers and friendships.
Now I am tagging you all to do this tag and enumerate your ten reasons for blogging. After doing this, please copy the tag after this paragraph and add your name on the list of those who have done this. Please do this to increase traffic in our respective blogs and tag as many as you can.
Start to copy:
Ten Reasons Why I Blog. 1. Mel Avila Alarilla 2.
End of copy
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
Hi Mel, so do I.
It's interesenting this post, is like a Meme. And now I know you better than before.
You alreadu know, if I can do something for you, I'll do.
Big greetings and big hugs
Sweet Dreams, from the bottom of my Heart:
Hi Mel, wow, what an interesting, it looks like a Meme.
I'll do this 'cause I find interesting to show others why I post.
Thanks for this awesome, amazing and cool post.
Greetings and hugs
Nice Day, with my whole soul:
Hi Mel,
It's always a good start to be specific about what one expects to achieve by blogging. I'm impressed by the list you've shared with your readers.
Hey Mel,
Its finally interesting to know something more about you - thanks and will take it up.
Cheers and have a nice day
Hi Arthur,
I hope you will do the meme and copy the tag board and add your name after mine. That way, this meme will circulate around and result in increase in traffic and viewership in our respective blogs. Thanks for your visit and comments my young friend. God bless you and your family always.
Hi Gusthav,
Thank you so much my young friend. Actually, I intended to circulate it and increase traffic to our blogs in preparation to my accepting commercial ads later on. Thanks for supporting me on this. I really appreciate that. God bless you and your family my young friend.
Hi Annanda,
Thanks for coming over to my blog and for the very positive comments you made. I really appreciate that. Please do this meme and tag so that we can both increase traffic and viewership in our respective blogs. I believe you came from BlogCatalog. I am concentrating on BlogCatalog and MyBlogLog as jump off points for blog hopping. Thank you so much and God bless.
Hi Ceedy,
Thank you so much my friend for your visit and positive comments. I hope you will make this meme and tag so that it will circulate around and increase traffic in our respective blogs. I'm sure you have so many interesting reasons why you blog. Thanks again and God bless.
THanks MEL..glad to know more about you via this kinda meme..surely will do this later on yea.
Will come back for it..as I got to sleep now....
Take care.Have a gr8 day yea.
My goodness.
I came over here from a blog where I saw this tag linked to you in the comment section. I decided to browse your page simply by scrolling down. I noticed that what appear to be underlined links on your page disappear as a link as soon as the mouse hovers over it. I thought that to be an unusual feature but scrolled on anyway. When I clicked out I was horrified to find some of the worst sexual porn pop-up ads on my computer that I have ever seen. there is absolutely no question but they originated from something on your blog.
If you are truly a Christian, I can only assume these came from something you have been unaware of.
Be very careful with all the gimmicky features for the sidebar that you can find everywhere on the net. No one does anything for free because they love you! If I were you, I'd purge my sidebar completely of all of this and start again! Blog "traffic" is just not worth it! If you want your site to be a witness, God will bring to you those people of His choosing. If a true seeker had found this blog and left with what you gave me they would have sickened away from every word about Jesus that you might have said.
Sorry, but I prefer to remain anonymous although this is definitely not my usual format. But just so you know, I have never commented here before and you have never commented on my blog.
I do most of my writing at the weekend so I'll try and catch up then, especially tricky this week as the children are on holiday from school
Best wishes
Well, here I am again but this will be my last visit -- at least, until I figure you might have had time to look into this or respond here ... so I guess I'll be back at least once more in a week or so! I decided I had been hasty in my assessment of what I was receiving on my computer from this blog! So I came back to apologize for being so outspoken -- I clicked on, careful NOT to hover over any links but, BOOM -- nasty pop-ups which popped up in spite of Firefox's flag that stated it was preventing your site from opening a popup window! Sorry, I'm sure I speak for many who just don't tolerate this kind of thing well! but the bottom line is that you want traffic and yet those who might return never save your link due to the pop-ups! Well, I better scoot ... I have to give a tonic to my computer to cleanse it of these impurities!
hi mel. i'm thinking f doing this meme on my other blog. can you also link my other blog to yours please? http://coloritgreen.blogspot.com. thanks.
hi there,
i need to ponder on this..hehe 10 reasons.....mmmm...quite a lot..hehe
i loved your reasons... really got to know more about you and the way you see people and the whole idea of blogging and sharing opinions!!
Wonderful post, Mel :)
Take good care and God bless you and your loved ones :)
Hi Mel this is a wonderful Meme. I will do it this weekend when I have more time...
How have you been? This blog looks great and so as the Points of View blog. I will add this too in my blogroll.
If you have time,check out my new blog - Exploring Asia
Hope you can link me here too. Than ks in advance.
lovely reasons why.
ehm...that's weird, i thought you never like to be tagged..but you still did it anyway huh hehe :)
thanks for tagging me, i will do it asap! :)
Hi Mel!
Thanks for sharing about you. Mostly my reasons are the same or similar.
I'll do this tag soon.
Mel, what Anonymous said is the True! Somebody infected your comp. and it was very bad.
I don't know how be today.
I'll be back to tell you.
Today I didn't see those bad pics, but I think that you need to clean your comp.
Your 8 reason about blogging
"I can reach and have access to as many countries and places that I can never ever reach personally"
is fascinating for me too.
Peace and Blessings be always with you and your Family!
Hi Mel, thanks for this tag. :) Will post this hopefully today. God bless!
hi mel! thanks for tagging me, i really appreciate it. however, i have already done this months ago ;)
take care and have a great wednesday evening ;)
Hi mel, will post this tomorrow okiz..pls let me know if you can also add my 5 blogs..so i can add you there asap..still need to finish some stuff today..
PLS. UNDER the name RedRuby1 and so on...plus Blog title much better..
Thanks in advance!!!
anayway,a lso read ur anonymous comment, this happen also last March, with the pop-ups, I guess you have to check ur html codes you put in ur blog...I got some postings before about pop-ups check it out in my blogs...see you there..thanks 4 d atag, anyway...good job!!
Hi Mel Thanks so much for the tag, however I wont be able to do the meme on my two health blogs as it will be out of the topic...lols.. I will just do this on my three blogs and link my two health blogs...
Hi mel tagging you back.. here is the link
I have to say that mine are virtually the same reasons as yours!!!
Hey Mel, nice tag and will do it asap.
Wow what a great idea Mel, Ive never done anything like this before with my blog. Cool!
Thanks you Mel for the tag.
I'll be posting it soon.
God Bless !!!
Hi Noushy,
Thank you so much and I hope you will do the tag for it means so much to me so that I could increase my traffic. Thanks so much and God bless you and your loved ones always my dear beautiful friend.
Hi Anonymous,
Thanks for your very constructive comments. I really appreciate them. I am not part of those pop up things that sprout from my blog. I am much a victim as you are. I will not be a hypocrite by witnessing for the Lord and at the same time do those nasty things. I have brought up the matter to my website
domain (blogspot.com)so many times but they don't seem to care, that I am suspecting now that they are the cause of this sprouting pop up messages and porno images. Anyway, nobody can take away my right to these side bar informations since others have them also. It just so happened that I am the one victimized here by I don't know
whom. I will try to reconstitute my blog to try to take them out. Thanks for your valuable information. God bless.
Hi Maddy,
Thanks so much for your visit and comments. Please do the tag when you have the time. It means so much to me. Thanks again and God bless you and your family always.
Hi Anonymous,
Thanks again for being outspoken about my blog. I don't mind your criticisms. They are well taken. God bless you.
Hi Pia,
Yes, I have already linked with your other blog. Thanks for coming over and please do the tag for me. It will definitely increase traffic in both of our blogs. God bless.
I'm glad you decided to blog because I'm blessed to have met you! I will post this on Friday :)
Hi Bb_Anne,
Thanks for your visit and comments. Just try it. If you cannot come up with 10 reasons, make it five then. What's important is that we can increase traffic in our respective blogs. Thanks again and God bless.
Hi Lena,
Could you also do the tag please? It means so much to me since I'm trying to increase traffic to my blog. I will appreciate it very much if you could. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Pinay Jade,
Please link with me via BlogCatalogue. I find their system very efficient and easy. We can just blog hop to increase traffic in our respective blogs. I will regularly blog hop in all your blogs to increase your traffic. Please do the meme. We will both benefit from it. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Keshi,
I hope you will do the meme too. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Elween,
Yes, you are right my young friend and I do apologize to those who tagged me before. It's just my idea of increasing traffic to my blog and nothing else. Sometimes we are humbled by eating our own words. Now, I am eating them and they don't taste good. Again, I apologize to everybody for my about face on this issue. I hope you will do the meme my young friend. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Krystyna,
I thought I have gotten rid of those nasty pop up pornos since I don't see them in my blog. There are just some ads from Clicksor. I already complained these matters so many times to Blogger.com but there seems to be no response that I am beginning to suspect that they are the very ones putting these pop up ads. Anyway, I will try to reconstitute my blog again to hopefully get rid of them. Thanks for your visit and kind words my friend. I always appreciate the kind gestures of true friends. I will be praying for you and your loved ones. God bless you all.
Hi Kcee,
Thanks. It will boost traffic for both our site. God bless.
Hi A Simple Life,
Thanks anyway. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Starlight Express,
Please link with me via BlogCatalog since it is my main venue where I blog hop. Please visit my blogs when I visit yours. I stop visiting blogs when they don't visit me back. Thanks for your feedback on the pop ups. I'll try to remedy that. Please do the meme and tag since it will increase traffic in our respective blogs. Thanks again for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Tey,
Thanks my friend. I hope you will do well with your operation. I will be praying for you. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Tey,
Yes, I have already all your links via BlogCatalog and MyBlogLog. I am regularly blog hopping to your sites although I cannot always leave comments behind. Anyway, what's important is the traffic. I will pray for your impending operation my friend. Be brave and courageous and hold on to the Lord. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Dr. Deb,
Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Jaggu,
Thanks. I really appreciate that. God bless.
Hi Chad d Flick,
Thanks for your visit and comments. I hope you will do the meme and tag so that traffic in both our blogs will increase. Thanks again and God bless.
Hi Nhea,
Thanks for your visit and comments. I hope you will post it soon so that we can help each other increase traffic in our respective blogs. Thanks again and God bless.
Mel, I agree with you in toto. These are the exact reasons why I have started my site.
You have said,"copy the tagboard after the meme and add your name next to mine." How do I do it?
good pm mel. i have posted this tag in my blog. :) thanks to you.
Done.. i write my reasons in both of my blog (2 blogs)..
What next then?
done! =D
I will try to get to this soon. May take me a few days, always does when I am tagged. Hope your day is blessed.
I posted my 10 reasons on my blog and linked back to you..
Have a great evening and thanks for the tag..
Have a Blessing Day Mel!
Everything is OK.
Your place is perfect.
Thank you so much for this tag Mel.
Yupp, I love all your reasons.
You are a very nice person and the humblest person I hever known in this blogging world.
Thanks for this tag and sure will write my 10 reasons.
Have a great day or evening.
God Bless you and your family!
Hi Sangeeta,
In order to put a link in your name, just type this at number two after my number and name- Text to be displayed. Type your url in the url and your name at the text to be displayed. Preview it first to see if you created the necessary link. If you are successful, when somebody clicks on your name they will be accessed to your blog. Make a post on the 10 reasons why you blog then copy and paste the tagboard and add it to your post. This will assure us increased traffic for our respective blogs. I hope you will be able to create the link. Thanks for visiting and for your comments. God bless.
Hi Sangeeta,
Sorry every time I type the formula for linkages, actual linkages are created. Just go to bloggers help at the dashboard and look for linkage. They will give you the necessary html to create a particular link. I also type the formula to you at your email address but the email returned to me.
Thanks again and God bless.
Hi Caca,
Yes, I monitored it already at your blog while blog hopping. Thank you so much for your prompt action. I really appreciate that. Just remember friend, I visit only those who visit me back. I blog hop for my entire community just once in a while and then return the visit of those who will visit me.
We all want increase in traffic and it's wonderful if we will all help one another. Thanks again. God bless.
Done with the tag Mel... Thanks... I'll see you in a week or so
Hi Sigit,
If you complied with the instructions to the letter- that is, write 10 reasons why you blog, then copy and paste the tag board (where my name appears and your name too on number two)then tagged as many friends as you can, then you can just sit back and relax and observe if this strategy will actually increase traffic in your blog. If everybody else who receive the tag will do as instructed, there will be a continuous chain of taggers and we can all benefit from the linkages created. I will visit your blog my friend if you did as instructed. Thank you so much for posting the meme on your two blogs. I really appreciate that. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Pia,
You did the meme my friend but you forgot to copy and paste the tagboard where our names were included. The purpose of the meme was really to increase traffic in our respective blogs. Anyway, no harm done. I still appreciate your doing the meme. Thanks my friend and God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Jennifer,
Take your time my friend. Just don't forget to include the tagboard with the names on it. Thanks for your visit and comments. I like your new look my friend. You look smart, younger and beautiful. Your hubby must be proud of you. God bless you and your family always.
Hi Mississippi Songbird,
Thank you so much for your cooperation my friend. I hope you are all fine and in the best of health. God bless you all.
Hi Krystyna,
Yes, I eliminated all the suspected sources of those malicious pop ups. Anonymous is right. I cannot sacrifice my scruples for some freebies. Anyway, I can probably get the figures somewhere else. Thanks for the feedback my friend. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Haze,
I have been monitoring your blogs while blog hopping from BlogCatalog. Link with me at BlogCatalog because it is easier to blog hop there than in MyBlogLog. I will support you all the way. Thanks for your very kind words but TO GOD BE THE GLORY. I will appreciate it very much if you can do the meme and tag as many of your friends as you can. May it help increase traffic in our respective blogs. God bless you and your wonderful family always my friend.
Hi Jlee,
Sorry I missed your name. Anyway, thanks for coming over and deciding to do the tag. I really appreciate that. God bless.
Hi Raptured Dreams,
Thanks for doing the tag. See you also after your operation. I hope you will be fine and recover immediately. I'll be praying for your operation to be successful and pain free. God bless.
hi bro.mel,
thanks for this tag..i love your reasons for blogging. you are one of the nicest people i know online, and your reasons for blogging are reflective of your good heart.
i've been busy the past few days...and my blog says so...it's been deserted for a week now..hehe but i will do the tag tomorrow night.
have a nice day! God bless you and your family.
I did the tag, now your it on my site www.chronicchicktalk.com
COuld you please add it to your blog roll and I'll do the same, if you like
Thanks for the tag.The reasons why you blog are great.There are lots of tags for me that are really lined up right now.So, i cannot do this one yet. I'm already here in Scotland and still acclimatizing and handn't unpacked yet.hehehe.I just wanna say thank you for being a constant visitor in my site.I also thank you for the comments you left.I appreciated it.
More power blogging!
hello Mel... Sorry I dont do tags. I really dont have much time to be online. If i have time, it is only enough to visit you and a few blogs...
God bless you always.
Hi Fingertalks,
Thank you so much for the compliment, you really made my day but, TO GOD BE THE GLORY. I admire and respect your posts too. They are meticulously made and speak so much of the inner you. Thanks so much for your visit and your edifying comments my friend. I hope you and your husband are doing well in your place of assignments and are both in the pink of health. God bless you and your loved ones always.
BTW, I hope you will join BlogCatalog because I am doing my daily blog hopping from there. It is so easy to blog hop. It takes only seconds and just by the click of your mouse. Together with EntreCard, they are the best SEOs (Search Optimization Engine) in blog world today. I have not noticed if you are in commercial blogging. If you are, join these two outfits and you will see the great increase of traffic to your blog. I will accept commercial ads for my blogs very soon. Thanks again and God bless.
Hi Chronic Chick,
Thanks for doing the tag. I really appreciate that. Don't worry, we are already linked at BlogCatalog and MyBloLog and I am now doing my regular blog hopping from them especially BlogCatalog. I suggest you also join EntreCard because together with BlogCatalog, they can go hand in hand in regular blog hopping and they are done in mere seconds by the click of your mouse. Thanks again and God bless.
Hi Prily,
Thanks for your visit and for your comments. No problem, you can always take your time. I'm so glad that you and your family are already in Scotland. My, you have such an adventurous and globe trotting life, what with your little kids in tow. That must be some kind of a hustle at times. But Pinays are great in making adjustments and adaptations. You made the Philippines proud by being the best wives of foreigners who are really sought after by the world's bachelors. Thanks again and God bless you and your family always.
Hi Shielalu,
That's okay. Don't worry. No harm done. I respect whatever decisions you make. We're still friends. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you and your loved ones always my friend.
Hey again! I haven't forgotten this tag! I'll let you know when it is posted. Be blessed.
Hi Jennifer,
Take your time my friend. I'm glad you'll be doing the tag. Just don't forget the tagboard with our name on it so that it will help to increase traffic to our respective blogs. Thanks again and God bless you and your family always.
I've done the tag! Do check it out =)
Hi MEL, me too, have done it!Few reasons are similar to yours..:)
Have a gr8 day my friend.Take care.
Hi Jennifer,
Thanks so much. Just take your time. There's no need to hurry. Thanks again and God bless.
Hi Dar_ling,
Yes, I already saw it at your blog. Thank you so much my friend for doing the tag. God bless.
Hi Noushy,
Thank you so much my dear beautiful friend. I really appreciate that you did the tag. Means so much to me. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hey Mel, I have executed your tag. Check it out and let me know.:)
Hey Mel, I have executed your tag. Check it out and let me know.:)
Perhaps you can write a post on the benefits and disadvantages of blogging.
God Bless.
Hi Jaggu,
Thank you so much for doing the tag. I really appreciate that. Yes, I will visit your site after this. Thanks again and God bless.
Hi Joel Yap,
Thanks for coming over and for your interesting comments. Yes, I will consider that. Thanks for your suggestion. God bless.
Great post Mel. We all have our reason why we blog. Not only can we learn from others we may be able to teach them something along the way also. Take care and God Bless.
Hi NightgoddessBoo,
Thanks for your visit and for your very considerate comments. I really appreciate that. God bless.
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