The lifestyle of the now generation is fraught with so much danger and peril. The sedentary lifestyle of most people are such that there are no more room for balanced exercises. Thus, they eat a lot, sit and relax most of the time in front of the computer, TV, video game machine, DVD, or their ipod or MP4 players. Thus, they consume so much food but let them stay in their bodies and they become so lethargic and dull due to lack of exercise. And to compensate for their feeling of heaviness and lethargy, they drink a lot of energy drinks or even indulge in mind awakening drugs such as shabu, cocaine or marijuana.
Have we ever wondered why there are so many obese people especially in rich and developed nations? It is because they have so much of everything, and as everything in nature, excess of anything can kill. The remedy to this is the old fashioned style of exercising to relax our body and to replenish the stale air in our lungs. But most people are averse to exercising outdoors. They have their usual litanies of excuses.
If you cannot or do not want to go outside, then you can exercie inside. You can do stationary jogging for one hour. Or you can sweat it out in your own room by dancing your way to your favorite disco music. Be sure to close all the windows and shut off the air conitioner and voila, you have your own sauna room where you can exercise and sweat off your excess poundages. It is not only good for the heart and lungs but good for the bones too. Our bones absorb the calcium that we take in through exercise.
So you want a healthy body? Exercise your way to a better health and a younger, more self confident you.
Tags: Exercise, Physical Fitness, Healthy Lifestyle, Younger, Self Confident
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
Just stopped by to take a look. Good info and great Blog.. Thanks!
Hi Russ H,
Thanks for your visit and comments. I appreciate that. God bless.
Hi Mel!
Never to much about benefits from exercise. This is the best medicine and... for free. Everybody can do that.
"I don't have a time" is not true.
When I don't have a time, I know that I'm... lazy.
My life would be in the wheelchair and with pain without doing exercises.
We can do exercise everywhere.
I'm going to write post about exercise too... soon.
Have a wonderful, blessing weekend!
Thank you Mel...somehow you are a saviour...whenever I am thinking about something and visit your blog it reflects here....its a sign I guess...
you are so right...sedentary lifestyle has its bad effects...one needs to move....hopefully will do it soon and let you know
welcome back and have a good weekend
Hi BJ,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for the wonderful comments you left behind. Yes, I will visit your blog and learn more about the things you said in your comments. Thanks again for your visit and God bless.
Hi Krystyna,
Yes, you are so right my friend. We can never underestimate the value of exercise for our body. It is just a matter of the will to exercise. Four months ago, I could not walk outside our house and I was not able to stand up for three whole days. But after I recuperated, I found out that 1 hour of exercise at home doing stationary jogging and some stretching has done wonders for my body. It did not only strengthened my bones, it helped me a lot to cope up with my hypertension and diabetes. I guess God did really intended man to exercise and not lead a sedentary lifestyle. Thanks for your visit and valuable comments. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Ceedy,
Yes, we have to fight this tendency to live a good and relaxed life doing practically nothing but brain work. Sedentary lifestyle will reduce us to a mass of vegetable or an airbag. We need to exercise regularly, eat the right foods and think the right thoughts. Then we will savor the best from life. Thanks for your visit my friend. God bless.
exercising is not only for losing weight.. you're right, it's also for health reasons :)
Hi Tintin,
We were created not only to eat and relax but also to exercise our bodies. Failure to do this will result in diseases and a weakened body. Thanks for your visit. God bless.
That was very wise Mel.The problem with people these days is that they have too much of everything.It's high time we all practised minimalism.
Take care.God Bless You!
Hi MEL..hope you're fine and always in good spirit to do the exercise!
Good posting on one way of having a healthy life style - exercise.Sedentary lifestyle has its bad effects,one needs to move really to prevent unnecessary fatigue and muscle athropy.Beside by exercising also will make the blood circulation better to the heart!!
TC Mel..I definitely enjoy my cycling and jogging especially on this beautiful summer time.
hi tito mel
hope you can add me here
Hi Mel another useful info from you again but this time it's about health.. Just dropping by and I got a prayer tag for you
Hi Sameera,
Yes, too much of everything is harmful. We just have to learn to live in moderation in everything that we do and must not overlook the basic things in life to prolong our existence in this world. Welcome back my valued friend. God bless you always.
Hi Noushy,
Ever since I started exercising everyday at the wee hours of the morning, I have been feeling fine and had experience no problems with my body. I intend to keep this up and live a balanced life to prolong my existence here on earth. You're always welcome here my dear friend. Never forget your exercises. It will give you a better appreciation of life through your feeling of wellness inside you. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Sunlight,
No problem with that. I would love to have your Sunshine here in my blog. Welcome here and God bless.
Hi Ester,
Thanks for your visit and for your appreciative words. Yes, I will go over to your blog to see the prayer tag. That seems to be more to my liking. Thanks again and God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi, I miss you in my blog.
Hey Mel!
I go for daily walks - 45min.
btw I'd like to hear ur thoughts on my current post. :)
hi Mel! it's good to be here again, i'm sorry i was lost for a week...^^take care!
Hi Monica,
Yes, I'm sorry that I'm so busy blog hopping from Blog Catalog where I have 500 friends to take care of that I could not do my usual visits to my friends at my blog roll. All I can do is reciprocate the visits of those who visits me. Yes, I will go over to your blog to read your latest post. And I miss you too mi amiga. Thanks for your visit and warm comments. God bless.
Hi Keshi,
Sorry if I have not visited you lately. It's not that I have forgotten you, it's just that I am really too busy blog hopping from Blog Catalog. Yes, I will go over to your blog to read your latest post. I kind of miss your posts too. Thanks for your visit and God bless.
Hi Bb._Anne,
No problem with that. If you could not comment, you can at least blog hop to my blog so I can do the same for you. I give 1st priorities to my recent visitors at Blog Catalog and Entrecard and after I have visited them, that's the only time I can visit my other friends. The problem is, I have 500 friends now at Blog Catalog so it's practically impossible for me to visit them all at one time. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
added to my rss reader
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