We will travel the paths of this world just once, so let us make the most of our short lives. Each moment is so precious to waste in idle talks, disparaging remarks and negative thoughts. Let us spend each moment of our lives doing positive things, contributing to the upliftment and welfare of our fellowmen. Let us flash that winsome smile to each person we chance to encounter. Let us help each person that seeks our help to the best of our abilities. Let us comfort those who are undergoing pains and sufferings. Let us stand by our friends who are undergoing severe trials and deprivations. Let us spend precious times with our loved ones and show them how much we love and care for them. Let us show the way to the light to those who are perishing in the darkness of this world. Let us make each precious moment count by being a channel of blessings for God's love, blessings and abundance to our less fortunate brethren.
We cannot always help others physically and financially, but we can always pray for those who are in need of them. We can pray for our brothers who are sick and destitute, especially those suffering from dreaded and incurable diseases. Prayer will cost us nothing, but it will open the very floodgates of heaven so that grace and blessings will pour down upon the people we will pray for. Let each golden moments of our lives count.
Tags: Precious Moments of Our Lives, Prayers, God, Love For Our Fellowmen, Brotherhood of Men
Posted by:Mel Avila Alarilla
hi brother mel thanks for this inspiring post...you are so right..we should make every moment productive..not so much whining of the past...but looking forward to what the future entails..and to enjoy the present..
happy father's day to u!
God bless!
Hi Fingertalks,
You are so fast with your comments. I just hardly finished this post and you already have your comments. I appreciate that my friend. Thanks for the greetings. God bless you and your family always.
very inspiring bro. belated happy father's day! i tried leaving a comment on your ET subject on your other blog but there was an error. anyway, hope you get this one. =) God bless!
Hello Mel, thank you so much for the devine reminder. I am actually spiritually at peace. Just sometimes I have nothing to do to keep my blog busy. Your right, there is no emptiness with GOD is with us.I may not be a good follower but I deeply believe in God presence and words.
Hi Pia,
I am very sorry if you have already dropped a comment on my Points of View blog. There was no error. I just withdrew my post to immediately post that entry on Entrecard so I can earn 2,000 ec's. So sorry if your comment was inadvertently deleted. You can also copy the post at my blog and post it at your blog, then notify Entrecard blog through the backlink in the article and you can also earn your free 2,000 ec's. I could not advertise in your blog since I have very limited amount of ec's, so I am forced to advertise at cheaper ones. Thanks so much for your visit and comments. God bless you and your loved ones always. BTW, advance info, you are one of those who will be specially featured in my next post in this blog. Just watch out for it.
Hi Lis,
Yes, I noticed that you were having a fit of emptiness or boredom when you post that article. We must be careful since boredom can lead us to undiscovered paths. The antidote to this is to constantly meditate on God and His words. I know that you are a Christian and you're trying hard to be a good one. We can ask the Lord to take over the reigns in our lives and He will lead us always to the right path. Thanks for your visit and comment. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Thanks for this inspiring post. It made my day bright.
Hi Metropolismom,
You're welcome. Thanks for coming over to visit my blog and for your inspiring comments. I really appreciate that. God bless.
really? i'm excited. what could that be all about?
Yes, this is true. Thanks for writing this. I'm reminded of what I am here for. I'll link this blog to the holley herald, please link mine also. I lost all the links I had before when I changed my template.
Hi Pia,
You were one of those who were cited. I will post that article after this comment. God bless you and your loved ones always my friend.
Hi Steven and Aisha,
Thanks for your visit and your meaningful comments. I will link you with my Points of View blog because there are already so many blogs listed here. Thanks again and God bless.
True indeed....make the time of our lives the best we could to the fullest.
..and one of it is by reading your inspirational posts!!
Take care Mel...
Hi Noushy,
Why thank you my dear friend, but as always, TO GOD BE THE GLORY. Thanks for your visit and inspiring comments. God bless you always my dear friend.
indeed. prayer is powerful and so is a smile. let us avoid negative energy and thoughts and overwhelm ourselves instead with positive ones.
Hi Samar Bloggirl,
Thanks for your visit and insightful comments. God bless.
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