Live each day as though it is the last day of your life. Savor each moment. Relive each dream. Focus on the joy of your heart. Each breath, each beat of your heart will tell you that it is so wonderful to be alive and happy and strong and well. Yes, life is so good. Why do we have to waste our time looking at negative things in life when there are countless of blessings and positive things we could focus on? Why do we fret on a love that was lost instead of looking at the countless love and caring that are showered upon us by our loved ones and true friends? Why do we rue the opportunities lost in the past when there are countless of opportunities beckoning before us? If we dig just deep enough, each sand will uncover a long lost pearl. If we just strive hard enough, our golden dreams will see its fruition in our lives.
Have we not felt so blessed that we have been born without any congenital defects to hamper our progress in life? And even if we have one, are we not glad that it is not worse than the defects and misfortunes that others have? For every misery that we dwell upon, there are so many blessings in the air waiting to be plucked if only we would notice them.
So keep your head up high and feel the sweet scent of air flowing through your lungs and live each day as though it is your very last. Smile and the whole world smiles back at you.
Tags: It's A Wonderful World, Live Your Life Fully, Count Your Blessings, You Are loved
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
smile and the whole world smiles back at you... - sometimes. hehe ;p
Such a lovely inspirational message Mel!
Life is really beautiful and we should be thankful to Him for what He has given us.
Have a wonderful weekend my friend.Take care.God Bless You and your loved ones always.
nice thing to say...that is one fact that everyone should think of before crying into tears because of the so-called miseries in life.
Can you help me mel on how to check out my post in linkreferral? I posted it long time ago so I could no longer check out the yellow dot. Please do help me if you have any idea. Thanks!
Lovely post...
I am thinking of visiting beach and spreading my arms and have a nice long breath intake...
Hi Tintin,
If others would not smile back at you after you smiled at them, should not ruin your day. Your peace will just return back to you. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi Sameera,
You have such a beautiful picture my friend. Shows the inherent goodness and kindness in your face. May the trials and testings in life not affect your positive and amiable outlook in life. Thanks for your visit and comments my dear friend. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Bestre,
Thanks for your visit and wonderful comments my friend. I am no longer active in link referral so there's not much I can do for you. Why don't you write them a letter of inquiry about your previous post? Thanks again. God bless.
Hi Hobo,
Yes, we must do something positive always to regenerate ourselves instead of always sulking on the "bad cards" dealt to us by faith. Life is too precious to waste on negative thoughts and emotions. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
thank you for reminding me of how blessed I am. Recently I am hit with some matters that drained my spirit dry. I am glad that I am blessed in every circumstance.
God bless you Mel.
Hi Eel Wind,
If we count our blessings, we will never stop from counting and we will surely forget the misfortunes we may have occasionally encountered in life. We will never appreciate the light if not for the blackness around. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
haie..dropping by! got a tag for u at good day!
Hi Gagay,
Thanks for your visit and comments my young friend. I am going over to your blog to see your tag. God bless.
nice and inspiring thoughts...
living as it is last no more sins, mistakes, coz we are preparing to meet our Master..
we're blessed...
anyways i already added you in my blogroll coz you are always present to leave a comment in my blog...
God bless you too
hi Mel, what a positive, wonderful, thought-provoking post, and so true. i think the reason people stay in the past is because they haven't been healed from those wounds or negative encounters and sometimes don't even know how to get past them. wise counsel certainly helps. we can only have that perfect peace when our minds are focused and stayed on Jesus. that's why the devil tries to bombard the minds with the past and the negative. he knows when people re-focus on the positive, they'll achieve their goals and dreams. God is a present (now) help. the Word says we are to forget those things which are behind, and press forward toward the mark of the prize of the high calling in Jesus.
Hi Mel,
I think that your post is the most important message for humanbeing.
Live each Day as Though It Is Your Last
Nobody knows what will be not only tomorrow, but even in ten minutes.
Young or old, sick or healthy. Nobody.
So it will be good be in a hurry to say and to do lovely, good things.
Be in a hurry to love, tomorrow maybe too late./ in my country said/
God bless you and yours!
What an inspiring post, bro. mel, and a great reminder, too...
savor life and enjoy its every minute...
be the best of what we can be...
love more and enjoy time with our loved ones...
be good to oneself..and to reach for greater heights.
Thank you for this post. God bless you always, my friend, and thanks for reading my longish post in my blog. Glad you enjoyed reading about my childhood dreams...:)
Hi Darlyn,
Thank you so much for adding me to your blogroll. I truly appreciate that. Thanks for your visit too and for your meaningful comments. Yes, we must always be prepared to meet our Creator. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Sylvia,
Thanks for your words of wisdom. Truly you are inspired. Yes, we must "fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith." (Hebrews 12:2a) and "Submit yourself then to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you." (James 4:7-8) Anyway, we are all struggling against the wiles and stumbling blocks put on by the enemy but if we stay focused on Jesus Christ, we will overcome just as He overcame all the challenges of the enemy. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you and your loved ones always my dear friend.
Hi Krystyna,
We throw away our most precious time on inconsequential things not knowing what will happen next to us. We must do everything for the glory of God expecting Him to come anytime so that we will not be remiss in our faithfulness to Him. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments my dear friend. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Fingertalks,
It is always a pleasure to read your post, even your comments. They are gold nuggets of literary excellence. Your post was quite long in the standard of blogging but I can never complain since I enjoyed reading your childhood anecdotes. It was like seating in an armchair where I traveled with you to the past to savor your childhood memories. Thanks for sharing with us your most cherished childhood memories. I really enjoyed them. Thanks for your visit and comments my dear friend. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Mel =)
thanks for welcoming me back. also missed all you guys whose blogs i read regularly! thanks for the prayers. really appreciate it =)
hope everything goes well with your move and internet connection. See you around! God bless
It's true that there are so many things that we should be thankful about instead of finding what is not with us. Thanks for this very motivating post Mel. Have a great day to you
Ester's Celebrity Blog
Array Of Hopes
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Hi Wendy,
I'm really glad to see you back again to blogging. Just be careful with your health since your pregnancy is a little bit delicate. I'm praying for your safe delivery and for the health of both you and your child. Thanks for your visit and concern. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Ester,
I'm so glad that little by little you are realizing your dream of succeeding in commercial blogging. May the Lord grant you more success in all your endeavors in life. God bless you and your family always my friend.
thank you
Hi Izmir,
Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
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