I want to share with you, my dear readers, this beautiful love song that haunted me throughout my life. Its lyrics and melody epitomize the whole of me and my romantic inclinations. I was born a romantic person and I will die one. Hear this musical video and I'm sure you'll also fall in love with the song. I included the lyrics of the song here for your better appreciation and enjoyment. Sit back, just relax and enjoy the beauty of this love song.
Distant Shores by Chad and Jeremy
Sweet soft summer nights
The dancing shadows in the
starry nights
You came for me to follow
As we kissed on the distant shores.
Long quiet hours of play
Songs of tomorrow sung yesterday
Love came for me to follow
As we kissed on the distant shores
Cathedral bells and children playing
Raindrops fall as if they're saying:
Quiet thoughts of you caressed
my time.
The dream of summer's gone
Whispered memories as the nights
grow long
Love came for me to follow
As we kissed on the distant shores.
Distant Shores by Chad and Jeremy
Tags: Distant Shores, Chad and Jeremy, Memories, Love, Summer Song, Romantic
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
Melodies are such a soothing balm,and nice to know this is one close to your heart.Lovely lyrics it has :)
Take care my dear friend.May the melodies of life be attuned to your thoughts always.God Bless You and your loved ones always.
hi my friend,
how r u? been busily napping. hehe. no, i guess, it goes with preg hormones. hehe. oh, yeah, happy to share that one...:)
nice melody and lyrics. thanks for sharing, bro. mel.
thank you for sharing
Two voices with great written lyrics and light music.
Claps for the team and for you too.
Two voices with great written lyrics and light music.
Claps for the team and for you too.
Hi Sameera,
Thank you so much my dear friend. Music always fill the heart of he romantic. It's another expression of our heart and soul. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Fingertalks,
Is it rue that you are preggy? Wow that's a cause for celebration. Please cue us in on the wonderful details except of course on the making of the baby. He, he, he *lol* We're all supposed to be wholesome bloggers you know. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you and your family always my dear friend.
Hi Motoriu panjur sistemieri,
Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Hobo,
Thanks for appreciating the song. God bless. Thanks too for the double comments. It's twice appreciated. He, he, he, *lol* I should have addressed you Hobo-1 and Hobo-2. He, he, he, *lol* Just joking.
unfortunately I havent hooked up my speakers on my new desktop so I couldn't hear the music.. But I know the song.. Very inspirational Mel.. Thanks for sharing.. Ester's Daily Thoughts
Ester's Money Journal
Ester's Recollections
Hi Tey,
Thanks for yout visit and comments. Yes, the song has so much relevance to my life. God bless you always my friend.
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