Do you dare to be different? Do you dare to swim against the current of popular world views? Can you stand for your principles and for what you feel are the right things to do when everybody else is doing the opposite? Can you maintain your scruples and principles amidst the darkness and permissiveness of the world? It is easy to go along with everybody else and be comfortable with the popular and accepted views. It is easy to justify a morally warped principle and way of life when everybody else is doing it. After all, did not the popular maxim says, "when in Rome, do as the Romans do." Yes, it is so easy to swim with the popular current of worldly living since almost everybody else is doing it. Anyway, no one gives a hoot as to what we do with our private lives. Or is there really nobody who cares for what we do? But at the end of the day, when the life of our individual candle is snuff out, we will give an accounting for each and every thing we did, said and thought while we were alive in this mundane world. We did not sprout out of nowhere and we will not be extinguished forever like a flame of a burning candle. There is an existence beyond this present life and we will be giving an accounting to our Creator after our mundane lives are over. So to those who live for the day in excessive pleasures and wanton living, disregarding the norms of morality that God has prescribed to the world, there will be judgment that they will never forget for all eternity. They will rue the day that they disregarded the dictates of their conscience and instead live for their own selves in excessive and profligate living. They had their own "rewards" while they were still living.
Tags: Dare To Be Different, Principles, Going Against The Current, Morality, Excessive and Profligate Living, Conscience, Just Rewards
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
When I was younger, I always wanted to be a little bit different when every teenager wants to be "in" with the crowd. As a child, I always have the different view and the opposing opinion. I don't want to go with the tides just because it's where everybody goes. I don't feel comfortable when it does not fit me or I don't fit in. That's why I am very assertive and people think I'm too opinionated. Well, I think because I think differently compared to the way they're thinking.
Hi Bingkee,
I have discerned you as really a nonconformist who gives out her honest opinion. There's nothing wrong with that. At least you are being honest with yourself and with others. I have high respect for people who are honest. That's a positive trait. But honesty must also be tempered with gentleness and respect for the feelings of others. There is a balance between honesty and respect for the feelings of others. Thanks for your visit and honest comments. God bless you always my friend.
I'm dare to be different and NOT dare of making the differences.
Hi Tikno,
There is a challenge to be different, to express oneself no matter what others may say. Thanks for the visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Opel,
You're welcome. God bless.
thats really a big deal to be different and not that simple. Because then you will have to make sacrifices and they might be to tough to handle.
Hi Lena,
It's a personal choice to conform or not to conform to popular world view. But in the end, we choose what will make us happy and attain that elusive peace of mind. Thanks for your visit and meaningful comments. God bless you always.
I used to go with the crowd when I was younger but as I get old, I tend to realize that life is not about them but all about me and God. Now I dont really care about what the crowd wants. They wont all go with me anyway.
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Hi Mel,
firm words, but you are right.
"But at the and of the day, when the life of our individual candle is snuff out, we will give an accounting for each and every thing we did, said and thought while we were alive in this mundane world"
It is important Who is our idol, whom we serve. What is our life principle. God or god?
Than, these words are not firm, there are happiness and peace in our soul.
Thank you Mel, great job!
Blessings to you and to your lovely family!
Hi Krystyna,
I am always happy and blessed whenever I see your name in my comments section. Somehow I know a friend is commenting who sees eye to eye with my stands in life. We are both pilgrims in this world and we are leading a weary life with all the trials and persecutions around. But in the end, what matters most is that we will meet our Lord and savior face to face and He will wipe the tears from our eyes. Thank you my dear friend for your visit and inspired comments. You always make my day. God bless you and your loved ones always my dear friend.
Hi Tey,
Way to go my friend. You surprised me with your comments. I respect you more for that. You are so right. It's just a one on one situation with the Lord. There will be no kibitzers around. Thanks for visiting and for your very inspired comments. God bless you always my friend.
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