One thing that Gnosticism and ancient Greek philosophies have taught us is the doctrine of emanation and cyclical evolution. From the spirit plane, the spirit travels
down to mater to experience material existence. From the densest physical matter, the spirit evolves into mineral, vegetable, animal, human and demigod forms until it is reabsorbed again into the spiritual world to become a god. This is the reason why Greek philosophers insist on humans to know themselves. Greek philosophy and other religions also teach us about the doctrine of dualism, that there are always two opposing forces in creation contending against each other- the good and the evil, heat and cold, light and darkness, the human and the divine, and so on and so forth. Other religions even adore god in his dual nature- both benevolent and destructive. Thus we see in their temples pantheons of all sorts of gods including sinister looking demigods with horns and fangs or with animal representations. Other philosophies outrightly deny the existence of a personal God insisting that the real god is just a force, a light or divine energy from which the whole universe was created. There are spiritual books of all beliefs, some dating back to antiquities, like the Mahabharatas and Vedas of Hinduism, the Four Noble Truths and Eight Fold Paths of Buddhism, the Koran of the Muslims, the Egyptian ancient writings like the Egyptian Book of The Deads, the Buddhist scrolls of Tibet including the Tibetan Book of The Deads, the Kabbalah of the ancient Jews, the Torah of Judaism, ancient manuscripts, esoteric writings of the Essenes, the Druids, the Parsis, Zen Buddhism, Shintoism, teachings of Confucius and Lao Tsu, the Rossicrucians, Masonry, the Knight Templars, Theosophy, the New Age, etc., etc.
Some say that the gods were actually spacemen who visited the earth in its infancy and has taught primitive men what would be the precursors of modern day amenities as desbcribed in the book- Chariots of the gods by Eric Von Dainiken. They explain that these gods built the Pyramids in Egypt and South America, the Stonge Henge, the massive structures at Easter Island, even the unmistakable ancient landing strips in South America and other parts of the world.
Then some believe that God revealed Himself to men through divine revelation and through the person of Jesus Christ. What to believe? Your choice is as good as mine. The Bible says, "you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." I will always readily believe the words of God as contained in the Bible. There, I will stand and fall in my beliefs.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Myths, gods, Chariots of the Gods, Eric Von Dainiken, Gnosticism, Greek Philisophies, Emanation, Dualism, Spirit, Mater
Posted by:Mel Avila Alarilla
God is God and knowing his words and having faith will set you free
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there could only be one God. and no room for small g's. hello mel, sensya na po di masyado nakakavisit. :)
Hi Tey,
I just placed here all the different beliefs. It's up to us to choose the truth. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi Caca,
Of course I understand my young friend. You have lots of things to attend to. No problem with that. Thanks for your visit too. God bless you always.
I think Hinduism also says that all creatures come from god. That's why they worship almost anything or any animal. Its kinda ridiculous I think.
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Hi Wendy,
Hinduism is a polytheistic religion that believes in so many gods and demigods. But we have to respect their religious beliefs and customs. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Darlyn,
Thanks for joining. I wish you can copy and paste the embed code of the banner in my sidebar at Filipinos Unite!!! and place it at your own sidebar. I will really appreciate it if you do. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
gods = spacemen
I have read articles regarding this definition. especially cosmologists who strongly believe there is no REAL GOD in this world.
human beings are getting smarter and smarter. not knowing we somehow crossed the line.
thanks for sharing Mel.
Hi Eel Wind,
I agree with you. In the mad quest of men for more knowledge and other frontiers to conquer, God is being pushed out of the equation of things. So we hear of all kinds of explanations and rationales for our state of being. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. God bless you always my young friend.
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