There is power in the spoken words. When God created the universe, He used two processes. One is ideation or fixing in His mind the exact thing that He wanted to create and secondly, is the power of the spoken words. He said, "let there be light," and there was light. When Jesus ordered the storm to subside, it obliged Him. And when He commanded Lazarus to rise up and live, Lazarus did just that.
But you may say, He is God that is why He could do that. What about me, I am just a mere mortal? Ah, ah, ah! Do not forget that man was originally created by God in His own image and likeness and was given dominion over all creatures of the earth.
But man lost that likeness of God when he sinned at Eden. And the race of man was born under a curse. He became depraved and brutish by nature. But God remedied that. He sent His only begotten Son to save us from our own fallen nature and the curses chained in us by Satan. Only by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and savior and become born again can the Holy Spirit revive our dead spirit and bring us back into our original blueprint in life.
So if you are born again, you are privileged to become a child of God and co-heir with Christ in all the rights and privileges of heaven, including the power of the spoken words. We can decree a thing and in the name of Jesus Christ, it shall come to pass. So we must be careful in what we decree, for our tongues have gained a tremendous power incomprehensible to man. We can decree blessings or curses, but whatever it is, it will surely return to us as blessings or curses too.
Tags: Spoken Words, Power, Jesus Christ, God, Man, Depravity, Blessings, Curses, Decree
Thanks for reminding a good way to keep having good blessing and avoid the bad ones... They always say "dont do what you want unto others"...
Hi Mel.. Have great day
Have a wonderful day. Thanks for the post..
Hi Tey,
Yes, with the power comes a great responsibility. That's why Jesus said that we will be accountable for every idle word we will say. How much more if it is the power of the spoken words. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you more.
Hi Stephanie,
Thanks for your visit and for your warm greetings. I really appreciate that. God bless you and your family always my friend.
Hi Mel..
Have faith and always do good deeds and as long as we follow the right direction,God willing,we should be OK.
Have a gr8 day and may God bless you and family always.TC.
Hi Noushy,
Thanks for your visit and your nice comments. I really appreciate that. God bless you and your loved ones always my dear beautiful friend.
Hi Mel,
i've already change the location of my entrecard as per your suggestion...thank you so much..didn't think about it...TC
dropping by! tagged u!
Hi Mel!
Thank you so much for that inspiring message.
God bless you and your job!
God bless your family!
Hi Bb_Anne,
Yes that's the only difference between a higher rank and a lower rank EntreCard, the position of the widget. It is easier to drop on an EntreCard widget that is easily visible. Concentrate on Blog Catalog and EntreCard by blog hopping and you will see a tremendous increase in the number of traffic to your blog. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Gagay,
Thanks for dropping by and for the tag. I will have to find out what it is when I go to your site. God bless.
Hi Krystyna,
Thanks for your visit and for your very encouraging comments. You are one of my most dependable friends. I pray to the Lord that He will bless you more with life's abundance of blessings and prosperity, with perfect health and a long fruitful life. Thanks again and God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Berto,
Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Jaggu,
Thanks for your visit and your tag. I'll go over to visit your site to see what it is all about. God bless.
hi Mel, it's been a while since i've blogged, and i hope all has been well with you and your family.
my daughter and i were talking today about how much power words have, and how we sometimes have to counteract other people's words with the Word of God or something more positive than what was spoken.
Proverbs 18:21 reads "death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it (death or life). so we speak life. our tongues are creative forces so we have to be aware of what comes out of our mouths.
i've missed reading your posts because the Word is so soothing, but hopefully, i'll be able to get back to blogging a bit more. have a great week Mel!
yup yup! we should be careful what we say cause words are powerful!
Our pastor showed us this talk about awesome God is, it mentioned that He created the stars -one of which is the earth's sun, with his breath! amazing!! =)
I'm actually caught in a dilemma whether to speak out my mind or not...now with your post..i know what to do...tnx for posting!
Hi Heiresschild,
No problem with that my friend. I know you are engaged in your own ministry that the Lord has put you into. God bless you more for your untiring efforts to minister to those who badly need your ministry. Yes, we must be very careful with what we say, especially for Born Again Christians, since we have the power to bless or curse and it's an awesome responsibility. Thanks for your welcome visit and words of wisdom in your comments. God bless you and your loved ones always my friend.
Hi From The Eyes of My Heart,
Actually God used His creative mind and His spoken words to create all worlds both visible and invisible. His breath gives life as what He had done to Adam. Thanks for your visit my friend and don't worry about your child. He will be delivered by the Lord to you in His own sweet time. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Bb_Anne,
It is easy to speak out our mind but so hard to wiggle out of the trouble it might ensue later on. How sweet it is to be with persons who say nothing but wonderful and soothing words to others. They are like harbingers of joy and everything that is nice in this world. It's up to you to choose where you will be. God bless.
the power of the tongue. i was just reading about this the other night.
Hi Pia,
Yes, we have the power to bless or to curse when we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior. That power was originally ours but man lost it at Eden. Be very careful when you open your mouth. Be generous with praise and stingy with reproof since we will be held accountable by God for every spoken words we utter for His glory or shame as the case maybe.
Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying your blog. I found you at MyBlogLog. Keep up the good work and God Bless!
Hi Sandra Cobb,
Thanks for your compliments but TO GOD BE THE GLORY. I'm sorry but I have already given up my My Blog Log because I am concentrating more on Blog Catalog where I have around 500 members. I cannot attend to both without sacrificing one for the other. I hope you will join me at Blog Catalog where I do my regular blog hopping everyday. Thanks again and God bless.
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