When was the last time we worry about so many things and found out later that all our worse fears came true? When was the last time we berated our kids about their faults and told them they will grow up someday to become good for nothing? And when was the last time we nag our spouse on his/her obvious faults? Beware, all that we profess with our mouths may become self fulfilling prophecies. Remember, we have the power to bless or curse anybody by the power of the spoken words. And more often than not, negative pronouncements carry with them intense emotional undertones that are more liable to become true.
Kids believe whatever their parents say to them. Parental pronouncements are imbedded deep in their subconscious minds and they are liable to act out the roles delineated to them by their parents. So we must be very careful what we say to our kids, to our spouses and even to ourselves in moments of anger and emotional outbursts. We do not want the things that we say to them or to ourselves to find realization, do we not?
Better to give positive love affirmations and encouragements to our kids, our spouses and even to ourselves. They will even reinforce the good traits imbedded in their characters. Careful, careful!
Tags: Self Fulfilling Prophecies, Traits, Positive Affirmations, Negative Pronouncements, The Power of the Spoken Words
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
i was asking our pastor about this last saturday. i'm really interested about this. i have a few questions. can you tell me more about this, bro? can you email me?
Hi sis Pia,
I have already sent you an email explaining the details of self fulfilling prophecy. I hope my email has answered your questions. Thanks for your visit and comments my dear friend. God bless you always.
I have always believed in the phenomenon of self-fulfilling prophecy.And it has come true many a time,both in good and bad ways.
Yes,we truly need to be careful in what we say,especially about the future!
Nice post Mel.Take care.God Bless You always my friend.
thanks for sharing this interesting blog post and reminder, bro. mel. yes, the power of thoughts...we should always think positively. have a great day my friend.
Hi Sameera,
Yes, we must be extra careful with what we say especially when we already have kids because they believe every word we say. Children raised with abusive parents who continuously barrage them with negative pronouncements grow up, more often than not, as maladjusted adults with problems adjusting to society. On the other hand, children who have been raised in homes with much love and positive reinforcements grow up to be ideal members of human society. Thanks for your visit and meaningful comments. God bless you always my dear friend.
Hi Fingertalks,
Yes, we can help the world by thinking good thoughts and uttering positive words. These will lessen the tension in the air and will promote a more harmonious and peace loving atmosphere. Thanks for your visit and insightful comments my friend. God bless you and your loved ones always.
hello Kuya thanks sa visit and comment in my blog.
yup sometimes we are not aware of what we talk and think... then saka na natin marealize if may bad results na..
God bless u and your family too.
Hi Darlyn,
Yes, we must be very careful of what we think and say for definitely, they will have a direct effect on the person/s concerned.Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Thanks for sharing the thoughts Mel. I agree with you. I learned a lot from this post as a parent. Have a great day.
Ester's Celebrity Blog
Ester's Money Journal
You are so informed and dedicated to your work.
Thanks for this great resource
Banjo Smyth
Positive thoughts bring out positive feelings. And it does feel good being around people filled with optimism and positive perceptions in life because their aura is contagious - brings out the best in you. Start to share the joy you have gained with others. God bless! :)
Dropping by to wish you a great weekend my friend :)
May God Bless You and your loved ones always.
how r u doing my friend? take care. God bless u and ur family.
so true Mel. death and life are in the power of the tongue. we can speak words of death or we can speak words of life. you're so right about us being watchful as to what we speak to our children. positive words help them to have good self-esteem and a positive outlook on life itself.
i'm sorry to hear about the weather situation you had there, but i'm so glad your belongings were safe, and that you were able to stay with a neighbor. glad your internet is back up and running.
good day..dropping by to say be alert..for more info, visit take care!
Hi Mel, first
thanks God that you and your family are ok. Praise The Lord!
This is very important what we speak, specially to our children.
It is very sad that many children never heard blessing words from parents.
God bless you and your sweet family!
Thanks for this eye opener's post.
They say practise make perfect,and this we could relate well with the things that we always do or say....if parents show a positive good encouraging attitude,if not much,some of it will definitely absorbed by the kids,and vice versa.
How do you expect a kid to be strong if the parents are coward? We have to be careful with what we say especially when anger,and I always believe positive thoughts bring out positive outcomes.
Take care Mel..hope you and family are in good health and be happy.God bless you always.
Thanks for this eye opener post as parents. I can only my best but sometimes our best may not be enough. Thanks for sharing the thoughts Mel and have a great day to you
Ester's Money Journal
Concealed Mind
Hi Ester,
Yes, we all must be very careful in what we say to our kids for they (what we say) may turn to reality. Thanks for your visit and God bless.
Hi Banjo Smith,
Thanks for the appreciation but TO GOD BE THE GLORY. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Samar Bloggirl,
How right you are my friend. We must surround ourselves with positive thinking people so that we may be like them. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Sameera,
Thanks for your visit my friend. I do appreciate that. God bless you always.
Hi Fingertalks,
I'm fine my friend. We just transferred to a new rented house that have a second floor so that we will not evacuate to another house every time we are flooded. Thanks for your visit and concern. God bless you always.
Hi Heiresschild,
So nice to hear from you again my friend. I am always praying for the success of your ministry. Thanks for your visit and inspiring comments. God bless you always my friend.
Hi Gagay,
Thank you so much my young friend. I wish you all the best things in the world. God bless you always.
Hi Krystyna,
Yes, children are like sponge. They absorb everything that their parents say to them- good or bad. It is just unfortunate that some parents are the cause of wrong development in their children's characters. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. God bless you always my wonderful friend.
Hi Noushy,
Thank you so much my friend. You always brighten up my day with your timely visits. Yes, we must be very careful with what we say to our kids.
They may turn up to be a curse or blessing for them. God bless you always my dear friend.
Hi Ester,
All parents mean well for their kids but we must be very careful what we say to them especially when we are angry and agitated. It can cause lifelong negative consequences to them. Thanks again for your visit and comments. God bless you always my friend.
Many blessings to you Mel and to your sweet family!
Take care and stay healthy!
hi Mel, i'm glad you and your family were able to relocate and i'm glad your internet service is back up and running again. you don't ever have to apologize for not being able to blog. we understand, especially under those circumstances. i think i can speak for us all here that we're just glad things are working out for you and that you're back on board again. take care my friend and thanks for visiting my blog today. have a great weekend! peace & blessings!
What goes, comes back...
Hi Hobo,
Yes, that in effect is the law of cause and effect. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Krystyna,
Thanks so much for your prayers. The same prayers for blessings go back to you in God's grace. God bless you always my friend.
Hi Heiresschild,
I know all of my friends will understand but I also have other blogger friends from Blog Catalog and Entrecard that I was not able to attend to during those days I was absent from blogging. They are extremely sensitive and will not hesitate to leave at the slightest cause. I need them to strengthen the commercial value of my blogs. Thanks for your genuine concern though. God bless you, your loved ones and your ministries always.
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