Have you ever been so financially short in your life that you worried about where you will get your next meal? Do you find it harder and harder to make both ends meet? Do you always find yourself always in debt and your expenses always outstrip your earnings? Do you sometimes feel like your pocket has holes in it and that money is so easily lost? Have you worked yourself to death only to find out you still have no security for your future? Stop for a moment and survey your life, your thoughts and your philosophies in life. We must first accept that money will never be enough. As long as we are slaves to our cravings for material things, then we will always be short of everything. We must first take stock of ourselves, what we can do, the talents we have, what we are good at, the connections we have, the opportunities on hand and how we value money in our lives.
The Lord said that by the sweat of our brows shall we live. That means all must work to earn a decent living. Paul said in the Bible that, "those who do not work will not eat." So God taught us the value of hard work and honest living. But He also taught us to pray for our daily bread. He did not say for our weekly, monthly or yearly bread because God wants us to focus on our immediate needs and entrust the future to Him. To those who worry about what they shall eat or what clothes they should wear, He told them that the birds in the air neither sow nor reap yet your heavenly Father feeds them in time. And the lilies of the field neither spin nor weave yet not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed like them.
We must acknowledge first that every good thing comes from God and God will always help those who help themselves. We must live simple lives always contented with what we have and always expectant of the very best from our heavenly Father. He said, we must seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all things else will be added to us. We must first enrich ourselves with heavenly treasures before we strive for worldly treasures. Those who seek only the riches of the world at the expense of their soul will find death so terrifying because they are so bankrupt of the riches of heaven. Trust the Lord and His divine providence. "BUT MY GOD WILL SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEEDS ACCORDING TO HIS RICHES IN GLORY BY CHRIST JESUS." (Philippians 4:19)
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Divine Providence, Trust in The Lord, Heavenly Riches
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
Hi Sameera,
Sorry my dear friend that your previous comment on this post was inadvertently omitted. Before I withdrew this post to give way to the post of Judie, I checked first if there were any comments. Finding none, I proceeded to publish the post of Judie. I just found out later from you and from the email feedback that you indeed had already made a comment. I apologize for that inadvertent omission. Thank you so much my dear friend and God bless you always.
Hey Mel,that's ok.We all make errors :)
As for the post,I am thankful I have not been in such extreme conditions in life,and I am grateful to Him for what I have.Life is a pretty rough journey,and we never know what is in store around the next corner.The best thing to do is live each day to the fullest and work hard and give our best to every task we start upon.
Take care my dear friend.God Bless You and your loved ones always.
thank you for this reminder. i need to make a very important decision and money is partly my concern. but i guess it is clear what God wanted me to do. thank you for this assurance, bro. my God will supply all my needs... that includes money to pay bills.
Thats a wonderful post, Mel. I believe will be of great help to many who are confused and need to make a decision right now.
Hi Sameera,
Yes, I agree with you, we should strive hard to make a living and trust that God will make up for whatever else is lacking. Thanks for your visit and comments my dear friend. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Pia,
Yes, I am aware that your family has to settle all the debts you may have incurred when your mother was operated in the hospital. I am joining you in prayer that the Lord will provide all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. We have to trust in the unfailing love of the Lord. Thanks for your visit and comments my dear sister and friend. God bless you always.
Hi Lena,
The Bible said that the Lord helps those who help themselves. We just have to make the best effort to earn money and trust the Lord that He will take care of the rest. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. God bless you always my friend.
Amen !
Great post. My mom always say this to us "God will provide. He will take care of us." My brothers and I always believe that because it always happens to us. When we were so poor, we would never know if we could have our next meal or if we could have money for jeepney fare to go to church or market. But God always provide us with what we need because He knows what we need.
Hi Hobo,
Thanks for your visit. God bless.
Hi Bingkee,
Yes, God provides for all our needs. If He provides for all His creatures, surely He will provide for us too. The best thing to do is work as if everything depends on us and pray as if everything depends on God or as PGMA (ugh!) says, "just do your best and God will take care of the rest." Thanks for your visit and profound comments. God bless you and your loved ones always my friend.
God really does provide. This always happens to me. Just when I thought I'm short and don't know where to get money to pay off some debts or buy some necessities, money from unexpected sources always end up in my pocket. =)
Hi Girl For All Status,
Yes, God always provide for those who have faith in His mercy and grace. Those who rely more on their own strength and ability and disregard God's role in their lives cannot expect the same privileges. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
money will be my secondary choice from now on...=)
the're more on life than money...
we sometimes forget about more important things in life because of money. Thanks for reminding me Mel. Have a great day
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Hi The Thrashman,
Yes, there are more important things than money. Although money is not inherently bad, excessive love and obsession of it can lead us to ruin. As the Bible said, "where your treasure is, there will be your heart also." Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. God bless you always.
Hi Tey,
Yes, even if we work hard for the money, let us not forget that it is not our ultimate goal in life. We work hard to provide for our loved ones and not to be enslaved by the snares of worldly wealth. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. God bless you always my friend.
well we all make mistakes. nothing bad in that :)
well may be Sameera found a good friend :)
Hi Free Meditation Download,
Yes, indeed she has found a friend and the love of her life. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
we have been struggling with fainances due to a large sum of medical fees spent on mum's operation.
now we spent more than before to buy insurance for mum. you can imagine how high the premium is for people above 60 yo...
God will provide. yes.
Hi Eel Wind,
People everywhere are suffering, believers and non believers alike. But we have the promises of our Lord to hold on to. Yes, "but my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19) These are extraordinary times and it calls for extraordinary faith. Hold on my young brother. Those who hope in the Lord will never be put to shame. Thanks for your visit and comments. I pray that God will provide for all your needs. God bless you and your loved ones always.
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