Procrastination is a deadly disease. Deadly because people who have it fail to recognize it or they just ignore it altogether. It's vocabulary is as deadly too- later, tomorrow, next time and someday. Procrastinators have eight days in a week- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and the eighth day is called...SOMEDAY.
Someday may mean tomorrow, next week, next month, next year or maybe... never. It can be as long as eternity itself. How often have we been turned off by people who just did not have time for us? How often have we been hurt when people turn us down by such words as: "I'm too busy right now, I'll attend to you later"; or "just come back some other time when I'm no longer busy." Do we remember the hurt look at the face of our child when we hollered at him with such words as "Can't you see that I'm busy? Go to your mommy!" That will be the start of the day our child will look for attention from others. That may happen to our spouses too. If we don't have much time for them, others may give them the time and attention they craved from us and we might lose them altogether. Then we will rue the day that we did not give them the quality time that they were crying for. Regrets will set in and we will say to ourselves, "If only I had time for them."
The antidote for procrastination is purposeful living, if we know the purpose of God for our lives and accomplish each task for His glory alone. Next time that there is a task at hand, say to God and to yourself: "I'll do it Lord for your glory, right here and now."
Mel Avila Alarilla
Hi Mel!
Good and timely post.
Life is short. We have to be harry to show our love to our family and friends or others. Maybe tomorrow not come.
We are busy... it is normal. But we have to choose prority:
*who is or what is the most important?
*what is important?
*what is not important?
Sometimes we lose a lot of time for really not important things.
God bless you and your lovely family!
Hi Krystyna,
Yes, we must do immediately what is of utmost importance to us and not put if off to some other day. Many opportunities are wasted because of procrastination. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. God bless you always.
This is so true Mel. For my kids, I drop everything I do to listen to them.. Thatss why I do my blogging and internet journey while they are in school
Raptured Dreams
Celebrity Entertainment
All Natural Cosmetics 4u
Concealed Mind
Hi Tey,
Yes, our family should take first priority of our time. Nothing should hinder with our relationship with our family. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. God bless you always.
before i always procrastinate.. but now, i think i'm improving :)
Hi Tin-tin,
Yes we must be proactive if we want to go ahead in life. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
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