After accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, always thank God for everything, even for things that you do not understand. This will create a condition of total surrender to the will of the Lord and you will be rewarded with a life of contentment and more blessings. Thanking God for all our blessings and even for unfortunate circumstances in our life means that we totally trust God to take care of all our needs. Even if we are in the midst of severe trials and fortuitous events, we must trust God that He will deliver us from all adversities the way He delivered Joseph, Daniel and Job from their seemingly insurmountable problems. In the end, God rewarded their complete trust and confidence in Him. A thankful person has peace of mind and is well loved by people because he appreciates even the smallest act of kindness done to him. Compare this to a person who is always complaining and is very negative in all his views in life. He is avoided like a plague by everybody. Being always thankful shows a character of humility and gratitude- traits that will surely endear a person to everybody he meets. He has a pleasant disposition and is ever patient and enduring in his relationship with others. Always thank others for even the littlest things we received from them. That is the secret for good interpersonal relationship. And thank God for everything He does for us. That is the secret to further open up God's storehouse of blessings.
Tags: Thanking God, Gratitude, Humility, Patience, Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior, Total Surrender, Contentment, Blessings, Trust God, Pleasant Disposition, Interpersonal Relationship, Storehouse of Blessings
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
I've learned this "thank you" concept from a dear friend who is a priest. He told me once that never forget to say thank you for everything.
Got a very sad post related to this..
I agree with you Kuya mel!
It's sad that some people never appreciate things that they have...
Yes, when we say God i.e., someone who is complete and we should surrender with trust and no queries.
Hi Rose,
I wonder what is the sad post related to thanking. I'm just curious my friend. I'll visit your site to find out about it. Thanks for your visit. God bless you always.
Hi Ryliej,
Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi John,
Yes, appreciation and gratitude are the secrets for a contented life. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi Hobo,
I appreciate your profound comment. Thanks for your visit. God bless.
I agree so much! When we can't have what we want, we need to want what we have. I have found that the more I show gratitude to our Lord, the more He showers me with blessings. I don't think many people think about thanking Him. It's like a friend or parent who hears "thank-you". It makes that parent or friend want to do more for you.
Praying for every corner of your life,
Whenever I feel that something is against me or things didn't turn out the way I expected them to be, I always try to reflect on what God has done for me. It's always great to count your blessings and be grateful for them. You will see that life is not bad afterall when you know how to express your gratitude to the Giver.
Hi Shiela,
Yes thanking God is showing our appreciation for all that He is doing in our lives. It also shows our complete dependence on Him for all our needs. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi Bingkee,
Amen to that. You hit it squarely on the nail's head. Gratitude is acknowledging what God has done for us. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
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