Remember those animals who have become extinct? They failed to survive because they were unable to adapt to changing circumstances and situations in their lives. The dodo bird, the dinosaurs, the saber toothed tiger, the mammoth and other exotic animals are now just memories of the past. What is true with animals is also the same case with human beings. Those who adapted and adjusted to the changing fortunes in their lives were those who survived and live to tell all of their travails which they have overcome. Those who failed to adjust were reduced to a life of just existing and are better dead than alive. Some even went to the extent of killing other people in a frenzy of massacres before ending their own lives. Man must learn the fundamental facts of life and learn to adapt so that he will not be overwhelmed by fortuitous events in his life. Man must realize that life is ebb and flow, and sink or swim. But most of all, man must learn to trust and rely on God who will sustain him through thick or thin. God alone ordains what will befall the fates of men. God alone determines who shall live and who shall die. It is best to adopt an attitude of a trusting child, trusting that his heavenly Father shall provide for all his needs no matter what the situation and circumstances maybe. Adapt to situations and trust God. That is the formula for survival in this ever changing world.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Adapt, Adjust, Changing Times, Trust in God, Miracles, Situations, Circumstances, World, Grace, Heavenly Father, Fate, Faith
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
dear mel. it was so nice to hear from you the last few days.
last evening when we were at rachels', we opened up rachel's lap top to canadian blogger and betty read your birthday message. it was so nice and i was so proud to tell her and mom golden that this was my and bernie's christian friend in the philippines....love terry
Hi Terry,
You are so wonderful- you and your family. Your strength as a family is your being so closely knitted. And God is blessing you all because of that. My prayers are for you all. Thanks for your visit and inspiring comments. God bless you always.
God will not put us in a situation where we would not be able to adjust..
Hi Tin-tin,
Yes I agree with you but there are people who are not sensitive to God's
leading and even if they do they still do their own will. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
thanks for the thoughts here kuya mel..yeah,indeed, God will never give us probs neither put us in sits that we can't handle..only that sometimes, we are too weak to face..
Hi Gagay,
Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. I am voting for you everyday in the contest you entered. Hope you win. God bless you always.
Adapt to situations and trust God.
It will be my affirmation today.
Thank you Mel for inspiring us to live a better life.
btw. what a beautiful pic you found.
God bless you and your family, my dear friend.
Hi Krystyna,
You are always a source of strength and inspiration for me. Thanks for your visit and inspiring comments. God bless you always my friend.
I absolutely agree. Whenever things aren't coming as I've planned, I always seek God's guidance and He always lead me to the right Path. Thanks for sharing your faith!
Hello Kuya Mel, happy Easter to you and your family! May God bless your kindness!
Hi John,
Thank you so much for your inspiring comments. I appreciate that. God bless you always.
Hi Rose,
Happy Easter to you too. God bless your entire family.
yayyyy, where did you get these Mel? I dont even want to look at it. It look so scary...
Concealed Mind
All Natural Cosmetics 4u
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Hi Tey,
It's a chameleon. A chameleon changes color to adapt to the color of its surrounding. This way they can avoid their enemies. It's called hunyango in the vernacular. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
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