Are you wallowing in the shadow of darkness bedeviled by hatred, bitterness, contempt of others, envy, covetousness, lust of the flesh, greed for power and riches? If so, you are living a pitiful life. You have opened yourself to the invasion by evil spirits who share in the orgies of your sin. Have you not noticed that there seem to be an unseen hand manipulating you and exhorting you to commit sinful acts? It is as if sin itself has attained a life of its own and has cast a spell over you.
I should know because I was a victim myself of such enslavement from the evil ones. I was so young when I discovered that there were two forces at work in my inner being- one good, the other, extremely evil. I strived hard to live a godly life but on the inside, I delighted in the sinful acts which I relished so much but which left me with a frustrated and demented soul. Deep inside me, my soul cried out for liberation from the chains of evil that enveloped my being. I was misled to various cults and mysticism and I thought that led me to the path to God, but I was mistaken. The New Age doctrines seemed good and seemed to point to eventual liberation from the cycles of death and suffering. But they were all deceptions forged by the archdemon of deception. They taught about the hidden meanings of the Bible, the Lost Years of Jesus Christ and the Lost Teachings of Jesus Christ. They called themselves Keepers of The Flames and they are very right. They keep the flames of hell alive with their deceptive teachings.
I was rescued by the Holy Spirit as I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior. Thirteen demons were literally exorcised by the Holy Spirit from my being and I felt as though a heavy load was lifted from my chest. Then I was ushered by the Holy Spirit into the valley of light were I serve my God for the remaining days of my life. Oh it was not an easy road to God's kingdom for the forces of hell unleashed its full might against me. But with the grace of God, I survived and overcame them all by the power of the Holy Spirit. Now I dwell in the valley of light inviting other lost souls who are still wallowing in the shadow of darkness. Jesus Christ is the light. He is also the only way, the truth and the life. Humble yourself and accept Him as your Lord and savior and He will usher you into the valley of light where you will attain salvation and eternal life.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Light, Darkness, Slavery, Pit, Shadows, Liberation, Deliverance, Salvation, Eternal Life, Grace, Joy, Peace, Love, Savior, Lord, Bible
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
Thank you Mel for sharing this very important lesson.
Sometimes it is not easy to find the True Way to God. There are many attractive religions in the world and we have to be conscious that there is somebody who wants to be better than God. We are manipulated by that "god".
Jesus is the ray of light and
Jesus is the truth and the life.
I always admire your great job, Mel.
It takes you a lot of time.
And probably sometimes a pain-back, right?
God bless you, your family and your great job!
Another thought provoking and inspirational post Kuya Mel.. Thanks for sharing!
By the way, just lettting you know that I have a tag for you.. mwah!
Hi Krystyna,
I'm always so glad each time you visit me at my blog. It is as though I am with a fellow traveler or pilgrim and it's a nice reassurance that I am not alone in my journey. Thanks for your valuable visit and comments my friend. God bless you always.
Hi Krystyna,
Hi Rose,
Yes I will go over to your blog to look at the tag. Thanks for your visit and inspiring comments. God bless you always.
Hi!!! melavilaalarilla.blogspot.com is one of the most outstanding innovative websites of its kind. I enjoy reading it every day. I will be back.
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