All your life you have searched for the meaning of life. All your life you have felt that emptiness in your soul as it yearns for something which you cannot clearly discern or understand. You were molded to be an obedient child, nurtured in the best ways of civility, but somewhere along the way, you lost that longing to be pure and chaste. You have tried everything, everything that the world pursues after. You have run the race to get the winner's prize. But at the end of the day, you are still lonely and lost. You poured your heart out to your beloved only to find betrayal and more emptiness. There were days you feel so alone and without a friend. And sometimes, you even contemplated on ending it all and just vanish from existence. But you hold on, mindful that there is something more to life than all these endless frivolities and sham pleasure seeking. That there is a higher purpose in life than being drowned in an existence of sheer hypocrisy and lies to make it appear that you are on top of the world. You have tried everything from booze, to drugs, to sex, to denial of everything that is good. But where did it lead you? You are always back to being lonely and hating yourself and others. Oh how you envy those that seemed to have found their purpose in life, who have lived a fulfilled life. How you envy that sublime smile of a child as she plays with abandon under the sun. How you envy the little ones who always exude sheer joy in their innocent faces. Why can't you be like them? You have tried everything but failed. WHY NOT TRY GOD? He is there for you 24/7. He is always available to hear your corniest jokes, your tales of pains, frustrations and fears. And yes, He loves you so much. He died on the cross for you, didn't He? He is knocking at the door of your heart. WOULD YOU LET HIM IN?
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Life, Existence, Meaning of Life, Purpose of Life, Joy, Emptiness, Soul, Lost, Frivolities, Hypocrisy, Lonely, Door of Your Heart, Salvation, Eternal Life, Cross, Calvary, Word of God, Bible
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
excellent post Mel. i remember when i was younger, i was always seeking fulfillment in everything, yet there was always a void. of course, at that time, i had no idea what it was, but once i received Jesus as my Saviour and made Him Lord over my life, i understood what that void was and that only Jesus could fill it.
even now sometimes, when things aren't going right, i immediately begin to thank and praise God because it's easy to be dissatisfied with life and what's going on in life, but once i begin to re-focus on Jesus, i feel better. all kinds of distractions will come to try and change my focus, but I thank God for His Spirit in me, which automatically takes me into a spirit of praise and thankfulness. not only could i not live without Jesus in my life at this stage of life, i wouldn't want to.
God exist within us. All we have to search within.
God is always with us, sometimes we just refuse to notice His presence but He is always beside us. Without God in my life, I won't be able to be where I am and what I am now.
Some people would question God, when things don't go as they planned it to be, they are quick to jump to the conclusion that God abandoned them. What they don't realize is that God gave them the situation to teach them an important lesson..
I never really had a chance to deeply connect with God until He uses my wife as an instrument to know Him. Now I can say that if you put God in the center of your family, everything is well taken care of..
Hi Sylvia,
Actually I did this post for the person who is already tired of his aimless life. Even if just one person retrace his steps back to the Lord, this post shall not have been done in vain. I just leave it to the sovereign wisdom of the Holy Spirit to guide those who need guidance. I know you have already surrendered your life to the Lord and you are just awaiting His return for His elect. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. God bless you always.
Hi Hobo,
Thank you so much. I respect your honest viewpoint. God bless you always.
Hi Rose,
God bless you more for your bold profession of your faith. God will never let you down. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi Ryliej,
Amen to that. I agree with you on your observation. God works for the good of those who love Him who have been called according to His purpose.
Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi John,
God really loves you that He sent your wife to your life so that you can appreciate God's works in your life. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
There are many challenges in our daily life. It's better said than done. Almost everyday, I regret what I have done or said amd always finding myself pleading for forgiveness.
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Hi Tey,
What is important is one can still humble himself and ask for forgiveness. Nobody is perfect and God does not expect perfection from us. God can be our strength and power to avoid sin. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Peace and happiness came to my life
when I opened the door of my heart to the real Love.
I like this pic.
Thank you Mel!
God bless you my friend!
Hi Krystyna,
Yes, God is the end all and be all of our lives. He is everything we could ever hope for. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
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