Unfulfilled desires make us frustrated and unhappy. When we desire anything, we come up with complex plans to attain the goals of our desires. Thus, our lives become complicated. And the more complicated our lives become, the more disappointment and frustrations will set in when we fail to achieve the goals of our desires. THE SOLUTION? SIMPLIFY OUR LIVES AND FORGO ANY DESIRE EXCEPT THE DESIRE TO PLEASE GOD AND GIVE GLORY TO HIS NAME. The Bible says, "Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain" (Psalm 127:1a). It is not wrong to plan and dream but be sure that our plans and dreams are in the will of God. If we surrender our lives to Him, then we cease to desire things for ourselves and become content with what God will ordain for us. The key here is living a simple life free from complications and grandiose designs that do not correspond to the will of God. Many people have delusions of grandeur. They think so highly of themselves that sometimes they become arrogant and ruthless. Too much ambition kills the virtues inherent in the soul. Thus, one lives by the norm of dog eats dog as their motivation in life. He lives by the worldly appetite for pleasure seeking and the pursuit of happiness. Success may be obtained but at what price? The eventual loss of one's soul and one's direct communication with God. Better be content with what God will provide for us through sheer hard work but for His glory alone. SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE AND ALIGN IT WITH GOD'S WILL AND YOU WILL FIND CONTENTMENT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Simplify Your Life, Key To Lasting Contentment, Unfulfilled Desires, Frustrations, Unhappy, Goals, Desire To Please God, Give Glory To God's Name, Delusions of Grandeur, Ambition, Arrogance, Ruthlessness, Dog Eats Dog, Pursuit of Happiness
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
Very true, Mel. Material wealth is passing. What is important is eternal life in heaven.
I believe that what you say on this post is true. Most of the time, we are the only one who are making our own frustrations. We sometimes forget the most important thing in life is peace and happiness by allowing God to enter into our lives. Thanks for sharing Mel
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Hi MsRay,
More often than not, our mistakes in life were caused by living a complicated and greedy lives revolving around our own needs and wants. Thus, we can live a very simple life by knowing our purpose in life and by living it to please God and give glory to His name. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi Tey,
It is never wrong to plan our lives but it must be according to God's will for us to succeed in life. Living a simple yet meritorious life free us from the clutters of the complications of this world. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
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