Are you experiencing a mountain load of problems that seems to push you down to your knees? Is light so elusive as you pass through that dark tunnel of your energy sapping trial? Are friends nowhere to be found in your moments of anguish? Has the thought of ending your life always passes through your mind? Banish these negative thoughts and concentrate on God's wonderful promises to bring you comfort and joy in your moments of misery. You are experiencing the passage through the dark tunnel of your soul. You are traversing that desert plain that makes your tongue parched from spiritual water and nourishment. Like the ancient Israelites, you must wander through the desert of fear, uncertainties and testings before you reach the Promise Land of deliverance and abundance. It is really sickening and debilitating if you are experiencing this inevitable episode in every Christian life. We are passing through the Refiner's fire to burn all the dross materials in our soul. The experience is really painful and very agonizing but it does not last very long. As soon as we learned the lesson we have to learn and develop the Christlike character God wants us to develop, then we will experience God's mighty deliverance and showers of blessings. So if you are in a dark tunnel right now, take heart, trust God and soon you will see the first light of the glorious day of deliverance.
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." (1Corinthians 2:9)
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Light, Tunnel, World, Man, Experience, Trials, Desert Experience, Deliverance, Promise Land, Israelites, Christian, God's Promises, Testings, Faith, Hope, Joy, Peace, Word of God, Bible
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
Every lesson learnt means we are closer to the christlikeness - provided we do not forget the lessons. coz once we enjoy the fruit, we tend to forget the pain. On and On, we have to go through once again.
Hi Eel Wind,
Praise the Lord for the inspired comments you wrote. Indeed every child of God should strive to cooperate with the Holy Spirit so that he can be renewed from day to day until he reach the whole measure of the fullness of Jesus Christ. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. God bless you always.
Very inspiring and educational. This post has given me a better understanding of what is the purpose of having problems. Thanks Mel.
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Hi Tey,
As a loving Father, God is hurt whenever He has to give us a painful lesson in life. But He has to discipline us so that we will not be lost to Him forever. Thanks for the visit and comments. God bless you always.
Each Sunset has its own Sunrise.
i so need this right now. last month i was bombarded with a lot of problems with family, relationships, finances...really the toughest month for me this year.
through all these, there is one thing i realized and always keep in mind: these (problems) too shall pass.
A very inspiring post, Mel. Just what I need.
Hi Hobo,
Yes, I agree with your poetic comments. Thanks for sharing them. God bless.
Hi Smartchick,
Our problems and all burdens become lighter and more manageable if we pass it on to God because He cares for us. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi MsRay,
Thanks for the compliments but TO GOD BE THE GLORY. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Beautiful post, beautiful pics and beautiful message:
"There is always Light at the end of every dark tunnel".
Thank you Mel!
Hi Krystyna,
Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
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