Yes, that is true. You may think that you are a righteous person with strong spiritual powers, but if you neglect your regular prayer life, you will lose all that spiritual power and become spiritually weak. You can never remain spiritually strong if you neglect your active prayer life. There is a direct correlation between the two. Remember, Jesus Christ never neglected communing with His Father at all times especially in the wee hours of the morning where He seeked His Father in a very special private place like a mountain or a garden. A Christian cannot grow strong in His faith if he fails to pray everyday and read and meditate the word of God daily. These are the two spiritual exercises he must maintain on a regular basis so that he can be continually transformed by the Holy Spirit from glory to glory until he reaches the whole measure of the fullness of Jesus Christ. Remember, as Christians, we have been tasked by God to become the light of the world and the salt of the earth. We have been designated as ambassadors of Christ through the ministry of reconciliation. God wants to reconcile with the world through the death of Jesus Christ so that everyone who accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and savior may have eternal life. We have seen the resurgence of the Christian community in South Korea because of their propensity to pray regularly. They even adopted prayer mountains and dawn watches to regularly pray and seek God's intimacy in their lives. Remember, to maintain our regular spiritual power, pray always. IT WORKS.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Prayer, Spiritual Power, Prayer Life, Righteousness, Holiness, Intimacy With God, Communing With God, Christian, Transformation, Light of The World, Salt of The Earth, Ambassadors of Christ, Ministry of Reconciliation, Lord and Savior, Eternal Life, Resurgence, Christian Community, South Korea, Prayer Mountains, Dawn Watches, Peace, Joy, Love, Word of God, Bible
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
Hahahaha i love that picture with a dog praying beside the kid hehehe...
I am glad to know this Kuya Mel because I feel so bad when we misses the sunday worship.. I just talk to God in silence..
fantastic picture.
Hi Rose,
I could not help but include that picture in my post. Maybe even dogs can sense God's presence in prayer. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi Marveling,
Yes, our spiritual powers weaken whenever we neglect our regular prayer life. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi Hobo,
Thank you so much. God bless.
Important and true message:
Your Spiritual power is as Strong as Your regular Prayer Life
Couple marriage who pray together never divorse.
Thank you Mel!!!
God bless you and yours!
Hi Krystyna,
Thanks for your inspiring message. You are indeed a strong wind beneath so many people's wings. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Prayers make me feel peaceful. This is the time when I communicate to God. It's makes me feel light after. We we are spending quality time with our friends and family, we should definitely spend quality time with God. And this is through deep prayers.
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Beautiful post.
Hi Tey,
Prayers draw us closer to God and we become stronger spiritually because of them. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi Yaya,
Thanks for the compliments but TO GOD BE THE GLORY. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
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