1. Testing- Our God is a God of testings. He does not want blind followers. He wants people to obey Him from their own free will. He tested our first parents and they failed His test miserably. He tested Abraham with a promise and when Abraham believed God, it was credited to him as righteousness. He tested Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, Daniel and even the disciples of Jesus. He tests all Christians for their faithfulness to Him and rewards them who pass the test.
2. Compassion- Our God is a very compassionate God. Because of His great love for mankind, He devised a plan to redeem fallen mankind from their own destruction and eternal death. Jesus died on the cross as a ransom for those who will accept Him as Lord and savior thus, gaining for themselves eternal life. Jesus had compassion for the people during His brief sojourn on earth, that is why He healed the sick who approached Him and fed a multitude of people. And even when He was dying on the cross, He was praying for His persecutors because they did not know what they were doing.
3. Surrender- Our response should be- total surrender to the Lord. Our God is a jealous God who will never countenance a rival king on our pedestals. He wants total love, obedience and surrender of the will of all His children to His divine will. And in return, He promises countless blessings and grace fro those who will obey His will. REMEMBER, OBEDIENCE TO GOD'S WILL RESULTS TO BLESSINGS AND DISOBEDIENCE TO HIS WILL RESULTS TO CURSES FROM GOD.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Testing, Compassion, Surrender, Will of God, Human Will, Free Will, Obedience, Disobedience, Blessings, Grace, Eternal Life, Curses, Destruction, Eternal Death, Word of God, Bible, Glory, Love, Joy, Peace
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
These are all true and I have felt in and have been experiencing all of it everyday of life. But the more I get closer to him and follow his words, the more I can feel his protection. I know, I still have so many things to know and learn from this life, but with God beside me, I know I will never be lost.. Thanks for the post Mel..
Concealed Mind
All Natural Cosmetics 4u
Health Blog
Hi Tey,
Just obey His will and you will see changes in your life that were never there before. He will change you little by little until you will be reflecting His glory in your life. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Whenever I am in-front of God I stay calm with folded hands And no talks.
God the supreme power knows all.
Amen !
i pray that i'll be as compassionate as Jesus, and to be obedient to His Word.
Hi Hobo,
You said it all. Amen to that. God bless.
Hi Tin-tin,
Yes, we are all striving to be like that. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi mel Passing here. How are yo my friend
Raptured Dreams, All Natural Cosmetics 4u, Celebrity Entertainment
Perfect inspiration for my day.
Your post and all comments!
God bless you Mel and All your visitors!
Hi Tey,
I am always fine my friend, by the grace of God. I am always praying for the success of your online business. Thanks for your visit and greetings. God bless you always.
Hi Krystyna,
Thank you so much for the appreciation but as always, TO GOD BE THE GLORY. Thanks for your visit and very inspiring words. God bless you always.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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