Does God cry? Yes, He does. He did during the death of Lazarus when He saw the multitude of people grieving the death of Lazarus. He was so filled with compassion and mercy, and so He cried. He is still crying today, seeing the magnitude of suffering and pains in the world. But He could only hope that people will see the light and free themselves of those unnecessary pain and suffering. To understand fully how life works, we must fully and intimately know the Creator of life. Let us consider several facts:
1. God is love.
2. God is a God of justice.
3. God created moral, physical and spiritual laws that cannot be circumvented nor disregarded.
4. God demands praise and worship from men through their own free will. He will never force men to worship and obey Him.
5. Man was born in a state of depravity because of the fall of our first parents. Thus, man was doomed to suffer eternal death.
6. Because of God's great love for fallen mankind, He sent His only begotten Son to suffer the penalty for man's sins and regain his original birth right of being born in the image and likeness of God.
7. Thus, Jesus Christ's death on the cross and His triumphant resurrection from the dead afforded man the chance to gain eternal life by accepting Jesus Christ as his Lord and savior.
8. Because of Jesus triumph on the cross, man was freed from the shackles of Satan and from all his bondages. Thus, if we receive Jesus Christ, we are assured of abundant eternal life.
Now God is crying because man is unnecessarily suffering because of ignorance and self pride. God wants to help man overcome all his sufferings, pains, and burdens by offering that man exchange them all for the joy and abundance of the Lord. All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, God Is Crying, Death of Lazarus, Compassion, Mercy, Magnitude of Suffering and Pain, Creator of Life, God is Love, God of Justice, Moral, Physical and Spiritual Laws, Circumvent, Disregard, Praise and Worship, Free Will, Man, State of Depravity, Fall of First Parents, Eternal Death, Only Begotten Son, Penalty For Man's Sins, Original Birth Right, Image and Likeness of God, Death on The Cross, Triumphant Resurrection, Bondages, Abundant and Eternal Life, Ignorance, Self Pride, Joy and Abundance of The Lord, Word of God, Bible
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
And God is everything!
Thank you so much for your solid support, casting your votes, prayers, and for the posts you've made which led to Rylie's Victorious Smile.
this is inspirational.. as always.. salamat sa mga ganitong post. I need this.
I guess he cry too whenever we do something against his will. This post stikes me to the bone..
Hi Mel, I finally bought the apple cider vinegar and honey. I will try your tips and mixed it up to my tomatoe diet.
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Hi Mel: Sometimes in our darkest moments, we need to remember that God will not abandon us. It's hard to keep positive and not lose hope when bad things happen. Thanks for the inspirational post.
Hi John,
Yes, God is everything. You're welcome. I'm glad that Rylie won the contest. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi Bambie,
You're also welcome. I'm glad you like this post. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi Tey,
He cries because His hands are tied if we don't follow His will in our own free will. Yes, the apple cider vinegar is very effective. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi Rose Belle,
We can stay positive no matter what happens if we maintain our focus on God and not on our own circumstances. All things on earth will pass away but God will never pass away. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
God is love, God is good all the time and yet we people always make HIM cry.
Thanks for this very inspiring and reminding us to always ask for forgiveness, and be good all the time.
I hope God can still forgive me for everything I have done, it may be big or small they are all sins. and besides its been a long while since the last time I went to church.
Thanks for always visitng and leaving beautiful and nice comments Sir Mel. Have a nice and god bless!
Hi Shydub,
God always forgives our sins if we are sincere enough to repent. It is not in going to church alone that will make us holy although it helps, but by doing the will of God in our lives. Now you may ask, how will we know His will? We will know it by reading His divine words in the Bible. There, we can meet Him and develop a more intimate relationship with him. Thanks for your visit and very sincere comments. If you need counseling or prayers you can write me at melalarilla@gmail.com. God bless you all always.
Beautiful website!! So glad I stopped to visit!!
Thank you for sharing your photos!! Lovely!
Mama Holli
Hi Nobody Puts Mama In A Corner,
Thanks for your visit and compliments but as always, TO GOD BE THE GLORY. I will also visit your site. Thanks again for coming. God bless.
Hello, I really love the laid out the facts. It's hard to understand we keep going our own way instead of Jesus' way. Your posting reminded me of the verse that Paul wrote:
Romans 7:15 (NIV)
15 I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I enjoyed reading.
Hi Jeanne,
We really must have an intimate relationship with God to know how He reacts to situations in our lives. Try to imagine our earthly father and multiply all his good assets a billion times and you will have an inkling of who God really is. The tragedy of the situation is: God can never force us to surrender to Him. We must do it on our own free will. If only we can realize how really easy it is to please God and enjoy eternal life. That is why God is crying for His lost children. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
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