Tame your mind as you would tame a wild horse. A wild horse is very dangerous because it hates to be ridden upon . It will throw off any rider that dares to ride on it and may even trample the rider to death. That is what our untamed mind is. It wants to have a mind of its own, wandering to all places it wants to go. There is a saying that, "an idle mind is an evil mind." And that is very true. An untamed mind wants to think of pleasurable things where the I or the ego is always the center of everything. An untamed mind will relish all forbidden and sinful acts of the mind, savoring all orgies of all pleasurable objects of its fantasies. But an untamed mind is very far from the kingdom of God and its sublime influences. The untamed mind is being manipulated by evil spirits enjoying the pleasures of full immersion to sin of the uncontrolled mind. Since his mind is not surrendered to Christ, it is being reined in and manipulated by the lord of the world- Satan and his cabal of evil spirits. The opposite of the untamed mind is the mind surrendered to Jesus Christ where only good and noble thoughts prevail. Since as they say, "birds of the same feathers flock together," a mind surrendered to Christ will attract like minded minds. Unlike an untamed mind that will gravitate to similar minds that are in full participation to sin and wanton living. Better tame your untamed mind if you have one, for sooner or later, you will realize that it is carrying a one way express ticket to hell.
Tags: Tame Your Mind, Untamed Mind, Wild Horse, Rider, Mind Of Its Own, Idle Mind, Evil Mind, Forbidden Acts, Sinful Acts, Orgies, Pleasurable Objects, Surrender To Christ, Good Thoughts, Noble Thoughts, Birds Of The Same Feathers, Flock Together, One Way Express Ticket To Hell
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
Thanks for the reminder. We really should tame our minds. Our minds should not lead us. It is us who should lead our minds.
that was my prayer this morning. Lord, i surrender my thoughts to you. i want you to be glorified even in that.
hi mel...i haven't been here for a while but i often think of you.
i hope that you don't mind but i put your name and your blog url on to my ruby post.
although i have never told you, i am so glad how you sign your comments to us your friends..."god bless you always!" those words ring in my ears and in my heart many many times..
this here is a powerful, well written and honest post mel..and i know it must of taken much courage on your part to write it, knowing that many will turn their ears away from such truth.
i can only say to you now dear friend...god bless you always!!
love terry
diyos basbasan ka palagi !!
i got this from language tools on google!
Hi Odds and Ends,
Yes, that is absolutely right. We must not let our minds rule us but we must take full control of it. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi sis Pia,
That is a beautiful prayer. A mind surrendered to Christ is a glorious mind. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi Terry,
I really missed you a lot. Yes, I don't mind if you put the name of my blog and its url on your blog. That is a distinct honor for me. I always bless everybody wherever I make a comment. It is a powerful prayer that releases God's blessings. Thanks for your visit and inspiring comments. God bless you always. The Filipino words are very funny but I appreciate that.
hi kuya mel! i'm not sure which among your blogs is the main one. i've several awards for you at my main blog. i hope you can find the time to grab them. it's right here.☺
hi kuya mel! i'm not sure which among your blogs is the main one. i've several awards for you at my main blog. i hope you can find the time to grab them. it's right here.☺
oh my! mel!
are the filipino words the right ones...do they say god bless you always?
oh, i hope they do!!
ha!...i had better stop being a smary pants and stick to plain english...god bless you always!!
yeh i missed you too and amrita and a few others who i have not spoken to enough and i will catch up to...love terry
Hi Bambie,
This is my main blog- Random Thoughts. Yes, I will go to your blog to see that award. At any rate, I always give all the praises and glory to God. TO GOD BE THE GLORY. Thanks for your visit an inspiring comments. God bless you all always.
Hi Terry,
Yes, it does mean God bless you but a little bit grammatically incorrect. The right phrase should read, Pagpalain ka ng Diyos or Basbasan ka ng Diyos. But if you translate it word for word, it comes out as you say. But anyway, I appreciate your effort to give a little smile and sunshine on my day and I really appreciate your kindest effort in doing it. As they say, it's the thought that counts. And I consider you as a priceless friend from beyond the sea whom I will have the privilege to meet when we both meet the Lord. Until then, all my prayers and wish for blessings go out to you and your loved ones. Thanks for the return comments, lol. God bless you all always.
Thanks for this waking up post of yours Sir. Mel....
I is the mother of all sIn. God put our mind on top of our body so we can decide between the wrong and right and avoid making bad actions and sinful acts. Like you said untame mind wants to think of pleasurable things where I or ego is the center of everything. I better tame my mind. Well there are time that my bad sides come when I am superpissed, it because I am thinking or set on my mind to stay angry, pissed and mad.
Love this post Sir. Mel. in fact all your post are great and very inspiring.
thanks for the visits ang nice, funny comments Sir Mel,have a wonderful day!
Hi Shy,
Aaaaw, I really appreciate your generous compliments but as always, TO GOD BE THE GLORY. Kailangang magingat tayo kung ano ang ilalagay natin sa isipan natin. What we always think about go down to the heart and out of the heart overflows all kinds of talks and actions. So if we find ourselves acting perversely or cursing a person, beware for our heart is filled with evil things because of the mental images we have formed in our mind. You see, sin is never instantaneous. It all begins in the mind. We are beguiled by an evil thought and it lingers in our mind. Then afterwards it seeks fruition in the world of reality and before we know it, we are already sinning. That is why some people say that the devil prompted them to do a crime when in reality it is the evil thought that prompted them to do it. Another thing, evil spirits enter our evil thoughts because they find vicarious pleasures in them and they can manipulate the person dwelling constantly on evil thoughts. But thoughts that center on godliness, love, peace and harmony are avoided by these evil spirits like the proverbial plague. Thoughts can also become powerful prayers. You can send loving thoughts (prayerful ones) to your loved ones here in the Philippines and God's ministering angels will see to it that your loved ones will receive them. There are so many good things one can do through prayers. I am always praying for you my friend. That your life may be full of happiness and fulfillment and that somehow, someway you can trace your way through the kingdom of God. Thanks for your visit and inspiring comment my friend. God bless you all always.
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