God promised to those who will obey Him and walk in His ways, divine providence for all their needs despite prevailing conditions in the world. In times of drought and famine, the children of God shall be satisfied. Nothing is impossible with God for those who believe in Him. Even in the desert, God provided manna to the Jews. When God, through the prophet Elijah, closed the heavens and it did not rain for two years, God sustained Elijah through a raven that brought him food every day.
Amidst all the belt tightening and the panic being exhibited by most people of the world, the children of God should relax and do their daily chores in all equanimity and peace, knowing that God will sustain them in all their needs. This is the time to increase living faith as opposed to the fears and anxieties of the men of the world. Many big companies and the economies of the most powerful nations of the world have come crashing down. God has promised that it is He who decrees who should rise and and who should fall. The wise men of the world, the economic wizards, the all powerful tycoons have all come crashing down to earth. Where is the boast of man that "he is the captain of his ship and the master of his soul?" Man is helpless when God ordains. But thanks God, the children of God are shielded from the tribulations of the world. "Seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matthew 6:33)
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Depression, Economic Collapse, Wall St., Children of God, Wise Men of the World, Economic Wizards, Powerful Business Tycoons, Kingdom of God, Divine Providence, God's Righteousness, Tribulation
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
I do sometimes feel depress but everytime I turn my mind to God and the Faith that I should always keep, it makes me feel strong Mel.. God Bless you
Raptured Dreams
Celebrity Entertainment
All Natural Cosmetics 4u
Hi Tey,
Never lose hope, just fix your eyes on Jesus, the perfecter of our faith. Those who trust in Him will never be put to shame. God sees your struggles and all the efforts you put to succeed in your business and He will reward your patience and perseverance. Just hang on sister,God will make a way when there seems to be no way. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. God bless you always.
God is Great !!!
Thanks for such a nice post.
Hi Hobo,
Amen to that. God bless.
During my sad days
I bring to my mind
your inspiring posts
like this one
and I feel how God wispers to me His healing words.
Definitely God speaks through Blogland. And it is great.
Thank you Mel, perfect thoughts!
God bless your great work!
Take care!
Hi Krystyna,
Yes, God is faithful to all His promises and He will never let His children down. He will give us His divine provision in due time and He will shield us against the terrible tribulation that will come into the world. It's great to have complete trust and faith in Him. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. God bless you always.
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