There will never be any miracle or success for those who are perennial doubters. Faith requires a believing heart and doubters do not have this. In this fast changing world and the ever increasing pace of society, where people cannot just trust anybody, it is always safe to doubt the motives of others. That's fine! But in terms of one's advancement in any aspect of one's life, a single iota of doubt in one's mind has already inflicted defeat in him even before he can get started. Many are those who say they believe in God and in His promises, but at the back of their minds, doubts linger. The Bible describes these people as unstable in mind who will accomplish nothing. Remember the whole Israelite people whom God led to freedom from Egypt? They wandered in the desert for forty years and all of them except Moses, Joshua and Caleb perished because of their unbelief as they doubted that God can deliver to them the Promise Land. Even if the various situations in our lives appear to contradict the promises of God, we must persist in our faith in His words and in His faithfulness to keep His promises and we must never doubt. Doubt is a negative trait inflicted by the enemy to those whose hearts are weak. It is the twin sister of fear that wrecks havoc to one's faith. But to the men and women of God, they hold fast to the promises of God for God is ever faithful and never lies.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Doubt, Antithesis of Faith, Miracle, Success, Perennial Doubters, Faith, Believing Heart, Fast Changing World, Ever Increasing Pace of Society, Motives, Advancement, Single Iota of Doubt, Unstable Minds, Israelites, Moses, Joshua, Caleb, Promise Land, Negative Trait, Men and Women of God, Promises of God, God is Faithful, God Never Lies, Word of God, Holy Bible
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
Very well said Mel, thanks for sharing. Many really live a life of unbelief! And you are right.., nothing can be accomplish if one has a 'doubting thomas' attitude:)
sooo hard to do! really bro, it's so hard. but i know that what you just said is truth. i thank the Lord for His grace, that i'm able to go on in spite of all the hindrances that gets in the way. bro, i almost lost it the other day. God, i thank Him for sylvia. she really helped me the other day. i learned that i haven't forgiven myself yet after all these years.
I may be worry, sad, hate but never I lost my faith. Thanks Mel and Happy New Year
Embracing Health
All Natural Cosmetics 4u
Natural Beauty Cosmetics
Hi Tejan,
Many Christians fail to actualize the promises of our Lord in their lives because of either unbelief or doubts. Miracles require an unwavering faith from its recipients. Thanks for your visit and inspiring comments. God bless you always.
Hi sis Pia,
Yes that was an eye opener from the Lord through Sylvia (God bless her soul for her assistance to you). There are still so many things we do not understand about God and His ways and the only recourse we can do is to be subservient to His will and trust in His unfailing love for us. In due time, He will reveal everything to you to your heart's content. Thanks for your visit and inspiring comments. God bless you always.
Hi Tey,
Yes, we must never lose faith in God but must trust Him wholeheartedly. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
Thanks for the reminder Kuya Mel.. this post reminds me that I should not lose faith, lalo na sa mga nangyayari sa panahon ngayon, we tend to lose faith in God...
Swerte pa rin tayo dahil kahit hindi natin nakita ang ating Panginoon, we still believe in Him and His power. Pero nga minsan, when things go wrong, ayon na, nawawala na ang tiwala sa Panginoon...
Salamat po sa post at sa pagbisita.. BTW, kinurot ko na si Fifi sa pisngi para sa yo.. hehehhe..
Hi Kathy ,
Kawawa naman si Fifi. Sabihin mo I'm very sorry. Huwag mo nang kukurutin, kissan mo na lang, lol. Tuwang tuwa kasi ako sa kanya, napaka fragile nang itsura, parang Japanese doll, lol. Hindi tayo dapat mag doubt sa Panginoon dahil Siya ay laging tapat at hindi kailanman magsisinungaling. Salamat sa dalaw at comments. God bless you all always.
very deep topic kuyaMel....pretty well said...korek po kau....a lot of people claim that they believe in God.
Hi Dhemz,
Hindi deep ang post na ito. Probably you just look at the topic and saw the word antithesis. I make the post here as simple as I can so that people will benefit from them. Ang deep eh yung mga posts nang mister mo. Hindi ko kayang arukin, lol. Anyway, salamat sa dalaw at comments. God bless you all always.
You're so right!There are still lots of things we do not understand about God but should never lose faith. I once doubted about my religion but I never doubted GOd. Alam ko, we may have different beliefs/religion, there is only ONE GOD. Para sa akin ganun po, pero I may be wrong but that's what I believe. Thanks for another inspirational post =)
have a faith in our God always..
Hi Bambie,
Yes, I respect your feelings and views about these things. What is important is that we believe in God. Actually, religions can never save us. Only the right relationship with God. When you get deeper in the knowledge of God, you will be able to understand these things. Until then, I am praying for you and your loved ones. Thanks for your visit and honest comments. I appreciate that. God bless you all always.
Hi Arvin,
You said it right friend. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
My first time to be here and I find your posts very interesting and uplifting.
Thanks for the reminder about faith. I would say though that doubting other people's motive is different from doubting God's mighty powers to change us and provide for our needs. Being cautious with other people's motives is a different thing as there are really people with bad intentions so let's be careful with our dealings. I'd like to quote a part of Desiderata in relation to this: "Exercise caution in your business affairs for the world is full of trickery but let this not blind you to what virtue there is."
Hi Nice A,
Very well said. We must never doubt God's faithfulness but we must exercise caution in our dealing with others because some people have ulterior motives which can harm us if we are not careful. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Eric,
I will consider your proposal. Thanks and God bless.
faith is always there but to practice that faith is what I am always have troubled with. I need to be strong.
Embracing Health
All Natural Cosmetics 4u
Natural Beauty Cosmetics
Hi Tey,
You can practice faith by truly believing in God. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
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