Why is peace as elusive as the Loch Ness Monster or the Abominable Snowman? There's so much war, strifes and hatred in this world. Man is intolerant of his fellowmen. We only have one planet where we can all live in peace and harmony. If we don't figure out how we can all coexist peacefully, chances are, we are going to annihilate ourselves and our beloved planet as well.
Peace must begin with the very basic unit of society, man himself. Man must first learn to be at peace with himself before he can even seek peace with others and with the world. A man at conflict with himself can never expect to be at peace with his fellowmen. He will always see conflict in others as a reflection of his own condition of being. But how can we be at peace with ourselves? We start to have an internal conflict in ourselves when we develop a warped conscience, when our innate sense of right and wrong runs conflict with our actual actuation in life.
Religious beliefs and philosophies in life may vary from person to person, but if he is not at peace with his Creator, he will never have genuine peace with himself. Man's open response to the overflowing love of his Creator for him will result in the welling up of love, joy and peace in his heart, and this will positively manifest in love and relationship with himself, his fellowmen and his Creator.
Let's clean ourselves before we even attempt to see the dirt of others and meddle in their own affairs. If we want to see the unfolding of genuine peace in the world, let us begin with ourselves first.
Let There Be Peace On Earth
Posted by Mel Avila Alarilla
Minsan nga nasabi ko parang mahal ng Peace ngayon. Walang katapusang gyuera ano. kahit anong wish pa na world peace if we don't have peace sa srili wala rin. Thanks for the peaceful post Sir mel
Hi Shy,
You are so right my friend. Peace begins with us. If we cannot have peace in ourselves, how can we expect peace for others? Thanks for your visit and meaningful comments. God bless you all always.
What you said here is true. I thank God for your sharing this post!
God Bless you, and EVERYONE!!!
Your brother in Christ!!!
Hi Lon,
Thanks for appreciating this post. Thanks also for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
i agree. let us let peace reign in our hearts. let's start from within ourselves. your post is very timely brother mel. kailangan na talaga nating manawagan. sana wala nalang gyera, wala nalang away.
Hi Meretrisha,
Yes, peace must begin with the individual. There must be a change of heart and a tolerant attitude towards individual differences from others. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
Indeed kuya Mel. Peace is very elusive, even in our own homes, minsan nag-aaway pa kahit kapamilya mo na ang kasama mo... Thanks for the visits po...
Hi Kathy,
If we strive to have genuine peace in our hearts, we will radiate that to everybody including our housemates. Just focus on your love for your family to maintain peace within your home. We also must have peace with God to overcome all stressful situations that bombard our lives. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
well, i really hope it's not. and i also hope that finding inner peace is easy as blaming other people for our misfortunes. there's just too much hatred and grievances that we can't let go, that we always find a reason to hit somebody else's face and start a fight..
Hi Kim,
We really must learn to live and let live so that peace can reign in our midst. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
All I can think is of that song, Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me. My husband hate that song though. Maybe he is just tired of hearing people talking about peace and they themselves don't have peace either. How can the world change, if people won't change for the better?
Hi Mel Cole,
Yes, peace is really elusive that is why it should begin with the individual who must learn to live and let live. It is when we refuse to poke our nose on other people's business shall a semblance of peace starts. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
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