TOLERANCE (A Virtue As Rare As Diamond)
Tolerance means patience and understanding and knowing that people have individual differences. Tolerance is putting ourselves in the shoes of the other person and always giving him the benefit of the doubt. Tolerance has many enemies- impatience, bitterness, egoism, hatred, bigotry, antagonism, cynicism and many more. It has few friends. Among them are: love, patience and perseverance.
Whenever you feel that you cannot tolerate a person or a group of persons, reverse your thinking processes. Did it ever occur to you that that person or group of persons, cannot also tolerate you? Maybe the problem is with you and not with them. We cannot change other people but we can always change ourselves.
Next time that you feel that you cannot tolerate a person or a situation, try to redirect your focus on your own thoughts and emotions. You may just be mad at yourself for your failures in life and may just be seeing a reflection of yourself in them. Let us rid ourselves of our own blind spots. Then we will see ourselves as others see us.
Posted by Mel Avila Alarilla
Thanks for the advice in this post Sir Mel. Pero may mga ugalo talaga na hirap i tolerate na kailangan din hindi itotolerate kasi nakakasama. but i like your advice. may ugali din sa tao na ayaw mag tolerate kahit hindi masama kasi nga ayaw magbigay hehe. Thanks for the tolerance post
easier said than done but absolutely 'doable' if we strip ourselves of conceit and selfishness that rule our lives, as if WE are the only ones to be considered. yes, i do believe we can make this world a better place to live in if we learn to have more tolerance..
Hi Shy,
Tolerance is just patience and understanding of others. If God has been very patient with us, we ought to be patient and tolerant of others too. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
Thank you for sharing this post along with this good advice. God bless you!!!
Hi Kim,
I like the way you make your comments. Very meaningful and sensible. You are also very philosophical. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
Hi Lon,
Thanks for appreciating the post and for your comments. God bless you all always.
I think tolerance should not be an excuse for "blindness" to sin. Sometimes tolerance can lead to just acceptance of the wrong. I remember our pastor said, "IN this world, the wrong becomes right and the right becomes wrong because of tolerance to sin and intolerance of things right opposing the wrong."
We must be very careful in discerning what is to tolerate and what is not.
hi brother mel.. i do agree with you with everything that you have written about tolerance. let me just add that we should also have the wisdom to know when to give in and when to really assert what is right. sometimes it takes another person to realize his mistakes or to correct an unacceptable behavior or a wrong way of thinking. but then again, we all need to be patient in some way.
btw, i like the religious tolerance photo there. :-)
The title says it all Mel!
Hi Bingkee,
Thank you so much for your words of wisdom. Yes, tolerance does not mean we should acquiesce to sinfulness. It just means we should be more tolerant of the frailties of others. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
Hi Meretrisha,
Of course we should practice discernment on when to give way or when we should stand our ground to stand for what is right. It is never turning a blind eye to evil just like what the church did during the Second World War. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
Hi MinnieRunner,
Yes, the title is already self explanatory. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
thanks for explaining it kuyaMel...:) at salamag for sharing this interesting post....:)
hit the hay na ako...salamat po sa walang sawang dalaw at commentos..mabuhay po kau!
Hi Dhemz,
We really have to be tolerant of the individual differences of others. It is not easy but by practicing it, we can learn to live with everybody in peace and harmony. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
ME too SIr Mel, thank you for your patience with me. I am quite slow in this commenting business. So I try to hit a moment showering you my presence in your blogs. I know, it's not a good habit. But let me know if you don't like it that way.
Hi MelCole,
I must admit that I was overwhelmed by the volume of your comments but I am honored by it. We know that comments are the life and essence of any blog so why should I complain about the volume. I would like to thank you more for it. It takes a lot of patience to make comments to other blogs. Thank you so much for your visit and comments. God bless you all always.
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