Why is it that not all Christians experience the victorious Christian life? Why is it that some Christians are underground Christians and you can not detect any sweet fruits from them? Did not the Bible say that by the fruit you will know the tree? And did not the word of God promised all Christians that if they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior, they will be transformed by the Holy Spirit from glory to glory until they reach the whole measure of the fullness of Jesus Christ? Why is it that some Christians do not grow and mature in love, compassion and holiness? Why?
Because their being born again were only half baked. They probably accepted Jesus Christ with their mouths but not with their hearts. Or probably they did, but the allures of the world beckoned upon them and they forgot their first love and have backslided.
The Bible said in Romans 12 verse 2 that the way to our transformation is by the renewing of our mind and conforming it with the mind of Christ so that we will be able to test and approve God's perfect will in our lives. We cannot continue to do things on our own. Everything that we do must be done in the name of Jesus Christ. Jesus' righteousness and holiness were imputed upon us when we accepted Him as our Lord and savior and we must focus on that.
So we focus on God's unfathomable love for us. Then we focus on Christ's righteousness and holiness that were imputed upon us. Thus, we are declared and appear to God as holy and righteous because of Jesus Christ not because of ourselves.
If we do these things and continue to walk in God's will, we open ourselves to become His channels of blessings for His spiritual, financial and physical blessings to others. Thus streams of living water will flow from us to quench the thirst of those who seek God's truth. And yes, we will be finally transformed by the Holy Spirit from glory to glory until we reach the whole measure of the fullness of Jesus Christ.
"The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day." (Proverbs 4:18)
Tags: Jesus Christ, Lord, Savior, Righteousness, Holiness, Glory, God
hi bro. mel,
thanks for this inspiring post and reminder. it's so true that we cannot do it alone without God...but with Him, everything is possible. even the impossible becomes a reality...we just have to learn how to seek God..He's always there for us. sometimes, he answers us with a "no" but for a purpose because He is preparing us for another thing that is really meant for us.
God should be within us. But sometimes we are so weak that we let evil come in our way...I just pray to have stronger heart and keep the faith.
I always learn something important reading your post.
"open to become His channel" - is the way to live in His glory.
Have a blessing time, Mel!
I like the colors and decorations here.
Hi Fingertalks,
Thanks so much for your visit and for your erudite comments. I agree with you 100%. We just have to trust God that He will bring us to our own promised land if we just follow and obey His will for us. Thanks again my friend. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Ester,
You said, "God should be within us." If you have already accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, you already have that assurance. It is just a matter of self realization. If we are in Christ, then He is in us through the Holy Spirit. We can never prevent evil from confronting us (that's the reality of life) but we can overcome them through self realization that Christ's holiness and righteousness were already imputed on us and that we are already a new creation in Christ. James 4:7-8 says, "Come near to God and He will come near to you. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." We can have all the good things in life if we just focus on that and on God's unfailing love for all His children. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Krystyna,
Yes, God is always looking for people to become channels for His blessings to His children. He uses different channels to spread his love, grace and blessings to mankind. Thanks for the compliment on my blog. You are always a friend. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Mel,
my respond:
I'm sure you'll find something good for you.
I can made a special juice for diabetic. OK?
Hi Mel, thanks for the post which always makes me think about Jesus and everything around Him.
I wanna be a good person, so I pray every night (or day?) before going bed, in order to be transformed from glory to glory.
I wanna reach the heaven, and not burn myself in the flames of the hell.
Big greetings and big hugs
Sweet Dreams, from the bottom of my Heart:
Hi Mel, I'm just trying to be a good person. It's good to have Jesus in our hearts, so we can do goodness to others.
And the way I think I can do goodness to others, is through my corner, and my poll, but most my corner, in which I post funny misfortunes of myself.
You see? I even laugh of myself.
Greetings and hugs
Nice Day, with my whole soul:
Hi Krystyna,
Thanks for your efforts. I'll be looking for that juice. I thought bitter gourd is a good antidote for diabetes. Anyway, I have the type two diabetes and I'm not insulin dependent, Praise The Lord. I never thought about sickness or things like that. I always think of wellness and God's grace, that's why I'm still alive. Thanks for your concern my dear friend. I always appreciate your kindness. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Arthur,
That's very nice that you pray each night before going to bed. You must also confess every night whether you have sin or not. Cleansing our heart and soul by the blood of the Lamb makes a clear and unhampered conscience able to do the will of God in our lives. It also assures the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives who does the transforming for us. Thanks for your efforts to be good my young friend. God bless you and your loved ones always. BTW, you may join MyBlogLog by looking up at your search engine. I think membership there is automatic and you can have your own MyBloglog widget immediately. It's similar to BlogCatalog.
Hi Gusthav,
Yes, it's good to laugh and make fun of yourself so that others will laugh with you. That's the healthy way of making fun without hurting the feelings of other people. You are already good Gusthav. You just do all things for Jesus Christ so that the Father will reward you for all your good deeds. Thanks so much my young friend. God bless you and your loved ones always. BTW, I suggest you and Arthur join MyBlogLog so that you can expand your contacts. Membership there I think is automatic and you can immediately put their widget in your blog.
Hi Mel, thanks for the info about My BlogLog.
Now I need your help. 'cause Arthur is having pain in his heart right now.
Could you to my corner and leave a supportive for him (and me too), please???
Greetings and hugs
Nice Day, with my whole soul:
hi bro. mel,
just visiting...hope u r doing fine..God bless always! cheers!
I am probably one of the half baked christians, but I tend to pray God many times as I can, thanked him for the good life and good family as well as friends.
Hope you had a wonderful weekend with your family!
Hi Gusthav,
Yes, I have just gone to your blog due to the email of Bluebirdy informing me, Pia and Shielalu about what happened to Arthur. Now, don't panic my young friend. This will also come to pass. Just trust God that He will make a way from all that had happened to Arthur. Maybe, He's just teaching a valuable lesson to Arthur and his mother. We'll never know, only God knows. Just try to encourage Arthur to spend his time productively like reading the Bible and meditating on the word of God. We will all be praying for both of you and your families too. Trust God. He will always make a way. Thanks again my young friend. God bless you and your family always.
Hi Fingertalks,
Thank you so much for your visit and your warm greetings. I really appreciate that. I hope you are fine and in the best of health too. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Haze,
Nobody is judging you my friend. It's between you and God. I just hope you will bring up your kids with a healthy and reverential fear of the Lord so that they will grow up to be fine Christians. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you and your family always.
hey Mel tnxx for this enlightening post! Spread the love as usual.
Hi Keshi,
Thanks for your visit and for your comments too. God bless.
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