I've been tagged by Pia of Color It Green.
1. Answer the Kid's Question by Gregory Stock, Ph.D. Remember: Don't respond as you think others want you to. Respond the way you actually feel.
2. Add your name (linked to your blog).
3. Tag everybody else.
Kid's Question # 1 - If you were the ruler of the world and you could have anything you wanted as well as have people do anything you wanted, do you think you would get greedy and mean or would you be a good and fair ruler? Please answer the question and put your name and link after.
My Answer: I was so hesitant to do this tag since it's really a kid stuff, straight from a kid's runaway imagination and looks like a remake of the blockbuster movie
by Jim Carrey- Bruce Almighty. But I was reminded by my wonderful friend Pia from Color It Green and she already sounded green with hurt feelings so I have to do this. Can't turn down my great friend and run the risk of offending her, can't I?
If I am the ruler of the world and have the power to make all people do my bidding, I will not get greedy and mean. It's far from my character. I will not change the world either for God created it that way (who am I, Bruce Almighty?). But there are certain things I will change. I will prohibit the stockpiling of weapons of mass destruction, starting with the super powers. I will abolish the permanent members of the Security Council including their all powerful veto powers. I will strengthen the United Nations and make the new Security Council (whose new temporary memberships will be voted from all the general memberships) as the world's all powerful police body.Wars and violence will be outlawed and all conflicts will be arbitrated by the International Court of Justice, with the Security Council as enforcer of its decisions. Money will be channeled to research and development to wipe out all diseases and hunger in the world. A new World Economic Order will be in place where there will be true parity in trade for all countries, and all forms of protective tariffs and barriers will be dismantled and outlawed. All forms of racial discriminations will be abolished and everybody will be free to exercise their inalienable rights as free citizens of he world.
Please wake me up for I am already dreaming. He, he, he, *lol*
Done by Mel Avila Alarilla
Now I am tagging everybody who wants to be Bruce Almighty. Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha
Tags: Tag, Gregory Stock Ph.D., Kid's Question, Security Council, United Nations, Tariffs, New World Economic Order, Bruce Almighty, Jim Carrey
thanks for doing this. green with hurt feelings? uh... *grin*
hi there..tnx for your brilliant suggestion as usual...i didn't think bout it...now it's in the right place...^^TC
Hi Mel,
thank you for your visit and very nice, friendly, inspiring words.
You are one of my great, true friend and I'm going to visiting your spiritual, wonderful place.
I need spiritual inspiration and I always can find it here.
Blessings to you and your family!
Hehehehe Mel, that's interesting, If I were Bruce Almighty, I'd take over the world, but with laughters and smiles, happiness, fun and awesomeness.
I'd not allow anyone to harm other, so Arthur's Mother would be in jail for the rest of her life.
I think if Arthur were Bruce Almighty, he'd probably be greedy and mean, just like his Mother.
What a nice pic of Jim Carrey, he really has a funny face, like me.
Greetings and hugs
Nice Day, with my whole soul:
Hi Pia,
I have to confess that I never had the intention to do the tag because it looked like kid's stuff and we know it will never happen. But when you reminded me about the tag, I suddenly feared that I might offend you if I disregarded the tag. So I did it and when I did, I liked it. Thanks for the tag my wonderful friend. God bless you always.
Hi Bb_Anne,
You see the only difference between a high priced ad and a low priced one is the visibility of the ad. When Blog Catalog and Entrecard systematized blog hopping by just a click of the mouse, scant seconds become so precious to blog hoppers and they will not waste that scant second to scroll down your sidebar to find out if you have an Entrecard widget or not. What with the hundreds of thousands of other Entrecard members in the internet. If you will choose to advertise, do not be deceived by the price of the ad but on its placing whether it is highly visible or not. Entrecards are interconnected with each other. If you continue to drop indefinitely, you could reach up to the farthest reach of the blog sphere. Of course time constraint is important to every blogger and we don't want to waste our time just dropping around Entrecard widgets the whole day. Have a nice and pleasant day. God bless.
Hi Krystyna,
You need Jesus Christ. He is more than enough. If you accepted Him as your Lord and savior and had been born again, then you have the entire patrimony of the Father in you. Remember, we are co-heirs with Jesus Christ in the kingdom of God. His righteousness and holiness have been imputed upon us and we became the temple of the holy Spirit. Meditate on God's words and claim His wondrous promises and you will have everything in life. Our father has prepared the most sumptuous banquet in the world and He invites us to partake of it. Don't you want to partake of it? You are a child of God. Jesus died on the cross for you. That's how valuable you are to our Father. You're just being side tracked by all the worries and trials of the world. But Jesus said, He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. (John 10:10b) I'll pray for you sister because I feel that the enemy is attacking you. Just remember, that the Spirit that is in you is stronger than the spirit that is in the world. God bless you sister with the strength of the Lord. May the blessings and graces of our Lord Almighty be upon you and your loved ones now and forever. Amen.
Hi Gusthav,
You sure are a wonderful and funny person. You just brought a smile into my face. I was laughing at your answer. If you had the power, I'm sure you will make all people happy and funny just like you. I'm sure you will outlaw all surliness and grumblings. How's Arthur now? I'm praying so much for his immediate healing. Please don't get mad at his mother. We do not know the entire story of why they had that misunderstanding. Let us just trust that everything will be resolved to everybody's benefits. Thanks for your visit my young friend. God bless you and your loved ones and Arthur too.
hey, really, i won't be offended. just do the tags if you feel like it. if not, it's okay. no harm done. =D
good luck. hehehe ;p
Hi Pia,
Yes, I know. No harm done even if I do not do the tag. I was just playing it safe so that I do not offend anybody. Thanks and God bless.
Hi Tintin,
I would have prefer that you said God bless. I do not believe in good or bad luck. They are just superstitions. I believe in blessings and curses. They are more Biblical in nature. Thanks for your visit. God bless.
hello mel...
thanks for visitng my blog always
by the is bruce almighty 2 already out for now???
HI MEL , greetings to you,hope you are fine and always be happy..
That's interesting...see how you get well connected with others through doing the tag-meme too.
If I were Bruce Almighty,I'd not allow any kind of hatred feelings, enemy or war to harm others in any way. Let live peace with love and kindness,friendships and happiness.
Helping one another regardless who or where when necessary...just like brothers and sisters,would be awesome isn't it?
Hi... I love to exchange links with you. Please check out my blog and tell me if you are interested. Just leave me a message. Thanks.
Petite ;0
Hi Darlyn,
You're welcome my friend. No, I'm not even aware that there is a Bruce Almighty 2. I'm sure it is a good movie because part one was really a hit. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Noushy,
Thanks for your visit and your wonderful comments. You have a very nice way of ruling the world, better than Bruce Almighty, he, he, he, *lol*. Yes, tags and memes serve their own purposes. I just don't want to veer away from the objectives of my blogs. Thanks for sharing your views with me. God bless you and your loved ones always my dear beautiful friend.
Hi Mel,
TGIF! hehhehe..hope you are fine and always keep smiling.
You have answered Petite's comment by mistake in my blog and you might be wondering where did the comment goes...so it's in my blog yea:)
Have a lovely relaxing weekend to you and family.Take Care.
Hi Noushy,
Oops, sorry wrong number. I don't know if it was me or the bug. Our computer is always infected by viruses because my kid son keeps on downloading games from the internet. So my elder son who is studying computer science in school keeps on reformatting our computer. I will be rid of this problem when I am able to buy my own laptop generated from proceeds from my ads at my blogs. But that's a long time coming. Thanks for pointing the error to me. God bless you and your loved ones always my dear beautiful friend.
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