This award was given to me by my good friend Krystyna of Staying Young...and Healthy from the originator of this award Bindi of Beautiful World.
Spirit of Compassion
"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive" - Dalai Lama.What is compassion?
Compassion is an understanding of the emotional state of another or oneself. Not to be confused with empathy ( "put oneself into another's shoes"), compassion is often combined with a desire to alleviate or reduce the suffering of another or to show special kindness to those who suffer. However, compassion may lead an individual to feel empathy with another person. Compassion is often characterized through actions, wherein a person acting with compassion will seek to aid those they feel compassionate for.
Compassion - "Actions Speak Louder Than Words".
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion" - Dalai Lama.
Here are the rules:
1. You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider to be deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also for contributing to the blogging community, no matter what language
.2. Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.
4. Award-winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of “Arte y Pico” blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.
In turn, I am giving this award to the following bloggers whose hearts are gold and are full of compassion to their fellowmen:
1. Pia of My Life's Journey
2. Bluebirdy Living - 4 Hours At A Time
3. Heiresschild A New Journey
4. Emmyrose Just Let Go
5. Fingertalks The Home of the Talking Fingers on the Web
Tags: Awards, Compassion, Compassionate People, Fellowship
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
Thanks Mel for the Award! You sure have learned a lot more about blogging and how to set up your page and do different graphics etc. on it than I have learned! Looking GREAT! I like your new blog too, K.I.S.S.
God bless!
Hi Bluebirdy,
I chose the people whose hearts are compassionate and who have already contributed a lot to the wellbeing of their fellowmen. I honestly feel you deserve that award. Thanks for your visit and beautiful words. I really appreciate that. God bless you and your loved ones always. You are all in my prayers.
hi bro. mel,
thank you for this award. i really am thankful for having you as my friend. so sorry for not visiting here the past few weeks..was on hiatus, and i just came back from a mini-vacation.
i got back to blogging a few days back...
i will post my award and pay it forward tomorrow...
have a nice day!
thanks, bro, for thinking of me for this award. i'm so honored. God bless!
i did it on my other blog, hope that's okay.
Hi Mel..glad that you finally open arms receiving all the awards you deserved.Take care my friend.
May God bless you always.
Hi Fingertalks,
No need to apologize my friend. I am also guilty of not regularly visiting all my friends at my blog roll since I am concentrating more on Blog Catalog and Entrecard. You deserve the award for having a compassionate heart and an erudite mind to post articles that redound to the good of your fellowmen. Congratulations on your award and may God bless all the wonderful efforts you do to contribute to the welfare of others.
Hi Pia,
No problem with that. You are also deserving of this award for your courageous stand against all the trials you are undergoing and for striving to serve others who are likewise burdened. May God bless all your efforts to serve others.
Hi Noushy,
I am really hesitant to receive awards lest my head becomes puffed up. Another problem is, I never want to hurt the feelings of all my friends who will not be given the award. But Krystyna is different. She's so special to me that I can't risk hurting her and I believe in the merit of this particular award since it does not cater to vanities and vainglories. Thanks for your visit and comments my dear friend. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Mel,
I have been busy in school this summer. I can't believe I have been there 4 weeks already. I also shot my first wedding over the weekend. So things have been hectic for sure.
I hope all is well with your family.
Have an awesome day.
Hi Carol,
I'm so glad that you visited me at my blog. Thank you so much for that. I already visited your blog and left a comment there. You are doing very well in your photography career. Praise the Lord for that. Thanks again for your visit and comments. God bless you and your loved ones always my friend.
Hi Mel, thank you for accepted this award.
I understand your opinion, I think in the same way. I have always big problem with "awards". Really I don't like this situation.
( it doesn't mean that I don't appreciate it).
You are doing great job, it takes much your time.
God bless you and your family!
hi Mel,
i'm deeply honored and pleasantly surprised about my award. thank you so much for thinking of me. i'm in CA now, helping to take care of my daughter and almost 3-yr old granddaughter because my daughter is on complete bedrest until the twins are born, hopefully not before august 21st-31st. they're moving july 1st, so there's lots for me to do. i don't get to log on to the internet as much as i'd like to. i'll be here until november 1st, when i'll go home for about a week to get some things done, and then i'll probably be back here in CA for a while longer to help out.
i promise i'll post my award on my blog just as soon as i can.
i hope you and your family are all doing well, and i wish you all a very beautiful and safe summer. i'm sure your children are glad to be out of school for summer vacation, unless they attend all year round. peace & blessings to you all. thanks again for the beautiful award!
Hi Krystyna,
As much as I really do not want to receive awards since it will divert attention from my God, I have to accept that award from you. It is an honor really to be picked by a wonderful friend such as you. I honestly feel you deserve the original award for your compassionate heart that beats with love for our fellowmen. Someday, somehow, we will meet in the presence of our Lord and I can personally greet you that time in the glorious presence of our God. Thank you for being my friend and co pilgrim for God's glory. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Heiresschild,
I understand your position and the many ministries that the lord has placed on your shoulder. I know that you are doing great things for the Lord and although we may not be able to communicate very often, you will always remain a dear friend of mine whom I highly respect for your integrity and great love for our God. Congratulations on the victory of Obama for the Democratic ticket. We will surely have the 1st black American President of USA. Thanks so much my wonderful friend and God bless you in all your endeavors in life.
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