Remember that stuff about hiding under a table or standing in a doorway? Well, this guy has a completely reverse opinion.This is very interesting, different from what we were all taught.
Is this ever an eye opener? Directly opposite of what we've been taught over the years! I can remember in school being told to, 'duck and cover' or stand in a doorway during an earthquake. This guy's findings is absolutely amazing. I hope we all remember his survival method if we are ever in an earthquake!! !
Please read this and pass the info along to your family members; it could save their lives someday!
My name is Doug Copp. I am the Rescue Chief and Disaster Manager of the
American Rescue Team International (ARTI), the world's most experienced
rescue team. The information in this article will save lives in an earthquake.
I have crawled inside 875 collapsed buildings, worked with rescue teams
from 60 countries, founded rescue teams in several countries, and I am a
member of many rescue teams from many countries.
I was the United Nations expert in Disaster Mitigation for two years. I
have worked at every major disaster in the world since 1985, except for
simultaneous disasters.
The first building I ever crawled inside of was a school in Mexico City
during the 1985 earthquake. Every child was under its desk. Every child
was crushed to the thickness of their bones. They could have survived by
lying down next to their desks in the aisles. It was obscene, unnecessary and
I wondered why the children were not in the aisles. I didn't at the time
know that the children were told to hide under something.
Simply stated, when buildings collapse, the weight of the ceilings
falling upon the objects or furniture inside crushes these objects, leaving a
space or void next to them. This space is what I call the 'triangle of life'.
The larger the object, the stronger, the less it will compact. The less the
object compacts, the larger the void, the greater the probability that
the person who is using this void for safety will not be injured. The next
time you watch collapsed buildings, on television, count the 'triangles' you
see formed. They are everywhere. It is the most common shape, you will see,
in a collapsed building.
1) Most everyone who simply 'ducks and covers' WHEN BUILDINGS COLLAPSE are crushed to death. People who get under objects, like desks or cars, are crushed.
2) Cats, dogs and babies often naturally curl up in the fetal position.
You should too in an earthquake. It is a natural safety/survival instinct. You can survive in a smaller void. Get next to an object, next to a sofa, next to a large bulky object that will compress slightly but leave a void next to it.
3) Wooden buildings are the safest type of construction to be in during
an earthquake. Wood is flexible and moves with the force of the earthquake.
If the wooden building does collapse, large survival voids are created.
Also, the wooden building has less concentrated, crushing weight. Brick
buildings will break into individual bricks. Bricks will cause many injuries but
less squashed bodies than concrete slabs.
4) If you are in bed during the night and an earthquake occurs, simply
roll off the bed. A safe void will exist around the bed. Hotels can achieve a
much greater survival rate in earthquakes, simply by posting a sign on The back of the door of every room telling occupants to lie down on the floor, next to the bottom of the bed during an earthquake.
5) If an earthquake happens and you cannot easily escape by getting out
the door or window, then lie down and curl up in the fetal position next to
a sofa, or large chair.
6) Most everyone who gets under a doorway when buildings collapse is
killed. How? If you stand under a doorway and the doorjamb falls forward or
backward you will be crushed by the ceiling above. If the door jam falls sideways you will be cut in half by the doorway. In either case, you will be killed!
7) Never go to the stairs. The stairs have a different 'moment of
frequency' (they swing separately from the main part of the building).
The stairs and remainder of the building continuously bump into each
other until structural failure of the stairs takes place. The people who get
on stairs before they fail are chopped up by the stair treads - horribly
mutilated. Even if the building doesn't collapse, stay away from the
stairs. The stairs are a likely part of the building to be damaged. Even if the
stairs are not collapsed by the earthquake, they may collapse later when
overloaded by fleeing people. They should always be checked for safety,
even when the rest of the building is not damaged.
8) Get Near the Outer Walls Of Buildings Or Outside Of Them If Possible
- It is much better to be near the outside of the building rather than
the interior. The farther inside you are from the outside perimeter of the
building the greater the probability that your escape route will be
9) People inside of their vehicles are crushed when the road above falls
in an earthquake and crushes their vehicles; which is exactly what happened
with the slabs between the decks of the Nimitz Freeway. The victims of
the San Francisco earthquake all stayed inside of their vehicles. They were
all killed. They could have easily survived by getting out and sitting or
lying next to their vehicles. Everyone killed would have survived if they had
been able to get out of their cars and sit or lie next to them. All the
crushed cars had voids 3 feet high next to them, except for the cars that had
columns fall directly across them.
10) I discovered, while crawling inside of collapsed newspaper offices
and other offices with a lot of paper, that paper does not compact.
Large voids are found surrounding stacks of paper.
Spread the word and save someone's life... The Entire world is
experiencing natural calamities so be prepared!
'We are but angels with one wing, it takes two to fly'
In 1996 we made a film, which proved my survival methodology to be
correct. The Turkish Federal Government, City of Istanbul , University of
Istanbul Case Productions and ARTI cooperated to film this practical, scientific
test. We collapsed a school and a home with 20 mannequins inside. Ten
mannequins did 'duck and cover,' and ten mannequins I used in my
'triangle of life' survival method. After the simulated earthquake collapse we
crawled through the rubble and entered the building to film and document the
results. The film, in which I practiced my survival techniques under
directly observable, scientific conditions , relevant to building collapse, showed there would have been zero percent survival for those doing duck
and cover.
There would likely have been 100 percent survivability for people using
my method of the 'triangle of life.' This film has been seen by millions
of viewers on television in Turkey and the rest of Europe , and it was seen
in the USA , Canada and Latin America on the TV program Real TV
May God's Blessings Be With You
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I asked God, 'How do I get the best out of life?'
God said, 'Face your past without regrets. Handle your present with confidence. And prepare for the future without fear!'For I am with you!
Note: Everybody is free to reprint this in your own blogs. We will never know how many lives this article can save.
Tags: Earthquakes, Survival, Outmoded Beliefs, What To Do During Earthquakes
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
ADDENDUM: According to the advisory of the American Red Cross, they debunk the theory of Mr. Doug Copp, the Rescue Chief and Disaster Manager of the American Rescue Team International. They consider the so called "Triangle of Life" not appropriate for the American scenario. They consider the traditional "Drop, Cover and Hold" to be more appropriate to building standards in the US.
I have presented both sides of the picture and it is up to you dear readers to decide which side to believe. In the final analysis, neither scenario can save us if it is already our fate to die. It is only up to God to decide when we have to go. Thanks to you all and God bless us all.
Mel Avila Alarilla
hi there...hope you're enjoying your weekend now..tnx for the post.
Excellent post with great info. Looks like the guys on the news and at the weather channels would get this out to the public. Thanks and God bless.
Dear Friends,
Unfortunately, Doug Copp's advice is completely unscientific. It could in fact be very dangerous. PLEASE READ MORE, and consider removing this.
We just don't know where the triangles of life will be found. Some of Copps suggestions will INCREASE the rates of injuries rather than save lives.
Please read this critique http://riskred.wordpress.com/
Then look at the www.snopes.com urban legend site.
Marla Petal
Hi Bb_Anne,
Yes, I always have great weekends. Thanks for the wish. God bless.
Hi Sandra,
I was shocked when I first read it but the guy talk with sense. And he actually saw what happened in the big earthquake in Mexico where school children where crushed to death because they were told to hide under their desks. Makes a lot of sense to me. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Marla,
I find his findings very logical. And he had first hand evidence of children crushed to death under their desks in Mexico. His advice is very practical. I would rather go beside a sturdy structure which could blunt the fall of heavy objects than be crushed underneath a structure like a table or desk. I would go to the sites you mentioned to study the situation farther. Thanks for your concern. God bless.
Thanks for this info. It does sound very logical. I will definitely look into his movie that he mentioned.
Blessings to you and yours,
Dear Mel,
Next to a strong sturdy piece of material is fine. On this site you can see a photo of a school building that collapsed in the the 1984 Mexico City earthquake. www.riskred.wordpress.com
No one died in any Mexico City schools - mostly because school was not in session!Getting down next to the desks would have been a life saving a possible position to take.
BUT this is alone is not scientific evidence.... unless we looked at all the other schools in the area to see what would have been SAFEST and POSSIBLE for everyone. So far "Drop Cover and Hold" remains correct. Next to a strong and sturdy piece of furniture, clarifies a bit. Copp, however, is not to be taken as an expert, esp. as his many claims are refuted by others who were there too.
Hi Tammy,
There is a strong opposition from the American Red Cross on this claim by Mr. Copp. They maintain that the traditional "Drop, Cover and Hold" is still the best option for American buildings. In fairness to them, I made an addendum to this post to elucidate their position. It is up to you dear readers to decide whom to believe. But I find the claims of Mr. Copp very credible and substantive. I doubt whether any of the officials of the American Red Cross had ever crawled inside one of a collapsed building after an earthquake. Mr. Copp was speaking from first hand and personal experiences over a period of many years of rescue and retrieval operations in collapsed buildings after severe earthquakes. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Marla,
Thanks for the pieces of information you supplied to us. I already read the report of American Red Cross debunking the claims of Mr. Copp regarding the "triangles of life". I don't see anything wrong with the advice of Mr. Copp to lie in a fetal position next to a strong material rather than lie underneath a strong material like a table or desk. Naturally when buildings crumble and concrete slabs fall on the table or desk where anybody is underneath, surely that person will be crushed to death. The probability of survival if you are beside a strong material in a fetal position is higher since the strong material will develop that triangle of life. Nobody can contest that and we don't need officials of the American Red Cross to tell us that it is not so. Anyway, each person is free to believe who he wants to believe. Thanks for your concern. God bless.
Hi Mel!
Great post. Thank you so much.
We need this kind of information.
Yesterday was tornado in my area and I was scared. Very near my son's house. Happily everything is ok.
I would like to pass something for you. Please, visit me.
God bless you!
Hi Krystyna,
This information was passed on to me by my wife in the States. I found it so valuable so I posted it in my blog. Irregardless of what the American Red Cross think about the book of Mr. Copp, nobody can deny that it is very relevant and informative. Now it is up to people to do what they must do in times of real earthquakes. Only God knows who will survive and who will not. Yes, I will go to your site immediately. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Wow, what an interesting post! Thanks for sharing. I will of course do my own research and reading but it does sound logical and sensible to me. I would not want to be crushed under anything1
Blessings to you and yours!
Hi Regina,
Thanks for your visit and comments. Of course the findings of Mr. Copp is very logical and sensible and no amount of warnings by the American Red Cross can deny the facts of the merits of his contentions. I doubt whether any of those officials of the American Red Cross has crawled in any collapsed buildings as did Mr. Copp. Thanks again and God bless.
It's a scary idea but maybe it is true.
Hi Steven and Aisha,
With due deference to the American Red Cross, I think that the contention of Mr. Copp has merit and is very sensible. Imagine all those children crushed underneath their desks because they were told to hide under tables or desks during earthquakes. The very thing that they thought would shield them from harm were the ones that killed them. How ironic it really is. Anyway, the Lord decides who will go and who will survive during times of calamities. Let us put our trust in Him. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
hi mel :) the post is interesting and will be helpful to people. thanks for sharing!
Hi Lizeth,
Thanks for your visit and comments. Von voyage on your forthcoming trip abroad to work. God bless and protect you always.
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