These pictures are an addendum to the article below since in the viewers blogs, they can't see the copied pictures. This is the reason I have to make this addendum. Please read first the article below and then go back to see these pictures. You be the judge for this clandestine operations. I apologize for the gory pictures which can upset your stomachs. God bless you all. Mel Avila Alarilla
really!?!? totoo eto?
enewei,happy sunday..be thankful for the new day! just hopping..hope to see u at mine!
Oh this is scary! I don't know what to say but I think it should be ok, don't you think? I mean I don't know.
Thanks Mel,now I can see them.I have learnt anatomy in college days with cadavers,so the pictures do not scare me.But those cadavers were treated with respect,unlike those in these pics.
It is saddening that these bodies have been just piled up carelessly,and their parts lie here and there,as if they are pieces of trash.
It is saddening to think that these corpses had no one to mourn for them,to lay them to rest with due respect.Maybe when alive,they did not do much in life to have earned that honor.
I don't think it is entirely wrong to harvest parts from these unclaimed bodies,given the growing need for human organs worldwide.But they do deserve to be stored better.
May their souls rest in peace.Amen.
Take care my friend.God Bless You always.
It is so sad what man can do to other man.
Have a blessing, happy Sunday!
Hi Gagay,
I hope you recover already from your grief from the demise of your grandmother. I wish you all of God's blessings and comfort. I am praying that the Lord will comfort you and give you grace to overcome all your trials in life. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always my young friend.
Hi Gagay,
Oooops, sorry, my mistake. I just found out after going to your blog that it was your grandpa who died not your grandma. Sorry to your grandma if she's still alive.I apologize for my error. God bless.
Hi Steven and Aisha,
The pictures are so gory and it showed their lack of respect for dead bodies. They should have given these bodies more respect and proper treatment. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you both.
Hi Sameera,
Thanks for coming back to see the pictures. I don't think this place run a legitimate business, what with the shabby way they treat the corpses. I agree with you that the corpses must be accorded proper respect and dignity no matter what their past may have been. They were treated like animal carcasses. Shame on these people. May their souls rest in peace. Thanks for your revisit and your meaningful comments. God bless you always my dear friend.
Hi Krystyna,
Yes, I agree with you. These corpses have been so badly treated and were not given proper respect. They were treated even worse than animal carcasses. Shame on these people who only look for fast buck without any regard to human sensibilities. Thanks for your visit and comments my friend. God bless you and your family always.
Hi Mel,
I answered you little bit about pomegranate in my comments.
God bless you and your family!!!
Hi Krystyna,
Thanks my friend for your kindness. I will go over to your blog to find out its efficacy. God bless.
This is so disgusting. This people dont have the heart and souls. How can someone do this?
Hi Mel just visiting you. Have a great day
Ester's Money Journal
Concealed Mind
oh my. how can these people involved in such clandestine operation do such horrible thing to dead bodies. i agree with you guys, they deserve respect and dignity.
i have a video in my cellphone that shows the similar act on picture # 4. The video sent to me was "Imbalsamador" and they were talking in an unfamiliar lingo. Hhmm, maybe they are Russians. Gruesome indeed.
the moment i saw the pictures, i suddenly envisioned my dead body being treated that way. A bad thought which exuded a much worse feeling.
Now who would want that.
Hi Ester,
Yes, I agree with you my friend. This just show what man can do to earn money even in gruesome and inhuman ways. Thanks for your visit and comments my friend. God bless.
hmmm... well last time i visited pics wr not available n now i am scared.
n i agree with watever sameera sd.
may their demised soul get respct.
Hi Samar Bloggirl,
I have heard of so many clandestine clinics around the world engaging in organs for sale but this one takes the cake in sheer barbarity and inhumanity. The dead corpses are filed one after another and were treated worse than animal carcasses. You would not think that these bodies once bore souls from God. They should have treated them with more respect and dignity. Thanks for your visit and comments my friend. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Preetilata,
Yes, the pictures are so scary and gory. You would think they came out of some Frankenstein movie. It makes one vomit with the sheer barbarity of these pictures. Thanks for your visit and comments my friend. God bless you and your loved ones always.
can't help asking this... is this for real? disgusting, yes! oh my...
Hi Pia,
Yes, this is for real. I just don't know if this is sanctioned by the government or if this is clandestine.
Anyway, all countries deal with organs for sale one way or the other. The only thing obnoxious about this situation is the disrespectful and shabby treatment of human cadavers. It's just disgusting how they do it.
Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always my dear friend.
oh..that's really gruesome and disrespectful...sad.
Hi Fingertalks,
Yes, I agree with you. It is really gruesome and disrespectful of dead people. Thanks for your visit and comments my friend. God bless you and your loved ones always.
hello mel. I hope everything's well with you and your family specially now after the typhoon.
Oh, I dont know what to say about those pictures. It's so sad to know that there are people who would do these kind of thing. They may be dead bodies but they still deserve some respect. I agree with Sameera, they do deserve to be stored better and not just being piled up carelessly everywhere.
Hi Shielalu,
Thank you so much for your visit and your concern my friend. I highly appreciate that. Yes, these people don't know how to respect the dead. God bless you always my friend.
To light a singelcandle than to curse the whole well it happened anagin.
Hi Martina,
Yes, you are so right. It is better to light a single candle than to curse the whole darkness. Maybe, little by little the collective conscience of man may be awakened from its deep slumber. Thanks for your visit and encouraging comments. God bless.
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