Are we so anxious for the answer to our prayers that sometimes we feel that God is not listening to us? Do we sometimes teach God what to do to answer our petitions? Church Fathers say that God has only three answers to our prayers: yes, no and later. We may wonder, why later? Could not God give us what we ask for now, at this very moment when we feel we need it most? The Church Fathers also teach us the doctrine of God's sovereignty over all His creation. We can never question God nor His motives for everything He does, for He is God. God gives us what we need and not what we want. And God answers our prayers in His own perfect time and not when and how we want it to be. God is also dramatic. He is fond of pushing us to the very edge of the cliff where we have nowhere else to go, and at the very last moment, He delivers us with dramatic and unmistakable effect that we can never deny His divine intervention and providence.
God's intervention and providence are greatly influenced by the degree of faith by the petitioner. The Bible says, "it is impossible to please God without faith." Faith is the language of the spiritual realm. Who among us would readily sacrifice the life of his beloved son if ordered by God to do so? But Abraham did. And God rewarded his faith and credited it to him as righteousness.
When we pray, let us humble ourselves before a sovereign God who created everything visible and invisible, and let us trust in His unfailing love that in His own perfect time, He will answer our petitions. Prayer with unshakable faith can move mountains.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, God's Perfect Time, Divine Providence, Faith
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
God always answers our prayers, but sometimes the answer is NO.
God knows what is really good for us.
"Our love for God is tested by
whether we seek Him
His gifts" - Ralph Sockman
God bless you Mel
and your lovely family!
God bless your writting!
Hi Krystyna,
If ever God's answer to our prayer is no, we should trust that He will give us something much better than what we are asking from Him. I agree with you when you said that God will give us what we need and not what we want. In the final analysis, the only thing that matters is God's ultimate purpose for our souls, and that is, our salvation. He died for us didn't He? Thanks for your visit and inspired comments my dear friend. God bless you always.
Hello there sir!
It has been a while and I hope you are doing well. I've been assiduously pursuing my studies and have had little time for blogging. I see you are as faithful as ever!
As you know, I do not pray. However, I do hope your god is kind to you!
God does answer but in His own perfect time. the things i've learned the hard way were: worship God while waiting for His answer, have faith that God will answer our petition in accordance to His will, be still while waiting.
waiting. that's never easy. but as we wait, God molds us. we can trust that God has only the best for us.
God bless you, bro.
When I pray for something and God does not answer, I feel like God does not want me to be happy. Later on I learned thats its not true. sometimes, He withholds things from us because it is not good for our well-being or we are not ready to handle it yet.
God knowe each of us and our future, so knowing this and knowing how much He loves us, I want Him to lead me to the perfect choices. Our Heavenly Father is ALWAYS there to guide and protect us.
Thanks for this post Mel!
I can relate to this post so well Mel.Sometimes,it is very frustrating when things do not happen when we want or the way we want them to.But later we realize,it was for the better and that must be God's plan.
Have a great week my dear friend.God Bless You and your loved ones always.
well whatever god do, its right.
He always answers our prayers at the right time and the right moment, we are just sometimes impatience to wait. God Bless Mel
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Hi Octavian,
Glad to hear from you again. I hope you are doing fine with your studies. Oh my God has been so good to me. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi Pia,
So aptly said my sister. All we can do is wait for God's perfect time as He molds us to become the perfect vessel that He wants us to be. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments my dear sister and friend. God bless you always.
Hi sis Wendy,
That's absolutely right. God will give us what is best for us in His own perfect time. Until that time comes, we wait and trust in His unfailing love. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments my dear friend. Please take care of yourself and your baby. God bless you and your whole family always.
Hi Lady Lynn,
Yes, we always wait on God and trust that He will grant us our fervent wishes in life. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. God bless you always my friend.
Hi Sameera,
Yes, God knows what's best for us. So we have to be patient and wait for His perfect time in our lives. Until then, no force in the whole universe can move Him to do otherwise. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always my dear friend.
Hi Elite Sports International,
You said it right. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi Tey,
Yes, God moves in His perfect time which we sometimes don't understand. The best thing is to trust in His unfailing love and wait for His perfect time. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. God bless you always my friend.
Hello Mel, thanks for dropping by and commenting :) Your comment is highly appreciated, and yes I believe with all what you said here. The three answers that GOD provides to his believers are the frequent advise I give to some friends also.
Hi Manilenya,
Thank you so much for your visit and comments too. I also appreciate that. Yes, of the three answers of God, the hardest part is on the waiting. Abraham waited for 20 years before the prophecy in his life was fulfilled. But God is faithful, He will never renege on His promises. Thanks again and God bless you always.
kaya nga sabi ng mother ko minsan ang prayer its like asking permission na.. "Lord gusto ko ito" kung di naanswer naiinis tayo. God answer the prayer yes no and wait kc minsan ang pinakamahirap na sagot ang wait.:D
mel you did some good job here
Hi Darlyn,
When the answer of the Lord to our prayer is wait, then we wait. No amount of cajoling or pressure can ever make God answer our prayers immediately. He will always do it in His own perfect time. We can only wait and obey. Then we will learn the lessons attached to our waiting. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. God bless you always my young friend.
Hi Free Meditation Download,
Thanks for the compliment but TO GOD BE THE GLORY. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
hi mel...we never know when is God's timing huh...sometimes we tend be frustrated as we are tired of waiting. We have been praying for Dad to accept Christ since umpteen years but he doesn't seem to respond to it. but we shall remain faithful, believing God is at work at the time. :)
thanks for reminder, Mel :)
I say :
Life is a story written/directed by God. We are actors.
this is a very inspiring post, bro. mel, and a good reminder, too. God answers us all the time - yes, in three ways, yes, no, later...but oftentimes we want to go ahead of Him. You are so right in saying that we just have to TRUST HIM and everything will be put in place...IN HIS TIME.
God is great! have a nice day, my friend.
Just passing by here Mel. I thought you have a new post...lols.. Be waiting nalang sa email pag meron bago. Have a great day Mel
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Thanks for the delightful post. God bless!
Hi Eel Wind,
Sometimes there are generational curses and evil spirits that are hindering the acceptance by a person of the Gospel message. We must be patient and trust that God is always on top of the situation. I will join you in your prayer evangelism for your dad. It is like an immovable rock at the seashore. It may seemed unmoved as time passes by but the continued smashing action of the waves will eventually break it down and it will be reduced to sands to join the other sands at sea. God will make a way when there seems to be no way. Just persist in your prayers and always show him a good example of a transformed Christian. Maybe that will move him to conversion. Thanks for the visit and comments my young friend. Are you still teaching in grade school? God bless you and your loved ones always my young friend.
Hi Hobo,
You can never be so right on that point my friend. Absolutely correct. Thanks for your visit and profound comments. God bless you always.
Hi Fingertalks,
I always believe on that. There are times when we have almost given up, then deliverance come in the last moment when we least expect it. God is good all the time and He will never let us down no matter what. Thanks for your visit and comments my friend. Please take care of yourself and your baby. God bless you and your loved ones always my friend.
Hi Tey,
I'm having a hard time coming up with worthwhile post on a regular basis so I'm biding my time. Thank you so much for your patience and for your constant visits. I appreciate that. God bless you and your loved ones always my friend.
Hi Emmyrose,
How are you my friend? How's your health? I hope you are doing fine and in the best of health. I like your new picture. You are so young there. College picture mo pa yata yun.He,he,he, *lol* You'll always be my beautiful and young sister and friend and I hope you have gone over the worst of your attacks. I am praying for you sister, together with Shiela, Pia, Shielalu and Chronic Chick. By the stripes of Jesus you are all healed. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always my dear friend.
It took me a long time to realize this truth. But in the end, I am joyful that God works in His time. "God makes all things beautiful in His time."
Hi Bingkee,
The sooner we realize that God works in His own perfect time, unmoved by anything in creation, the better for us. We just trust in His unfailing love for us. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. God bless you and your loved ones always.
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