Our bodies communicate with us in so many ways, but oftentimes, we never listen to them. If we will only make it a habit to listen carefully to what they are saying, then we can save ourselves from lots of troubles. For example, our bodies communicate to us when we are hungry or when we are already full. But no, we let ourselves go hungry when we are so busy and try to push the feeling of hunger out of our mind's perception. The result, sooner or later, we develop ulcers. Or our bodies tell us that we are already full and fully satisfied, but no, our mind still wants to gorge on the delectable fares on the dining table. And the result? Sooner or later, we develop unwanted fats that can lead to full blown obesity.
Pains, fevers, dizziness, neuralgia, and other bodily symptoms are the ways our bodies communicate with us. We must be very sensitive to their messages if we want to live a fully healthy and longer lives. A nagging pain in the neck and at the napes could mean a high blood pressure. This could be accompanied by dizziness and a feeling of nausea.
For most part of my life, I have not been to doctors. They only make me more sick and panicky. I just listened to my body talks and I responded to them accordingly. Of course, I am not recommending what I am doing to others. I can do this because I live by faith and not by sight (senses). My complete trust and confidence in the goodness of God and His faithfulness to His promises plus the unmistakable language of my body have kept me relatively healthy and alive all these years although I was diagnosed to have life threatening diseases a long time ago. When your body talks, please listen it attentively, then do whatever necessary things you have to do and live a relatively healthy and trouble free life.
Tags: Health, Body Talk, Symptoms, Life, Longevity, Freedom from Pain, Neuralgia, Dizziness, Sensible Diet, Exercise, Clean Living, Healthy Lifestyle, Wellness, Live By Faith, God's Promises, Long Life
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
The best doctor for your body is.... Mel!YOU!
Listen to your body, take good care and of course go to a doc if you need emergency.
We need doctors
but first we must take good care and change our bad habits.
Nobody do that.
My last visit to doctor was 18th years ago. And not because I am lazy.
Take care
and God bless you and your lovely family!
Hi Krystyna,
The last time I saw doctors was more than two years ago before my wife went to the US. I was scheduled for 3 major operations and they were so panicky then about my conditions. I was not able to go through the operations because my wife has to resign from the bank where she had her medical insurance. Until now I am still alive and relatively well because of the grace of God and because of faith. I always listen to my body when it communicates with me and I follow its directions. Thanks for your visit and wonderful comments. God bless you always my dear friend.
The reason I'm the only child among my mom's 5 kids, who had been to the doctor and dentist the most, is because I listen to my body and whine asking them to take away the discomfort or pain. So, of course, my parents had to take me to the doctor coz I would never stop crying about it. Even to this day, I would always go to the doctor for every discomfort or pain I feel. Praise God, I only have migraine and scoliosis.
kuya mel!
thank u sa mga advices.
dropping by! whew!
Hi Viviene,
I did not know you have scoliosis too. I hope it does not give you pain as I've known pain since I discovered it a long time ago. I should have let the doctors at San Miguel Corporation operate it a long time ago. But alas, I chose to heed the word of old timers and now I suffer because of it. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi gagay,
That is my ministry, to counsel and to pray for those who need them. Thanks for your visit my young friend. God bless you always.
Very true but destiny is pre-written may be no matter what precaution we take.
Hi Hobo,
Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Yes Mel this is all true. I feel this most of the time. I sometimes can feel when my body wants to give up but my mind still want to go somwhere
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Hi Tey,
Our bodies know best and we must always listen to it. It is when wee disregard its body languages that we get all kinds of diseases. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
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