Gold and silver I do not have and I cannot give any material gifts to my beloved friends but what I have I give to you all with all my heart and soul. These are my power prayers that I lift up to heaven that the Lord will shower you with His mighty blessings for your healing, upliftment and prosperity. I pray to God, who has been so good to me, and who has kept me alive after all these years although medical science could have pronounced me already dead a long time ago; who has shielded and protected me from all the trials and persecutions spawned by the arch enemy of faith; and who has provided me and my loved ones with all the best and most wonderful blessings of heaven; to Him who sits on the throne and unto the Lamb, these are my prayer petitions for my beloved friends, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
1. Shiela (Bluebirdy) - That she be completely healed of lupus, fibromyalgia and all the diseases that has wrecked her fragile body; that she be reunited with her husband; for financial blessings; complete healing for her very sick mother and brother; that they get a God fearing helper to assist them in their daily needs.
2. Krystyna - Divine healing for her grandson Kevin; deliverance from all her trials in life; strengthening of her faith; financial blessings for her and her family.
3. Sylvia (Heiresschild) - Spiritual and financial blessings for her and her family and more success in her chosen career in life.
4. Sis Pia - For her reunion with her husband Jec and for the strengthening of their family ties; spiritual and financial blessings and success in her chosen career.
5. Sameera - Blessings for her and her relationship with her fiance; blessings for her work and her chosen career; blessings for her family and loved ones; that her planned marriage in November 2009 will push through and that she will have a blissful and successful marriage.
6. Sis Emmyrose - For her complete healing and deliverance from lupus, fibromyalgia and other diseases; that she finally find the man of her dreams and she becomes completely happy and fulfilled in life; for spiritual and financial blessings for her and her family.
7. Bingkee (Viviene) - Blessings for her family and her work and that she finally bear a child of her own; more success for her chosen career; spiritual and financial blessings for her and her family.
8. Tey (Ester) - Blessings for her and her family; blessings for the success of her chosen career in life; blessings for good health and long life for her and her family.
9. Bluedreamer27 - Blessings for his schooling and financial success in life; blessings that she finds the girl of her dreams; blessings for God's divine providence for him and his family.
10. Fingertalks (Des) - Blessings for her and her husband in a foreign land; blessings for her family and loved ones; blessings for the child in her womb; blessings for her chosen career in life.
11. Wendy Lopez-Redaon - Blessings for her and her family; blessings for Nigel- her son in her womb; that she will have a safe and normal delivery; blessings for divine providence for her and her family; blessings for the success of her chosen career in life.
12. Caca - Blessings for her and her family; blessings for her schooling and love life; blessings for financial freedom and success in her chosen career in life; that she finally find the love of her life.
13. Gagay - Blessings for her chosen career in life; that she finds a stable and perfect job; blessings for divine providence for her and her family; blessings for her lovelife.
14. Eel Wind (Elween) - Blessings for his chosen career in life; blessings for his financial stability and success in his work.
15. Amrita - Blessings for her and her family for God's provisions for all their needs; blessings for her spiritual growth.
16. Mississippi Songbird- Blessings for her and her family; blessings for divine providence for her and her family.
17. Jennifer (Dust Bunny Hostage) - Blessings for her and her family; blessings for God's divine providence for all their needs.
18. Shawie - Blessings for her and her family; that love prevail in their family always; blessings for God's divine providence for her and her family.
19. Feripula - Blessings for her and her teaching career; blessings for God's divine providence for her and her family; blessings for her successful career and lovelife.
20. Tin-tin - Blessings for her in her chosen career; blessings for God's divine providence for her and her family; blessings that she finally find the man of her dreams.
21. Priya Joyce - Blessings for her schooling; blessings for her chosen career in life; blessings for God's provisions for her and her family.
22. Pennylane - Blessings for her health that she be healed of her disease; blessings for the success of her chosen career; blessings for her lovelife with her boyfriend; blessings for God's divine providence for her and her family.
23. Chubskulit -Blessings for her and her family: that their closely knit family will be always filled with love and loving relationship; blessings for God's divine providence for her and her family and loved ones.
24. Steven and Aisha - Blessings for them both and their families; that they should always be in love with each other until death; blessings for God's divine providence for them and their families.
And for all my other friends and readers whom I can no longer place here for lack of space, I utter the same prayers for them. This I pray heavenly Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, though the ministry of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen and amen.
Tags: Prayers, New Year, 2009, Divine Providence, Blessings, Love Life, Career, Family, Bonding, Joy, Healing, Deliverance, Married Life, Marriage, Children, Mother's Womb, Safe Delivery, Man of Your Dream, Woman of Your Dream, Friends, Blog
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
This prayer is so power-packed Mel especially coming from such a godly and very loving person like you. Thanks so much for including me in your your prayers. You are such a truly blessed and an amazing friend. I also pray that you may always have good health, lots of love and affection from family and friends, joy, prosperity and peace to you and your family. May you also be infilled with the Holy Spirit all the time.
That message above is from me, Bing. I dunno what happened ..it only wrote B.
thank you, bro, for this beautiful and sincere prayer. amen to all those prayers and i claim that prayer for me in Jesus' name.
God bless you, bro. i pray that God will grant you the desires of your heart. financial provision and complete healing from any kind of sickness. blessings for your wife and children too.
Thank you Mel from deep of my heart!
My Kevin really needs God's healing. Now he is in a good condition but it is not finish with chemo yet.
It is a very great idea ...prayers for bloggers friend!!!
You are in my prayers too, Mel.
God bless you
and all bloggers here.
Hi Viviene,
Yes, I am constantly reinforcing these prayers for my blogging friends. That's all I can give to all of you. As the strength from my physical body is ebbing low, I am lifting up these power packed prayers for the upliftment of your souls and for your countless blessings from the Lord. Thanks for your visit my friend. God bless you always.
Hi sis Pia,
I know that this will be your year. I pray to the Lord that He will touch the heart of Jec and he will find his way back to your arms again. This is also your year of promotion. Claim all of these from the Lord for this will be a banner year for you. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments my dear sister and friend. May we see each other someday in front of our Lord. God bless you always.
Hi Krystyna,
You can always count on me to link with you in prayers for your beloved grandson Kevin. God's angels are taking care of all his needs. My prayers are for your spiritual upliftment too for you are caught in the midst of your deep Christian faith and your affinity with Eastern philosophies. Thanks for your prayers too. I really need them since I could feel the strength from my body slowly ebbing. I am awaiting for God to renew my strength since I could scarcely lift up my body. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. God bless you always my dear friend.
i'm so touched. grabe, thank you mel. salamat for being a friend. you're like the kuya i always dreamed of. i've a kuya pero parang mas matanda ako mag-isip sa kanya. hahaha!
happy new year! good health and more wisdom for you. :)
Very nice.
Wishing peace & prosper 2009.
You're very sweet and thoughtful Mel. I dont know what to say and how to thank you enough.
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Hi Caca,
You're welcome my young friend. Yes, you can count on me to be your elder brother who will keep up with your mood swings. I just love your poems. Thanks for your visit and encouraging comments. God bless you always.
Hi Hobo,
Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless.
Hi Tey,
Just thank the Lord. We are all linked together by one faith in God.
Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. God bless you always.
Dear Mel
I just saw your most beautiful and sincere prayer over at my dear friend Amrita's.
I was just wondering if you could add my dear father to your list.
He is 82 and not saved yet.
I am looking for the happy day when I can change my blog profile where I can say that Dad is saved!
His name is Dad Golden and I would cherish your prayers for him Mel
In Christian love, Terry
Hi Terry,
Yes, that I will gladly do since it is really my ministry to serve those who need prayers here in the internet. Let us link our prayers for your dad. It will also help if you could find a born again Christian who is trusted by your father so that he can actively minister to him. Nothing is impossible with God sister. Just believe and trust the Lord and He will surely answer our prayers. Thanks for your visit and request. God bless you always.
Thanks so much Mel.
Yes there are a few of our Christian friends who Dad Golden trusts. He just has the problem that he has lived such a good life, been a good husband and dad to nine kids. He feels that it is good enough but none of us can go to heaven on good works. The price has been paid by the Lord Jesus and we have to accept His free gift!
Thanks so much....Christian love, Terry
A prayer is enough to show that you really care for your friend's spiritual well-being and sure, don't underestimate the power of prayer:) thanks, Mel for the wonderful prayer...I pray that you continue to be God's servant and inspire more people to keep their grounds and faith in God:) and for those who are not believers, they're worth a prayer too:) God Bless you and your family!
Dear Mel,I cannot tell you just how much I was touched by this extremely thoughtful gesture of yours.In today's world,where people have no time for themselves,it's really astonishing to find a person like you who cares so much for others.
May God Bless You and your lovely family with every happiness and fulfillment in life.
Hi Terry,
If you could give me his email address, I can send him a little note explaining that there is no salvation without Jesus in your life. I will accompany such email with much prayer so that the Holy Spirit will touch him. I also prayed for your friend Betty. May she have a successful triple by-pass operation. Keep on praying for your father. There is always hope when one is still alive. Thanks for your visit and inspired messages. God bless you always.
Hi shawie,
I will always pray for you my friend since I know that you have a heart of gold. I will pray that God will bless you more so that you can help many more people with His abundant blessings in your life. Continue to care for the "little ones" for that will bring you more blessings from the Lord. God bless your husband too for all the good things he has done for your life. God bless you always.
Hi Sameera,
You brought tears to my eyes my dear friend. I could almost sense the feeling of brotherly love from you. I will always pray for your happiness, success and prosperity in life my friend. May you find true happiness in the arms of Kabir. May you have a wonderful blissful married life. May you continue to write to bring more love and inspirations to others. You have a heart bursting with love and friendship for your friends and I witnessed how they respond with equal love and friendship for you. We may never see each other in life but I will always treasure your friendship my dear friend. God bless you always.
Dear Mel
Mom and Dad Golden don't have a computer.
What I have done quite often is that when I make a post about him I print it out with all of the comments that are there.
He reads them.
Amrita and Felisol pray for him and give him little messages.
So far he has not objected.
I am really glad that you are praying for him.
May the Lord bless you in this work that you are doing for Him
Christian love, Terry
Dear Mel,
I forgot to thank you for praying for Betty.
She is my sister and so far she seems to be doing good since the operation but she still has to be careful...Thanks Mel!
Hi Terry,
Yes, I will visit your blog very soon to offer a prayer for your dad. I'm glad that your sister Betty is doing well. I will continue to pray for your dad and sister. That's the only thing I can do for them. And yes, I am going to pray for you too since you have a heart of gold that burns with love for your kindred. Thanks for your visit and inspiring messages. God bless you always.
Dear Mel..
Today I felt particularly low.
I was at Mom and Dad Goldens like we are every Sunday afternoon and we were looking at old pictures.
I have posted one at my blog.
We are now on our way to Gospel meeting..Christian love, Terry
Hi Terry,
Never focus on your feelings and emotions. They can lead you astray. Fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. You see, we make life what it is. Try to banish all negative thoughts and feelings that come to you and focus more on the positive and happy things in life. Count your blessings. Hear the chirping of the birds. Appreciate the rustlings of the grasses and leaves. Try to commune with nature and you will feel that God is everywhere and you will feel happy.
You are a masterpiece of God's creation and you were wonderfully made by God. Never let negative things put you down. Smile always. God loves you. Thanks for your visit and honest comments. God bless you always.
bro. mel. salamat. maraming salamat po...ngaun lng ako nakasagot. nagkasakit ako...pero pagaling na ang ubo ko.
praying for you and your family as well...
thanks my friend.
Hi Des,
I am praying to the Lord that you will get healed very soon. Just take care of yourself and your baby. Thanks for your visit and your appreciation for my prayers. God bless you always my friend.
thank you so much for the prayer. that's also what i'm praying for :)
Hi Tintin,
You're welcome. Trust in God and He will surely answer our prayers. Thanks for the visit and appreciation. God bless you always.
Your reply made me cry Mel.I echo the sentiment you feel,I have always felt that brotherly love from you,and I feel myself lucky to have such a caring and thoughtful friend like you.God willing,we shall meet one day.
Thank you so much for everything.God Bless You my dear friend.
Hi Sameera,
You are indeed one of a kind, a person who has so much love and friendship in your being. I know your life will be happy and prosperous and you will succeed in all your goals in life. Thanks again for visiting and for your very comforting words. God bless you always my dear friend.
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