Have you not noticed how some people crave so much for human attention and recognition? It is as though they live for the world alone. They shout their accomplishments for everybody to hear. They are like parading generals with so many medals bedecked on their uniforms. It does not matter whether they feel extreme discomfort because of the heavy load on their chest. They are like the peacock who strut the full spectrum of its fabulous feathers for the whole world to see. And what is usually the bedfellow of vanity? Yes, flattery, tons of it. A vain person never recognizes a spurious compliment from hollow flatterers. There are so many vain people in the blog world and there are also an abundance of those who indulge in empty flatteries. Pardon the expression, but it sickens one's soul to read about them. The vain person will write and boast of all of the outstanding things he does- from the mundane to the banal, and myriads of readers lap them up with catch phrases and coined responses without actually reading the whole post. I know from the comments made on my posts who read them and who did not. Some will mention about the title. Others will compliment about the picture. Still others will make a comment that is totally out of place with the article. But I have seen worse comments on other blogs like: nice post, great article, keep it up, miss you terribly sweetheart, exciting, I love your dress, etc., etc. Well, as they say- misery loves company. It's just pathetic to see them pat each other's back and really enjoy the emptiness of it all. Well, some people just love flatteries- pure and simple.
Epilogue: My readers may be suprised by the tone of this article which is a far cry from my articles of positive thoughts and general wellbeing. Probably, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed when I wrote this post. Hehehe *lol* I apologize if I rankled anybody's sensibilities with this post. It was never meant to disparage anybody. They are just my two cents worth of opinion on things I see. Hey, it's still a beautiful world and a wonderful life out there. God bless you all.
Top of The World - The Carpenters
Tags: Vanity, Flattery, Strange Bedfellows, Vain People, Flatterers, Self Love, Self Esteem, Self Aggrandizement, Egotism, Narcissism, Beautiful People, On Top of The World, Rich and Famous, The Elite, Fabulous, Worldly
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
well, I don't really agree to your opinion that "They are like the peacock who strut the full spectrum of its fabulous feathers for the whole world to see".
to me, it's like, living in fantasy which you will never live in reality. even as weird as the picture I made for myself, it satisfies my curiosity of how I might I look if I am living in such world. but in normal life, I am still an average joe living a normal life.
Blessed New Year Mel. God bless you and your family :)
Hi Eel Wind,
Different people have different interpretation of realities. To some, we are as unreal as a pink panther. To them what is real is to live by the day for the pure pleasure of it all. Thanks for your visit and intuitive comments my young friend. Happy New Year and God bless you always.
Hi Mel!
Really surprise today. The title, pics and your article are different than usually. But don't worry, Mel... you told what you thought.
Generally, I don't like too comment that is totally out of place with the post, even commentator writes nice words.
We know that writing post takes a lot of time.
And I understand that writing comments takes a lot of time too.
in a busy day - short comment: "Hey", "Good morning" - is ok and nice too/for me/.
But we always know who reads or doesn't read our post. And we know who is truthful friend.
It is good to tell the truth, Mel.
The truth doesn't mean that everything is ok. Telling the truth needs a courage. You tell the truth in a very kind way and with a good intention.
Blogging is a lesson. It is good if we learn each from other.
I always learn something from you.
Today too.
Have a blessing day!
Oh yeah, I want to think that maybe you woke up on the wrong side of the bed. He-he-he
Anyway, may you have a prosperous, blessed and happy new year
Hi Krystyna,
Yes, I really had a hard time posting this article since it is totally out of place in my blog. But I have to post it because it came from a previous inspiration. As I said, probably I fell out of bed when I wrote it. Hehehe *lol* Anyway, I really do not mean to disparage the commenting of others. It's just that some comments really show the hollowness of it all. Some comments are done just to write something even if the commenter did not even read the post. Well so much for that. Back to the good old basic feel good and everything's nice articles. Pardon me for that one basic slip in my pen. I really respect you a lot my friend and I will never want to rankle anybody's feelings because of my post. Thanks for your lovely visit and inspiring comments as usual. I am scheduling to review your blog in my other blog- How's Your Blog? sometime soon. God bless you always my dear friend.
Hi Grace,
So sorry for that. But maybe it was meant for something good too. I always believe in Romans 8:28, "All things work together for the good of those who love Him who have been called according to His purpose". Dyahe talaga. Bawe na lang next time. Thanks for your visit and nice comments. God bless you always.
ehm, i do have to agree with krystyna. sometimes, we tend to be over busy and can't our loads of our mind. so a warm greeting of 'hello' would be nice too. at least he/she still remembers you.
God bless you :)
Hi Eel Wind,
Yes, I agree with Krystyna and you. As they say, it is the thoughts that count. Thanks again for your visit. God bless.
Happy New Year my dear friend.May you and your family have nothing but happiness and goodness coming your way this year.
That's a very wise post,we all could do to take a slice from it.
God Bless You and your loved ones always.
Hi Sameera,
Thanks for the greetings. I really appreciate that. Actually I had second thoughts about posting that article since it was so unlike my previous posts. But I wrote that under inspiration so I have to post it. So sorry if it turns out to be a little negative. Thanks for your visit and lovely comments. God bless you always my dear friend.
Wishing peace & prosper 2009.
Amen !
Hi Hobo,
Same to you. Thanks for your visit and greetings. God bless.
wow this is the first time I read your though where you sound mad Mel. HUH!! is that you? Hmmmm, I am somewhat hit by some of the words here!! .. Have a great day my friend
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Hi Tey,
Sorry Tey. I will never know what made me write that article. I really had a hard time deciding whether to post it or not, but since it was given to me by inspiration I decided to write it for whatever purpose it may serve. Anyway, sometimes the runner stumbles and it is a real hard lesson for me. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always my friend.
Hello Mel..firstly, thanks for being a supportive online friend @ blog catalog. The gratitude is for your having the time to visit my blogs and post relevant comments on some of my articles.
I do not find this post quite hard to accept for it is true that people blog or brag about what they did excellently..it is human nature to talk about the good things that touch your spirit..but it is not humbling to yell about your achievements for people have a way of finding out the persona behind the writer.
Writing is the writer himself. If you edit that to suit the taste of your readers, then you are writing for them..that is not the meaning of blogging..not unless it is a blog that aims to educate using other resources or inked thoughts..but personal blogging is personal thoughts. That is everyone's right--the right to express in a civil and acceptable manner.
Thanks for sharing and God bless. :)
Hi Bai,
Thank you so much for your visit and very intelligent comments. Although I agree with you that bloggers have the right to write about what they feel, I can't blame my other readers for expressing surprise at the tone of my post. I have been blogging for more than two years now and mostly I write about very positive things that are inspirational and motivational. That has been my ministry for the Lord. It just so happened that probably a negative spirit slipped past me and I focused on the negative aspect of blogging. That was very unbecoming of me indeed. That is the reason why I apologized to my readers. Anyway, I really appreciate your honest views on this matter. I do admire your writing prowess. You are a rare breed among bloggers since you really have a mind of your own. Thanks again and God bless you always.
Good Afternoon!!! melavilaalarilla.blogspot.com is one of the most outstanding innovative websites of its kind. I enjoy reading it every day. All the best.
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