A post dedicated to my good friend and guardian angel- Bluebirdy of Life- 4 Hours At A Time.
I have often wondered why God has allowed to make you suffer that much and inspite of that, you remain so true to Him, faithful up to the end. You make your life a shining testimony of how a sickly woman, with an equally sickly mother and brother
living all by themselves in Canada, can carry on with your collective lives. How your body, wracked with lupus, fibromyalgia and that dreaded nerve disease they call suicide syndrome because majority of its sufferers tend to commit suicide because of the excruciating pain it brought to them, have been able to bear them all? It made me wonder how God can tolerate such suffering from a kindhearted soul who, inspite of your physical and financial woes, could still help others like me with the outstanding testimonials of your life in the love of the Lord.
But you are not alone. I am also suffering like you. My body is also wracked with all diseases and pains that I seemed to live just by faith alone. When I think of sis Emmyrose of Just Let Go, I know that there are countless Christians suffering terrible trials in their lives but still faithfully holding on to God's promises. All of us have our own "thorn in the flesh" just like Paul. God is also saying, "My grace is sufficient for you." For when we are weak then we are strong in the strength of our God. Often, people like Euroyank and Vest, good and honorable people themselves, have often asked me how I carry on with my faith and not with the wisdom of the world. This is our collective answer, as this was also the answer of the thousands of early Christians who were martyred in the early days of the church for professing their faith. WE ARE HOLDING ON TO THE PROMISE OF THE LORD THAT WHEN WE MEET HIM FACE TO FACE, HE WILL WIPE EVERY TEAR FROM OUR EYES AND HE WILL WELCOME US TO HIS HEAVENLY DWELLING WITH THE WORDS, "WELCOME MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANTS TO THE DWELLING OF MY FATHER AND YOUR FATHER."
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Salvation, Grace, Eternal Life, Trials, Persecutions, Wisdom, Joy, Pains, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Diseases, Healing, Divine Healing, Faith, Promise, Tears in Heaven
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
Hi Mel!
You and Sheila, and Emmyrose are a great example of godly wisdom and unique, strong faith in God and in God's will.
You all make us stronger,
helping us to understand
what really matters is in life,
what is unconditional love
and what really Faith is.
Thank for this great post,
thank you for being yourself.
God bless you and
God bless Sheila and Emmyrose.
You all always in my prayers.
Hi Krystyna,
You are indeed a true Christian friend and comrade in Christ. I know that you are also carrying your own burdens in life and you do so with such exemplary faithfulness in the Lord. One day we will all meet face to face with our God and He will wipe away all the tears in our eyes. Until then let us continue to serve the Lord by being a light to this world and a salt to the earth. Thanks for your visit and very inspired comments my dear friend. God bless you always.
What an odd coincidence. (But I believe there are no coincidences, a Co-incidence is God's way of saying "I planned this".) While you were writing this blog about me, and Krystyna was writing a comment on my blog, I was writing a letter to you and to Krystyna! I have a few more thoughts to add, then I will send them. I don't understand why you think so much of me, but thank you so much. I think if you knew me better, you might not be so impressed. lol. I am also writing an update to my blog all day. I think I needed to see your blog before I could finish and post my post. Once again I am humbled. Lupus is a horrible disease, as Emmyrose can also tell you. It's so strange, and moves around the body so fast that no doctor can study it because it changes every day or so and is different in every patient. The other diseases sure make life hard. Everything seems hard, often too hard and now I am trying to get enough strength from the Lord to take on a whole new life with my husband coming home, when I can barely get up the stairs in my house! I am praying for a miracle. if not a complete healing, then even a partial one.
Bless you Mel, you are in my prayers. (As is Emmyrose).Emmyrose if you read this, I would like to get to know you better and write to you more often!
Hi Shiela,
Right now I am on my third week of fasting and I have not taken my maintenance medicines all these time. I am praying to the Lord for total healing. I know it is really hazardous. My elder sister had a major stroke just one week after stopping her maintenance medicines for hypertension and my younger brother (also a Christian) just had his right leg amputated because of diabetes. I am holding on to the promise of God no matter what happens. It does not matter if I die doing it. My life is in the hands of the Lord. I am praying for you that the Lord will heal you before your eventual reunion with your husband. That would be a momentous occasion. Both of you coming from a war- his a local war and yours a spiritual warfare. But I know both of you will overcome all your adversities. God bless you and your loved ones always my dear friend.
that's faith
Stories like these touch me because most oftentimes people or even us could blame God and be angry at Him and then stray away from Him. But we do have the choice----either to cling on to Him all the more for strength or let go of Him and rely on our own strength. I will always choose the former.
Dear Mel,
I believe that with spirit of God of your guide, you make right choices.
"Teach me your way, o Lord, that I my walk in your truth.."
I'd like to add that God use people, and remember that doctors are God's angels too.
Be careful.
"God I do what I can, and You do what I cannot"- this is my prayer.
I mean that prayer is the first, very important step, but what we can do by yourself, we have to do by yourself. There is our job and God's job. Nobody can do what we have to do.
This is my opinion.
So be careful, fasting is a great medicine, but not for everybody and have to be use in a right moment.
Specially if disease needs strong medicine/pills fasting is not good.
Try to do what you can with God's blessing and with God's protection.
God bless you and God heal you!
You are always in my prayers.
Mel, I think you have had another miracle. If most people with diabetes and high blood pressure went off their medicine and started fasting for a month, they would be dead! I agree with Krystyna, fasting is good medicine when used occasionally, but people with diabetes are not supposed to fast at all, so be careful what advice you give. You have a lot of influence and people might decide to depend only on God, and do like you, and stop medicines and fast, and I have seen faith-filled people die from that. I hope your health continues to improve with the Lord's guidance. I am happy for whatever increase in quality of life you may gain.
Your sister in Christ,
oh sorry to hear about your present health problems, Mel... i think Sheila is right...
i pray that you'll be fine:)
God Bless!
I dont know what to say Mel. I think we all have our own burdens which sometimes challenge our faith. But having faith is the only way to survive. Thanks for this wonderful post
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Hi Tintin,
Thanks for the encouragement. I really appreciate that. God bless you always.
Hi Bingkee,
I know what I am doing is quite dangerous and must never be followed by others. But I intend to hold on to God's promises no matter what. The doctors have made their diagnosis more than two years ago that I was to be operated for acute hernia and prostate gland, for scoliosis (my lumbar 5 already collapsed on my lumbar 4) and for acute thyroid gland. I have a very high blood pressure then and my diabetes was also alarming but I did not undergo those operations (because we already lacked the money since my wife was going to the US then). And here I am still alive and testifying to God's faithfulness. I have not been to a doctor ever since. Thanks for your visit and inspired comments. God bless you always.
Hi Krystyna,
I understand what you are saying and I am not recommending what I am doing to others because of the danger if might bring to them. But I am very fine right now. I feel stronger and I feel this is what God wants me to do, to trust Him fully no matter what. I have been to the portals of death so many times that death holds no terror for me anymore. The only reason why I cling to life is my children whom I minister as father and mother since my wife is in the US. I know the dangers these steps of mine entail. As I said before, my elder sister suffered a major stroke just a week off her maintenance medicines for hypertension and my younger brother just had his right leg amputated after discovering that he has diabetes. I have pains in my body but I surrender them to the Lord and He is taking good care of me. Thank you so much for your sisterly concern. I have taken your advice with an open mind. God bless you always. You are also in my prayers.
Hi Shiela,
I fully understand what you are saying and I know I wield a lot of influence on my readers. But I never recommend to them what I am doing. Far from it. I have no choice really since I don't have any money to see doctors and even if I do, that would only hasten my death since what they will say will only affect me negatively. What I want is for people to believe in faith in God for all their needs including their sicknesses. My life is entirely in the hands of the Lord. And I do everything through the leading of the Holy Spirit. I do not object to people seeing their doctors and taking their maintenance medicines. There's no quarrel there. I am just relating here what I am doing with my life and that is living by pure faith in God. Right now, I am into partial fasting with only fruits, vegetables, rice and fish and completely no food after my lunch. And I recite always God's verses for healing. I have complete faith that I will be completely healed. Thanks for your concern my sister in Christ. I feel so good for freeing myself from the bondage of those maintenance medicines but if I feel worse of course I will take them. I am not a stubborn fool my dear friend. I am praying for your healing so that when you are reunited with your husband you can have your much delayed honeymoon, lol. God bless you always my dear friend.
Hi Shawie,
Yes, Shiela is really right but I have these problems for most of my life and I feel wonderful to be freed from those obnoxious maintenance medicines. I course I will take them again if I feel worse and I never recommend them to others. Thanks for your concern my friend. I hope you have made peace with your hubby and you are super close again. Thanks for your visit and concern. God bless you and your loved ones always.
Hi Tey,
I don't have money to see the doctor. That's all there is to it. I will spend the money for the needs of my children instead of for myself. The Lord is taking care of me. Thanks for your visit and concern. God bless you always my friend.
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