What is beatific vision? Simply, it is a glimpse of heaven while on earth. It is the embodiment of what Paul said in 1Corinthians 2:9, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." Visionaries, enlightened saints and those whose spiritual development brought about by great intimacy with God, are most likely the recipients of this great privilege. That was the reason why those who were crucified, burned at the stakes or fed to ferocious lions have that calm and serene look on their faces. They were already focused on the supreme ecstasy of meeting the Lord face to face and enjoying His presence for all eternity. They were already dwelling in the spiritual realm and no longer cared for their mortal bodies. If you are suffering from excruciating pain, have debilitating or dreaded disease and have only very limited time to live on earth; if you are saddled by a mountain of problems and could hardly bear the burden on your shoulders; if you feel that you are already at the end of the line and are already contemplating on ending your life, if so, you can turn to God and seek Him earnestly and He promised that you will find Him if you seek Him with all of your heart. You have only to be quiet and wait for the Lord. And He will speak to you in the stillness of your soul.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Beatific Vision, Heaven on Earth, Kingdom of God, Ecstasy, Visions, Visionaries, Saints, Spiritual Realm, Intimacy With God, Waiting For The Lord, Stillness of The Soul, Joy, Love, Peace, Grace, Eternal Life
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
I dont know what to feel. Am I going to be scared or am I going to be happy? I hope when this pain happen to me, God will be there to guide me to heaven
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Mel, this is the most beautiful message, and most beautiful post. Very necessary and timely!!!
We live in times of the end of our planet, our earthly life.
Even if we are not aware of it, but none of us knows what tomorrow will bring.
Thanks God for your Promise!
Thank you Mel for this timely message!
God bless you!
Hi Tey,
Oh no my friend. You don't have to suffer physical pain in order to go to heaven or even have a glimpse of it on earth. God will never give you something you can not bear. He is so patient with everyone waiting for each one to come to Him. He never forces Himself on anyone. Just be attuned to God and be sensitive on what He wants in your life. Not all who will go to heaven suffer pain. And not all who suffer pain will go to heaven. It is never a prerequisite in going to heaven. Accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior and walking in His ways will assure you of entry to heaven. I hope you will banish your unfounded fears. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always my friend.
Hi Krystyna,
Yes that is a promise by God embodied in the letter of Paul to the Corinthians. That will give us the inspiration to strive more for heavenly things and not mind what is happening in our physical world. One day the Lord will come to wipe away every tear in our eyes. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always my sister in Christ.
Hi Tintin,
Thanks. God bless.
Very beautiful message and picture. If only every soul on earth would yearn for Christ and realize what is truly in store for them on the other side, many will look forward to a beatific vision. I know I do. Cheers!
Hi Wenko,
Thank you so much for your beautiful message. Thanks for your visit. God bless you always.
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